
JWPlayer playing video

I am currently using JWPlayer to play FLV video on a web page. How do I seek to specific parts of the video: (a) While it is playing? (b) Before it has loaded? Generally speaking - what is the best method for frame-by-frame manipulation of FLV files? Any help greatly appreciated. Max. ...

can i use my own website to show my youtube playlist and video player?

can i use my own website to show my youtube playlist and when someone clicks on a video on that playlist it will play still on my own website? the youtube player also should be beside the playlist on my own website... ...

H264 frames to xml + images?

So in H264 we have something like this as a time line (supposing we all know what I P B frames are but if we do not look here (Wikipedia)) Here "I" frames are compressed fully, "P" frames inharit from ones they follow, "B" frames can inherit from ones they follow and ones that are after them... So my question is if there is any way (be...

QuickTime play selected duration of clip

hi to all i used QTMovie to play a video.I want to know how selected duration of clip from that video is play. ...

How to turn Sequence of images into video using DirectShow filters?

How to turn Sequence of images into video using DirectShow filters? I have image A and image B and image C. I want to create a DirectShow graph (Using GraphEdit or with C\C++\C# for example) to create a video of 3 frames in duration where first frame is image A second image B and so on =) How to do it? ...

How to create a DirectShow graph which would wait for incoming images and add them as frames into video file?

How to create a DirectShow graph which would wait for incoming images and add them as frames into video file? Using GraphEdit or with C\C++\C# So I want to have a graph which would work and wait for images incoming into him in any way you think is most easy (for example We can have a folder from where DSfilter would be able to take ima...

Only Allow Video Embed Codes (Rails)

I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to only allow embed codes like ones from youtube, vimeo,, etc. into a form field? I have a form on my site that allow users to embed a video but I only want them to add the embed code html and nothing else dangerous like JS or additional html. Is there any tool out there that can do this or...

Programmatically extracting a frame from a video in Flash

I need to write a small Flash app that will need to extract a video frame from a playing video. It will not need to be saved to the HDD of the user. I just need to get the image data and display it in the Flash movie. The frame to extract will be chosen by the user, which is why I'd like to do this purely on the client side (though I kno...

Save video captured from webcam using Flash

I'd like to use Flash to capure video from the user's webcam and then save it on the same server that hosts the Flash file. The web server will be running ASP.Net technology. Seems easy, right? Lot of searches yielded the same lines of code to start a webcam capture using Flash. I can't find anything that sends that captured video back ...

playing any video on a website (flash, divx, avi/wmv (m2ts/mts, mkv?))

How can I embed any type of video onto a webpage, youtube seems to be able to upload any type of video and I'd like to know if I can do that too without huge amounts of resources and money (the website would be very small with definitely under 100 member, most likely under 50) Is there a player that plays all formats, or would I have t...

Embed VLC player in GWT

Hello, I want to embed a VLC player in my webapp build with Google's GWT. First I had a look at this page:, which offers a nice solution but I add to implements all javascript functions calls (play, stop, fullscreen) with JSNI. Then I found gwt-player (hosted by Google code) which does all the job for me b...

Android: VideoView makes the gradient background look grainy

Consider following main.xml: <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" android:background="@drawable/app_background_gradient"> <VideoView android:id="@+id/VideoView01" android:layout_width=...

Reset FLVPlayback component for playback with same source

I'm using the same FLVPlayback component to play many page transition videos throughout a large flash site I'm building. On each transition, I'm setting the component's source using myFLVPlayback.source and listening for the event before proceeding with each page transition. This works fine as long as the tran...

Looking for web platform for blogs, user uploaded photo/video, ratings, membership, etc

I'm looking for software to redo a website a friend of mine has but don't want to maintain anymore. I'd like users to be able to register and post blogs, photo galleries (preferably with multiple file upload using flash or something) and videos. I'd like users to be able to rate those posts and make comments on them. I'd also like to b...

Determine Running Times of Videos in Directory using PowerShell

Hi, I have a directory of videos (.AVI files) that I want to determine the duration of, and to create a file listing the titles and durations of all the videos, sorted in descending order of the video duration. Can anyone offer a PowerShell script to do this? Thanks, MagicAndi ...

Why OpenCV's `cvCreateCameraCapture` and `cvCreateFileCapture` do not work? How can I fix it?

Have an AVI videofile, and a webcam. cvQueryFrame returns null in both cases. Code is applied(only for cam): #include "highgui.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main( int argc, char** argv ) { cvNamedWindow( "KillCam", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE ); cvWaitKey(0); CvCapture* capture = cvCreateCameraCapture(-1); ...

Cubic image converter?

I am looking for software (preferably free) that runs on either windows or osx that can take a list cubic images (broken into front, back, up, down, left, right) and turn them into a video. I am also looking for software to create fisheye projections from these images. Have had a bit of a look around and can't seem to find anything that...

How to create a virtual video capture driver for Windows?

I need to create a driver that presents itself to Windows as a video capture driver. The driver generates the video itself. How would I go about doing this? And please keep in mind that I'm using Visual C++ Express. ...

look for open source iPhone camera project

I am looking for some open source projects focusing on iPhone camera, such as image processing &filter when using iPhone camera. Unfortunately, someone said that as far as i know all the video recording apps for the 3g are not open source, require jailbroken phone and also require you to pay after the trial period is up. ...

Video format that can contain an interactive TOC?

Would it be possible to have a video (MP4, FLV, F4V, or some other popular format) contain a table of contents that the user can click to seek to different sections of the movie? ...