
iPhone Video API. Is frame by frame control possible.

I would like to do the following on iPhone/iPodTouch: Open a video and - via swipe or tilt - use gesture to move through each frame. Think of it as a gestural flipbook. Does the video API support seeking frame by frame in this manner? Thanks, Doug ...

Creating thumbnails from video files with Python

I need to create thumbnails for a video file once I've uploaded to a webapp running python. How would I go about this... I need a library that can basically either do this for me, or that can read the image frames out of video files (of several formats) automatically. ...

iPhone SDK: Custom video player controls

Hello, In my iPhone app I have designed a custom video player, currently it is very basic with just a play pause and stop button, but I would like the user to be able to scrub, (I think thats the right word) the video like you can do with apple's original media player. So for Instance I would like to be able to take a UISlider and have i...

Video format that wouldn't require a browser plugin

What is the recommended (cross-browser) video format to use on websites so that users' browsers (or most of them) wouldn't require to download a plugin to view it? ...

iphone sdk: Movie Player in UIWebView

Hi guys, As we all know if I want to download an mp4 file a iphone's movie player (MPMoviePlayerController) pops out and plays the video. My question is if I can get some kind of a message that it pops out or perhaps even to prevent it from appearing? Thanks ...

How do I load multiple large images and video in Actionscript 3.0?

I am creating a Flash site for a client who wants to display many (about 15) fairly hi-res photos as well as a video. I am using the Video class to display and control the video, and the Loader class to load the photos. I preload them from an XML file up front, while "loading..." is displayed. The video plays immediately after the loade...

Play youtube videos with MPMoviePlayerController

Hello I'm trying to stream some youTube videos using the MPMoviePlayerController but I'm having some problems. The code i'm using is pretty simple and I can play .m4v videos by passing a URL to initWithContentURL. When I launch the movie player the player comes up but just goes away after about 20 seconds. When I try it in the simulat...

DId Quicktime 7.6.5 Windows fix QT for Java? Best video for JavaFX?

Greetings, I have read that QuickTime for Java is esentially broken on both Windows 7 and Snow Leopard. I can't tell how broken -- doesn't seem broken, but could just be my setup. I'm trying to determine whether this is a good technology stack, or if I should look elsewhere. Objective: I want to build a specialized desktop video playe...

Non-linear video editing tool/API?

Can anyone recommend a good library that would enable me to write an application that can blend multiple input videos into one output video (for example into a split screen). I don't care about the programming language (C, C++, Java, Ruby and Python are fine). The only one I found is GStreamer with the non-linear plugins. But I can't f...

Video streaming from desktop to iphone

Hi, Could anyone shed light upon how to capture a live video which is on a desktop and integrate the same to my iphone, so that i can view same live video on my iphone. I am stuck as to where to start. If anyone could give technical info would be greatly helpful. thanks in advance ...

Video upload in MVC application?

Hello All, I want to upload video in my mvc application please tell me how will I do that and what necessary steps I shall follow. I am a naive user to the mvc applications Thanks Ritz ...

Video editing using PHP

Is it possible to record a voice onto the uploaded video using PHP? ...

Length of flash videos

Hello, I need to find the length of a flash video hosted on any of the popular video sharing websites. Is this possible? How does Blinkx determine length of the videos it has indexed? Thanking you in advance. Regards Mansoor ...

How to make a Video "mini/filter-driver"

Hello everyone I need to create an application/driver in Windows that captures the video stream from a webcam, performs some modifications and passes it back on to the system (so it streams out to say skype). Anyone knows how to create / register such an app ? Maybe samples on the web ? Thanks in advance ...

iPhone How to programmatically handle SMS/Call alert notification

I'm having some problems with SMS alerts and call notification freezing up the video player. I'm currently displaying a video using MPMoviePlayerController with movieControl Hidden. I'm also overlaying a subtitle using UITextView on top of the video. However whenever a SMS alert popup, the video will freeze up but the textView will con...

Full In-Browser Window Looping Video

I would like to achieve this effect. Suggestions on how to achieve? ...

Do you commit a complete web-directory to SVN or you do some exceptions (large binaries)?

Particularly I mean videos. I have fair bit of videos on my website and as I do submit all graphics with the sources, I have serious doubts about committing videos and archives (sizes between 10MB and 300MB). Does it make any sense at all to do this? ...

How to show youtube video/ Embed code video Preview/snapshot in rss

I am trying to generate rss feed for myclips Some of the clips have image snap shot, but some of them are youtube flash video. is there a way to show the embed video in the rss just like we show image in the rss eg: Please let me know....

iPhone SDK: How do you fast forward and rewind video?

Hello, Is it possible to fast forward and rewind a playing video in the iPhone SDK using the media player frame work? If so what is the code to use. (without actually using the iPhone's default media player controls) P.s. I know what to do for play/stop/pause. ( [self.playingvideo pause]; etc ) But I don't know the code to rewind and ...

Getting/generating an image from embedded flash video

So what I am curious about is if it is possible and how, to have an embedded video and capture the thumbnail. There are other sites that share video and I'd like to get the thumbnails from the embedded videos, but they use flash video players to show the video and likely use flashvars to pull up the right video. I appreciate any help h...