
video content on iPhone Safari/UIWebView

Hi, In my application I have a UIWebView that is able to play Youtube videos normally, but I'd like to play some videos from a website other than Youtube. If i try to play those videos in the iPhone Safari browser it opens in the same way that YouTube videos (fullscreen mode, showing the player), but that doesn't happen in the UIWebView...

Cannot Get'false' in SWFObject 2.2 to work as expected, as documented, or as it *should*.

I am trying to do a very minimalistic sample of borderless video using swfobject and some cookie code that checks if a site visitor has been there before. The latter cookie code works, but basic SWFObject 2.2 code doesn't. My problem is that the SWFObject 2.2 library from is not working as expected; specifically it is NOT o...

stitching videos together using ffmpeg on the command line

Does anybody know how to stitch two (or more) videos together using ffmpeg (or another cli)? This is assuming that all the videos are in the same format and the video format being used allows for lossless stitching (no transcode, just end-to-end stitching). ...

How to resize the IPhone video to a specific dimension, and add some more features.

Hi everyone! Did anyone tried to resize an video, for adding more views around it? Can anyone give me any hint/recommendation? Thanks in advance! ...

Alternative options for displaying video in Java?

At the moment I use QuickTime for Java to display video in a swing application. However, Apple has deprecated support for QTJava and I was wondering what options other are available right now+ for moving forward? Requirements: Must be cross platform (WIN & OSX). Must be able to support many different video formats. Must be capable of ...

Video streaming

Hi guys - anyone that can help would be greatly appreciated. I want to setup a video streaming service from my server. I want to store videos on this. Now I was thinking of streaming the video through some form of player (e.g. JWPlayer) and (a) allowing users to step through the video frame by frame (b) tagging the video by associating...

Video streaming server and storage

Hello - quick question. Any help greatly appreciated. I am thinking of streaming video from a streaming server. Is it possible to store the videos on a separate server? What are the pros and cons of this? Max. ...

UISaveVideoAtPathToSavedPhotosAlbum Problem at iphone development

The following error occurs, when i use the UISaveVideoAtPathToSavedPhotosAlbum (iphone) function in debug console. warning: Unable to read symbols for "/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/3.1.2 (7D11)/Symbols/System/Library/VideoDecoders/VCH263.videodecoder" (file not found). warning: Unable to read symbols for "/Develo...

HTML5 Video and degradation?

I've been playing around with the HTML5 video tag and I'm puzzled as to how best to degrade when you can't support a codec? For older browsers (or IE) that don't support the video tag at all this quite is straight forward: <video width="320" height="240"> <source src="vid.ogv" type='video/ogg'> <source src="vid.mp4" type='video/mp...

when a web application serves a video file, is it stream automatically? what options are there?

when a web application serves a video file, is it stream automatically? what options are there? ...

What file type do you recommend I use for playing a really small video?

I'm going to be playing a small video of a videogame. It's going to be maximum about 2-4 seconds each file. I need them to playback inside of my WPF Form desktop application and they need to be relatively small because I'm going to be including them in the donwload size (they are going to be part of the .exe file) Should I use GIF? Or ...

video recording in black berry

Hi, I am new to this forum...... I want to access video recording through my application. for example. my application contains 3 buttons when i click on start video recording should be start. i am using JDE 4.3 & 8130.............................................. .... . Can any one help. Thanks in advance. Sorry for any mistake.....

how can I use multiple Players in J2ME to simulate streaming over Http

I need to connect to a http server from a phone and play a movie while downloading. I understand that you can simulate this using multiple players (Manager.createPlayer(...)) in J2ME but I dont know how. Thanks ...

is there a video codec that can be loaded by Flash and Silverlight seamlessly?

Hi is there any possibility for loading flv or f4v on silverlight platform? Thanks! ...

Buffer, switch and loop playback of videos within an iPhone application to simulate a non-stop video feeds

I am not an iPhone developer (yet). So please excuse me if this issue is very basic question. From what I can gather from the development documentation, it is only possible to 'play' one video file at a time. The requirement I have is to switch from 1 video to another seamlessly or switch to a 2nd instance of the first video and keep '...

Simulation and synthetic video generation for evaluation of computer vision algorithms

I am looking for an easy way to generate synthetic videos to test computer vision software. Currently I am only aware of one tool that targets this need: ObjectVideo Virtual Video (OVVV). It is a HalfLife 2 mod that allows to simulate cameras in a virtual world. But I am looking for a more open (like in open source) and maybe portable...

Can't send email with video/audio attachment on iphone!

Hi guys, I am trying to send an email with MFMailComposeViewController. I'm able to send emails with images attached, but when I try to attach mp3 or mp4 files I get this message: DA|Could not open the lock file at /tmp/DAAccountsLoading.lock. We'll load the accounts anyway, but bad things may happen (if seems to appear right after ...

Encode an Array of Images into a movie file? (iPhone)

My app takes time-lapse photos, and also records audio to go with it. The problem is, I have absolutely no idea how to go about turning it into a .mov/.mpeg file (I am new to this type of iPhone development). I have heard some things about FFMPEG, but apparently the license doesn't cover the public distribution of iPhone apps. Anyone hav...

Android Gallery (view) video (also thumbnail issues)

Currently we have a Gallery view to which we need to add thumbnails for images/video. How do we get the already generated thumbnails (the ones that the native Gallery app shows) if we already have the image's/video's content:// URI? (We are using Android 1.6, Video.Thumbnails does not exist) ...

convert video files to flv format in c#

please i want to get video file from user and convert it into flv format plese send me the code or any solution relating to my problem please help me ...thankq ...