
looking for an idea for a .net web app with video chat

Hello all, I'm looking for an idea for a final project in .net. I thought about building an IM AJAX app with .net but am kind of getting the feeling that the only way to do the video/audio chat is with flash and action script... I have 4 month to do the project and the idea that in that time i will have the ability to learn a new lang...

Is it possible to Embed a Video in Email Newsletter?

I was wondering if I could send an email with video, where i can embed my wmv or any video files from my website on to a email so that when customers open the email they can click play and watch the video? Or Can I include youtube video directly into email. So that the users can directly watch youtube video on their email? Thanks. ...

Flash Video Streaming Intricacies

My client has a site where they stream in MP4 videos from a Flash Media Server. This works all fine but now they want to move all the videos to their local server (accessible on a sub-domain) and this is where the sh*t hits the fan. I've tried many combinations but haven't gotten it to work so far. One part of the problem is that I can'...

How to display a video in a web page using html,php

How to display a video in a web page using html,php, Any example code any one will help ,please ...

Adding effects to a MP4 Video?

I'd like to do several things to a MP4 video, but I am not sure where to start. Some things I'd like to do: - Change the color of the video to Black & White, Sepia, etc. - Add animations, such as fade in, fade out, custom images/text moving around - Embed text into the video Essentially, the basic features of a video editing program....

problem with pyglet playing video

hello . I'm new to pyglet and i have a problem with video.. I'm trying to play a video using pyglet .. but instead of playing the video in the window it just exits immediately and terminates .. do you guys have any solution for this problem how can i hold the window to play vedio?? i use windows vista 64x with python 2.5 please help ...

Does Apple Reject applications that use a lot of bandwidth?

I've heard reports that Apple will reject applications that use excessive amounts of bandwidth. The number that I've heard is a maximum of 1MB/minute of bandwidth usage. Although I've seen this number on various boards, I haven't been able to find an explicit statement from Apple's guidelines that speak to this. I'm looking to strea...

How can I programmatically extract a preview image - like the first frame - from an FLV file in Java?

Updated: Since my original request appears to be almost impossible, what's the next simplest solution? Invoke the swftools app? Make a JNI call to the ffmpeg lib? Original: This is related to "how to extract flash frames programmatically" but I am constrained to Java libraries only (and no JNI calls to C please). This also implies no ...

Are there any established standard practices for video on the web while supporting mobile?

Seeing as how Flash Video isn't well supported in the mobile world, are there any best practices for embedding video on a website ensuring that it can accessed by as many devices as possible? (short of creating a native app like the ted / you tube apps) ...

How to detect when video is buffering?

Hi guys, my question today deals with Flash AS3 video buffering. (Streaming or Progressive) I want to be able to detect when the video is being buffered, so I can display some sort of animation letting the user know to wait just a little longer. Currently my video will start up, hold on frame 1 for 3-4 secs then play. Kinda giving the...

Accessing Videos AND Photos on Android 1.5 +

So I'm trying to allow the user to pick a particular piece of media with my Android Application using the method described here: It works great, except for the fact that I can seemingly only choose between either Video or Photo to present the u...

Ruby on Rails: Length of Video as a Paperclip Attachment

I created a rails class with a video attachment, and i want to know how to get the length of a video that is uploaded to my application. How can I achieve that ? ...

Jquery Media Plugin with alternate mediaplayer problems...

I can't seem to get the jQuery Media plugin to work with nonverblaster:hover ... This is what I'm using.... am I doing something wrong? I've tried loading SWFobject aswell... <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $ = 'js/NonverBlaster.swf'; $ = 'js/NonverBlaste...

Tracking Objects in Videos

Are there any open Source libraries for tracking objects and over-laying graphics in videos ? Specifically, to create effects similar to the products offered in the below link :- ...

Capturing a screenshot of an embedded video using C#

I am working on a video search engine. Similar to google video. I have noticed that google video has a screen shot from all the videos that they index. I have tried many ways to achieve this with no success. One way that i was suggested is to create an swf that will load the required swf and take a screen shot. however this is not a good...

Tagging Video Frames with GPS Coordinates

Aside from using a hardware video encoding/decoding device, is there an easy was to capture frames from streaming videos and tag each frame with the current GPS coordinates? Assume I am using windows, and I have the GPS coordinates sent in via USB and the camera is hooked up also. Any api or framework available for this? ...

Display Video Analytics Results into a web application

Hi all, I need to display tracking results (blobs, rectangles, trajectories) into a web application, so I was thinking about Adobe Flash. Can someone suggest a solution to draw rectangles, shapes, lines, over a live flash video? Shapes position can be embedded directly into the flash video stream by the server side streaming server (Wowz...

SWF reading/rendering (outside of Flash Player)?

I would like to use SWF files as source video data within a tool chain I am developing. The problem is, I can't seem to find a consistent way to convert them, and I'm concerned about the loss of quality that the conversion will introduce. I actually even have Flash CS3, but the export process to anything other than swf is flaky at best....

video streaming

i have built a web forum using php but i want to integrate it with videos that are uploaded such that people will be able to make comments on it in a tree view form... how do i integrate that to my php class.....any help with that? ...

PLaying video files - options for mobile phones

What formats are supported by which mobile phones? I know the iPhone does not support .flv, but I was wondering if Symbian OS and windows Mobile OS support .flv or any other streaming video format. I'm currently developing a mobile site, and I need to display video for mobile for the big three: iPhone Symbian Windows Mobile What are...