
Solid FFmpeg wrapper for C#/.NET

I have been searching the web for some time for a solid FFmpeg wrapper for C#/.NET. But I have yet to come up with something useful. I have found the following three projects, but all of them apears to be dead in early alpha stage. FFmpeg.NET ffmpeg-sharp FFLIB.NET So my question is if anyone knows of a wrapper project that is more...

Recommend Server Side Flash Encoding Components with .NET SDK

I'm looking for some testimonials for components that take video with a wide range of formats (.avi, .mov, .mpeg) and encode them into .flv. We'll want the following: Be able to encode from a large list of common video/audio formats. Create thumbs for the media that it encodes. Have a good SDK (.NET preferred) that we can use to even...

FLV Playback stops unexpectedly and never recovers

I'm working on a project where there are short clips of fly throughs rendered from maya of a 3D environment. I worked up a swf that loads the clips as FLV and plays them accordingly. My current script seems to bomb during the FLV playback sometimes and never recovers. The swf size is 1280x720 and around 1500 bitrate but the clips are ...

Best Online Video Tutorial Source to Learn Web Development similar to

Please suggest premium or free online video sources that address web development. I'm looking for the satisfy the following areas in particular. Web architecture and planning Web Usability and Design Specific programming languages/frameworks namely (PHP, RoR, javascript, CSS) Database Design AJAX, jQuery Any other areas needed to be a...

Android not playing Video .mp4

hi guys i have prepared a code to just play a simple mp4 file from my res folder... The coding is something like this... public class VideoPlayer extends Activity { @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(; Video...

How to record Audio and Video at the same time into flv in Adobe air 2.0 ?

How to record Audio and Video at the same time into flv in Adobe air 2.0 ? So that Video and Audio will be sinchronised? Open Source libs and Blog aricales are wellcomed!) ...

Adding a Video to my Site (Local Video, hosting won't work) Which player?

Hello, I have a web app built with JQUERY. I'm working to build a Getting Started video. I'm looking for suggestions on: On the mac, what's the best software to record a video? I want to embed the video on a page on my site, but I need to video hosted locally (no youtube or anything external). What's the best player to get this done an...

Getting iPhone video thumbnails

How do I get a thumbnail of a video imported from the camera roll, or the camera itself? This has been asked before, and has been answered. However, the answers kind of suck for me. This thread has some options that boil down to: Crawl some filesystem director...

Is there a definitive reference for both the video tag and the JS API used to communicate with it? (html5)

Is there a definitive reference for both the video tag and the JS API used to communicate with it? ...

How do you do true streaming with the video tag (i.e. not progressive download)? (html5)

I have I have cheap Apache PHP hosting. I have mp4 and or Ogg video file. I want to dinamicaly stream this video to users. And let that users see it thru html 5 video player. How do you do true streaming (beeng able to scroll to any part of wideo with out previous download of full video) with the video tag (i.e. not progressive download...

Converting a series of BufferedImages to a video in Java?

How would I convert an an array of BufferedImages into a video? I'm making a screen recorder. This is my main question, but if you know, how would I compress the video afterward? Thanks. ...

Looking for a java package to create video

Can anyone point me in the direction of a class/package/code for creating a video file (format isn't really all that important, but probably .avi would be the simplest) from an array of AWT images? This is my first time working with video files so any advice or suggestions would also be greatly appreciated (eg. different file formats, wa...

MP4 Metadata - What is AtomicParsley's UUID tags and how can I use them?

I have a whole pile of MP4 video files and want to apply metadata to them. I am using AtomicParsley for it now, and I see that it claims to support uuid private user extension text Does this mean that I can make up my own tags, (e.g. "User-Who-Downloaded-it") and then apply that to my file? If so how do I do that? ...

Determining codec support for HTML embedded video in Javascript? In native code on Linux?

Hi guys, I'm wondering whether or not it is possible to determine if a machine has codec support to play a file located at a given URL. We are using the embed tag such as <embed src="" autostart="false" /> My guess is it is not possible to determine if a machine has the capability to p...

Buffer Webcam Video Upload

I currently publish streaming webcam video from a Flex web app to a Wowza server. However I don't need the video to be live. Is there a way I can buffer this upload, or even wait until the recording is complete? This way I can avoid bandwidth and latency, and deliver higher quality video. ...

android video, hear sound but no video

I have tried several different examples but I cannot get any video to show. I hear sound but no video. I thought maybe I just had a incorrect video format so I downloaded a fiat commercial in 3gp format and still no joy. I am using the eclipse JEE with android sdk and my app targets the 1.5 sdk (Api Level 3) without google api. Could som...

I want to start Qt

Hi all, i wanna know the best source to learn Qt from. i found some books but i believe that videos are more appealing to me. do you have any idea about Qt learning videos ? also if you have presentation or something like that , i would be very happy. ...

How can Ruby on Rails help to embed video to the pages?

Is there any helper (perhaps, an interface to some other video embedding framework) that can be given a filename (of a local file) and would then yield HTML/Flash/something else that shows basic video player? It shouldn't be an interface to youtube or something like that. The video should be hosted at the server I'm developing. ...

embedded .wmv video object not working in firefox, works in IE

This is my code <table style="width:100%;height:100%;vertical-align:middle;text-align:center;"> <tr> <td><object classid="CLSID:22d6f312-b0f6-11d0-94ab-0080c74c7e95" codebase=",1,52,701" type="application/x-oleobject"> <param name="s...

Video component for delphi 2010

I'm moving a project from D7 to D2010 (and from XP to Win 7). I use a freeware video component to bring in video from a webcam (Video for Windows) and take a snapshot. Before I look to port this to 2010, I was wondering if anyone knew of a cheap video component that is 2010 compatible? ...