
Cross platform multimedia kiosk

My team is tasked with building a full screen, kiosk-style application for playing back media files. Initially we need to support WMV / MP4 as well as some images in full 1080p, although down the line we will need to extend this to cover other formats (different videos formats as well as display of HTML, SWF, etc). The application also ...

Streaming Flash Video Problem - Clipping

I have a simple flash video player that streams the video from a streaming media server. The stream plays fine and I have no problems with playing the video and doing simple functions. However, my problem is that on a mouse over of the video, I have the controls come up and when I do a seek or scrub on the video, I get little weird box...

Android MediaStore insertVideo

So our app has the option to take either a picture or a video. If the user takes a picture, we can use the MediaStore.Images.Media.insertImage function to add the new image (via a filepath) to the phone's gallery and generate a content:// style URI. Is there a similar process for a captured video, given that we only have it's filepath? ...

Is it possible to encode a video on client machine with a click of a button on the browser?

Hi guys, I have this strange request from my client and they want to perform video encoding using the clients' machine instead of the server to reduce the workload of the server. I wonder if this is possible? For example I have this video and then I click on the download button to download, which will download the video in its current f...

Extract audio from video as wav

I know there is a question similar to mine: I am new to C++ and understand about COM library + directX is needed for video and audio. I been looking for tutorial and samples code but little success. My question is how do I code the application to take video fi...

Streaming Video (or Progressive Download) to the Droid Browser

I am trying to stream video (or use progressive download) to a Motorola Droid Browser and am not having a lot of luck. With my iPhone, I can direct Safari to (which is an MPEG-4 video file), and Safari opens quicktime, and the video plays. However, with the Droid, I go to the same web address and am face...

Video Conferencing Intergration

I have seen this post: I am not seeing what I want from there, so maybe a fresh post to see if anyone has a suggestion. I am looking for a video conferencing tool that can integrate into a ASP.NET web application, either webforms or mvc. Not looking for free, something ...

Synchronize the Playing of Multiple Video Files in Flash AS3

Hello, I would like to have one controller to sync and control multiple video objects(start/stop simultaneously). Is this possible? ...

How will i play the video files using c#

i like to play video files like avi through my c# program. is it possible to play like that,anybody help me......... ...

Capturing video with cell phone integrated camera via Java ME

Hi, I'm trying to capture a video stream using the video camera on a Java ME capable cell phone. How do I go about doing this? I've read about using MMAPI for capturing still images through a live camera feed, but I'm not sure whether it can capture a video stream that can be saved (with sound) and forwarded to a remote server. ...

Is it possible to download images, videos onto the iphone?

I am building an application where we do updates for images and videos and was wondering if it was possible to download videos/images from a web-service that will host these assets somewhere on the iphone programatically? Maybe through a curl service or ftp? ...

Extract Video frames in Android

Possible Duplicate: Getting frames from Video Image in Android Hi, I wanted to know if it is possible to extract frames from a running Video in Android? I need to extract frames at regular intervals and send them for further processing. Would someone be able to find an answer for me? Thanks, Abhi ...

What tools do you use to sync audio/video to text/images/slides?

Are there any specific tools that are really good in this area? I sometimes see this at Microsoft conferences and InfoQ etc. ...

TDD/BDD screencast/video resources

I've recently finished watching the Autumn of Agile screencasts and I'm looking for more material of similar scope. Basically, I'm looking for screencasts that present TDD/BDD process while developing somewhat "real life" applications (or parts of them) - so no 20 minute intros please. I'm surprised not to find anything like that though....

C++, Embedded Linux, For Video HDMI Input/Output

Hello, This is a newbie question, but here we go... I would like to know how I would go about programming a small embedded linux board (I was thinking a TI Divinci based board) for a video input (via HDMI or Component) and then output to a TV (via the same HDMI connection). Along with the original video pass through, I would like t...

Java: how to playback uncompressed frames

Given a uncompressed input file with predefined frame format, need to build a simple video player. Could anyone advise where to start? like search keywords, what library to use or examples. Thanks! For now, I just read all frames and store in linked list which seems not a good idea. Since it should be able to read/playback at same time....

Is there any Algorithm for converting 2d video into 3d video?

Is there any Algorithm for converting 2d video into 3d video? (for viewing using glasses) (a-la turning Avatar into Avatar for An IMAX 3D Experience ) or at least turn it into video prepared for feeling some 3d viewing using a-la or I know my question is asked(expressed) not in the best way so feel free to edit. ...

use HTML <video> tag if supported else use lightbox??? (script)

is it popular to have a page display video using the new HTML tag (as long as its supported by the browser), else fallback to using a lightbox??? [ & maybe even have another fallback??] i've never had to do anything like this so i don't know. would appreciate any suggestions ...

How to play all video files in browser using php?

Dear all, i want to play most of all video files in browser, is it possible? can any buddy help me out. thanks in advance. ...

Dynamically resizing an embeded video with jQuery?

I've tried a few ways but nothing seems to work. What I'd like to do is have my users post video's with the given embed code (example): <object id="cnbcplayer" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="400" height="380" codebase=",0,40,0"&gt;...