
Embed youtube video without youtube link

as you know that when you Embed youtube video in your web page, it works fine , but if you click on any part of screen, youtube website will open in new window. is there any way to Embed youtube video in our website, but disable that youtube website opening when click on screen to pause the video? or you can play you tube video in othe...

Flash CS3: Textfields distort/disappear in fullscreen mode

I am using Flash CS3 to build a website that uses Flash video. When I have Textfields over the video, they display fine when played "normally" in the browser window. However, when I put the video in fullscreen play, the Textfields either vanish completely or get highly distorted (they get very skinny and tall). Worse, when I hit escape...

Is it possible to stream Matroska files?

So I want to broadcast .mkv file. I'm going to broadcast live video. So I need to know is it possible (anyhow) to read unfinished .mkv files? Because i know that Matroska is xml and you simply will not be able to read unfinished xml. Update: now I know - it is possible to read unfinished XML. But it does not solve the question if it is ...

How can I Encrypt Video in Real Time?

I'm looking for a, preferably open source, library or program to encrypt video in real time for security purposes, not DRM. I've found several decent algorithms, RVEA and VEA, but before I try hacking together an implementation I wanted to see if one already existed or if there was a better way of doing this since these methods are a lit...

map video to 3d object using opengl es in android

is it possible to map video file to 3d object using opengl es? how? what are the steps? ...

FLV Player to allow scrubbing forward?

Hey everyone. Just wondering what everyone's thoughts are on playing FLV video on a website. I'm currently using JW player and it works great. The only problem is people can't scrub forward past what is cached. For instance... i want to click on the video and immediately click half way through it to start playing in the middle of the...

How do I choose a video from UIImagePickerController on iPhone 3G?

On my iPhone 3G I have a couple videos saved from emails and some apps i recored with and every time I try and open the UIImagePickerController it doesn't show the videos for me to choose. How do I get the UIImagePickerController to include videos and not just pictures? ...

Using UIWebView to launch a video from an HTML a href link, but html does not appear when video is DONE

I want to be able to launch a video from an link in html that I load into a UIWebView. The video launches just fine, but when either I hit the DONE button on the video player or when the video ends, it returns to the UIWebView, but the html that I had placed on the UIWebView is gone (including the a href link). Has anyone else ran into...

Retrieve YouTube video format available

I'm currently trying to patch the Totem Youtube plug-in and I'd like to determine the best quality available for the current played video (&fmt parameter). It's possible in JavaScript but the plug-in is developped in C. Is that possible? ...

WPF/Silverlight image/video playlist

Hi, I'm somewhat new to WPF/Silverlight so please excuse my ignorance if thw answer is blindingly obvious... I have the requirement to create a piece of software which gives the user the ability to schedule a playlist of images and videos (possibly flash content too but this isnt essential). I've had a look at various WPF/Silverlight ...

Adding streaming video in web site?

I need to add / include video streaming in a web page of my website. How can I include video streaming in my web page? Can anyone help with sample or examples or with tutorial links? ...

Video playback in Java ( JMF, Fobs4JMF, Xuggler, FMJ )

I need simple video playback in Java. Here are my requirements: PRODUCTION QUALITY Open and decode video files whose video and audio codecs can be chosen by me. I.E I can pick well behaving codecs. Be able to play, pause, seekToFrame OR seekToTime and stop playback. Essentially I wish to be able to play segments of a single video file...

MPMoviePlayerController play video second time

I need to have the possibility to play more than one video in an app. Unfortunately, the second time I press play, video appears blinking. I use only this code for playing vide NSURL *url = [[[NSURL alloc]initFileURLWithPath:[[NSBundle mainBundle]pathForResource:@"Movie" ofType:@"m4v"]] autorelease]; MPMoviePlayerController *...

PHP: Generate preview image from Video file?

Is there a way in PHP given a video file (.mov, .mp4) to generate a thumbnail image preview? Thanks. ...

Open video in iPhone without controls

I am trying to play video without showing controls (volume and other buttons) but it also should be possible to make them visible by taping on the video. The code is: theMovie.scalingMode = MPMovieScalingModeAspectFill; theMovie.movieControlMode = MPMovieControlModeDefault; In this case it shows the controls by default a...

Flash video playback, how to determine seconds loaded?

I'm trying to accurately determine how many seconds of a video (NetStream) have been loaded so I can scrub/seek correctly. First I tried doing duration*(ns.bytesLoaded/ns.bytesTotal) but this is inaccurate by maybe 15%, ie if that calculation says 20 seconds is loaded and I scrub to 20 seconds ns.time will tell me it can't go past 17 se...

How does software like GotoMeeting capture an image of the desktop?

Hi, I was wondering how do software like GotoMeeting capture desktop. I can do a full screen (or block by block) capture using GDI but that just seems too wasteful to me. Also I have looked into Mirror devices but I was wondering if there's a simpler technique or a library out there which does this. I need fast and efficient desktop ...

Direct Show (AMCap) - Platform SDK

Hi, I am trying to capture images from multiple web cams simultaneously and save them automatically with minimum delay using C++. I also want the program to be able to alter the parameters of the web cam when ever needed. I was hoping to build Direct show samples (AMCap) on Platform SDK, and then edit the code to suit my application. But...

MediaElement fails after several plays.

Hi! I have a problem with MediaElement control. I've put six MediaElements on my form, then I start them and change played files by timer. After several times, these elements stop playing. Here is the sample XAML: <Grid> <Grid.RowDefinitions> <RowDefinition Height="*" /> <RowDefinition Height="*" /> </Grid.RowDefinitions> <Gri...

message passing and signaling in distributed system

I have a distributed video analysis system, which is composed of: 1. feature extraction: generated lots of features(20+) from each frame of the video 2. multiple detectors(in different machine): * Each of them will get a subset of feature * Each of them needs the features from multiple frames. * Eg. Detector 1 needs feature 1-5...