
Error: "NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound" while playing mp4 file using NetStream object (Actionscript/Flex)

Hi, I am using NetStream, NetConnection and Video object to play an mp4 file which is hosted over a web server using http. The mp4 file URL is for example: http://xx.xx.xx.xx/file.mp4 This is an AIR application and the relevant code is pasted below: var url:String = <some http url>; connect_nc = new...

I want to embed video files (.mp4, m4v, avi) onto a website...and allow people to play it like normal.

How can I do that? I would like them to be able to click play, pause, volume, and of course...fullscreen. I heard you can do this with QuickTime or something? Anyone have any suggestions? EDIT: These video files are on other people's servers. (We're a search engine) I just want to pass take the URL of the .mp4 file...and do some java...

Does Android support scaling Video?

Using a VideoView is it possible to set a scale factor for Android? By Default the video view resizes itself to fit the encoded resolution of the Video. Can I force Android to render a video into a smaller or larger rect? ...

How does Bing video search get thumbnails and make previews of videos?

And is it possible for me to do something similar without enormous amount of effort? Background info: I have a large collection of urls from sites like youtube, metacafe etc. I would like to make a page with previews of all of the videos - at least an image of the video, preferably animated gif, or ideally the whole video like Bing does...

Is there a standard schema for video metadata?

I am looking for a schema to hold video metadata such as Title, Source, Description, Transcription, Copyright date, URL, etc. It would be used to store information about the video in a database and make that searchable. Is there a standard XSD or other schema for this type of data? ...

Youtube Data API: Retrieving multiple Video entries by IDs in a single request

Hello everybody, I am wondering if there is a way to query YouTube for multiple random videos (video id's are known) in a single query? I am storing video id's in the local db and need to show multiple details(list with thumbs, rating, author name,etc.) in the web page. I am looking at the Youtube Data API and see that I can a single en...

Fast forwarding Flash Video

Is it possible to use Actionscript to speed up (or slow down) a video playing? Say, having it play at twice the normal speed? If possible, can you also make it that the sound does not get all squeaky? Some Videoplayers can do that, I was wondering if it is possible to do in Flash. ...

Save video of last 30 second

Hello, I want to develop a program in with user can capture and save only last 30 sec of video after stop button pressed. 1) Do we have control over video recording? 2) how can we get only last 30 sec of video? ...

What would someone have to know to build a GUI FLV Converter program for Windows?

Just have no idea from where to start to roll out my own flv conveter to convert video to flv from other formats. ...

Video display on BOLD 9000

Hi all, I am developing an application which includes streaming of videos form web server. I have tested on Curve 8900, 8330 and the videos stream perfectly and played well. But the problem exist on BOLD 9000. On bold i can only hear sound of videos but no display. I cant understand how the same code works perfectly on 8900 but not on ...

Does anybody know any good video tutorial for Emacs (basics)?

Does anybody know any good video tutorial for Emacs (basics)? I found very good tutorials for Vim in Youtube and Vimeo. But for some reason, emacs's video tutorials have all bad quality (can't even read the code). Any suggestions? (I know you can call me lazy reader) ...

YouTube Player API: How to get duration of a loaded/cued video without playing it?

Hi, I'm not able to get the correct video duration/length (in seconds) of a loaded/cued video via the getDuration() method of the YouTube Player API; the same method, however, returns a valid value once the video starts playing! Wondering how YouTube is able to show the valid duration of a loaded/cued video. When I load this HTML page ...

How to Seek Audio/Video Data with Variable Bitrate (VBR)?

This might be a way too generic question, but what is the general approach for seeking within media files (video or audio of any kind/format) if the data has variable bitrate (VBR)? It seems an easy thing to do if the stream has a constant bitrate (CBR). E.g. if you know it is 256 kbit/s and you want to seek forward/backward by 30 secon...

ActionScript - Save webcam video to local disk without using AIR or FMS

Hello, I would like to save a webcam captured video to the local disk using AS. The application is running in a standalone Flashplayer 10. I can save pictures from ByteArrays using, but I can't find a way for doing this with video. There is a nice implementation for that using AS and AIR at

Embed video for play on iPhone?

Does anyone have any experience embedding .m4v movie files into webpages for playback on the iPhone? I'm trying to create a site optimized for the iPhone, and it includes a video, but I just can't get the video to play - all I get is the grey play arrow with a line through it. The markup I'm trying to use for embedding it is this: <emb...

Recording video in C# and WPF from mediaElement

My application applies custom HLSL shader effects to a mediaElement using decorators. How can I record and save the modified video using the application itself in realtime? ...

How can you save Cocos2D window output as Video?

I am considering using the excellent looking Cocos2d for a motion graphics project. However, Cocos2d is intended for games, rather than producing an MPEG stream. Is it possible to save the output from a Cocos2d script to a MOV or MPG file? Ideally this needs to be done in a direct manner, not using a screen capture as this would not mee...

Finding the correct scale value within a scaled object to maintain the aspect ratio of a video.

Hello, I have a video inside of another movieclip. When I go full screen, I scale up the outer movieclip to fit the screen. So that OuterMovieClip.width is equal to screenWidth etc. How do I maintain the aspect ratio on my video so it does not get distorted? Whats the proper math for that? Thank you. ...

Anamorphic video with silverlight?

hi, currently I'm trying to make a silverlight application for my application. The question on hand is that is it possible, and how, to display anamorphic video. the main purpose of this is to save bitrate per frame. for example, anamorphic for 848x480 is -> 720x480, or anamorphic for 1080 is 1440x1080, which later resize to 1920x1080. ...

HTML 5 video custom controls

Like many web developers I'm looking forward to streaming video that utilizes the new HTML 5 <video> tag. Browser support definitely isn't wide enough yet, so using a Flash/SWF fallback is a must. This got me thinking: in Flash it's possible to highly customize the playback controls (pause, play, stop, seek, volume, etc.) in HTML 5?. Wh...