
WPF MediaElement - Why are my blacks not black?

When playing an MPEG2 video using a WPF MediaElement, the parts of the video that should be black are gray. There is no alpha in the video, and the video has accurate color when played via Windows Media Player or Quicktime Player. Does anyone know what I might be doing wrong, or what codec is recommended to get accurate blacks? I'm more...

Convert all video format to 3gp and mpeg4 video format?

Right now i stuck in my application because of this issue. anyone help to get out of this. Want source code to covert all video format to 3gp and mpeg4 format. i developed this applicatoin on using c# as a backend language. ...

Allow hosting videos and embed option website

What is the best website that Allow hosting videos and embed option (not youtube) ...

Are there any algorithms for removing lighting from a video?

Are there any algorithms for removing lighting from video? I have a video in which some objects are too strongly lit. How might I remove lighting from that objects without corrupting the entire video? ...

How do I extract a screenshot from a video in the iPhone SDK?

I'd like to be able to take a screenshot of an MPEG recorded using the iPhone camera at set intervals. I've seen a few ways to do this; namely compiling and using FFmpeg (, however it seems it's quite difficult to comply with the LGPL (htt...

Learn Nvidia CUDA

I am C++ programmer that develop image and video algorithims, should i learn Nvidia CUDA? or it is one of these technlogies that will disappear? ...

MOUSE_OVER Event Attached to Video Object

Hi there, I'm trying to create a video player in AS3 that displays the player controls when the user hovers over the video, however I'm having a hard time getting the MOUSE_OVER event to fire. I've made sure that the video's index is at the top, so that's not the issue. Is there something I'm missing? Is there any reason why this event ...

FFmpeg on iPhone - Modifying Video Orientation

I'm messing with h264 videos loaded with FFmpeg on the iPhone 3GS. The problem is any videos recorded in "Portrait" orientation have a transformation matrix applied to them causing them to display rotated 90 degrees counter-clock. From what I understand thus far, I just need to modify the transform matrix in the 'tkhd' atom. The problem...

Video preview in C#

I have a webcam capture app and I'm trying to implement a video preview in my WPF UI. Capturing happens in a C++ DLL. I have a current solution but I'm not too happy with it. The main goal is that the video preview in the UI doesn't interfere with the C++ DLL much, as it has to compress the video frames and write them to disk. I won'...

Video in Browser: Embed YouTube and others

Hello, I want to embed videos from different video sites like YouTube, Vimeo and so on... But I have a problem: The Skins of the players are all different and I want a consistent video skin. Is there any possiblity to get this work? I can't host the videos on my server because I have to pay for the traffic and that would make me poor ...

Why don't my media elements resize and clip properly when using UniformToFill?

Why don't my media elements fill the screen correctly when I use the UniformToFill stretch? The mediaElement clips at the bottom if the window is wider than the mediaElement, and it clips at the right if the window is taller than the mediaElement. <Window x:Class="WpfApplication1.Window3" xmlns="

How to stream video in webpage?

Hello, Say suppose i am on my website and i want to stream live video which should be available to all users who view the webpage. How can this be done in Java? Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance :) ...

What's the difference between the Video object and the FLVPlayback component?

What is the differences in use of these two objects? Which one should be used for a "Youtube-like" video player with a custom skin and playlist? ...

stream video from the server . {iPhone SDK}

hi . i trying to stream video with static IP : via iphone . can you show me some information and how could implement this > ? i see apple video stream app and it seems can show only .mp4 movie ? iam i right !? i want my app load the http addres and play movie thats it . this link works on meida player ! ...

Using Java To Upload Video via PUT

I am writing a Java app that uploads image and video files to a server side script. So far I've got the image upload happening using HTTPURLConnection/DataOutputstream and it seems that I might be able re-use a good deal of the code I've written to also upload the video. My question is, where the following snippet declares that the Conte...

Problem retrieving HTML5 video duration

UPDATE: Ok so although I haven't solved this problem exactly, but I did figure out a work around that handles my biggest concern... the user experience. First the video doesn't begin loading until after the viewer hits the play button, so I am assuming that the duration information wasn't available to be pulled (I don't know how to fix ...

Modifying JPEGImagesToMovie File

So after receiving only a few recommendations for a Java package to use to create video files, I decided I would try to modify the JPEGImagesToMovie file that comes as a sample with the JMF. I managed to get everything compiling and seems like it should run. The new class should take a Vector of BufferedImages, then instead of reading fr...

how can we calculate a video time?

hi, in my application i want to display the duration time of the video ( that is time of the video) in ...

programming a video player with C# (mono) for linux

Hey all, I'm pretty noob when it comes to C# but it's probably my best shot at achieving this. So i'm learning as I go, and while this may seem ambitious it's for a good reason. I want to write a Picture-in-Picture style video player that quite simply creates a block of X width by Y height, and a video file can be loaded and started an...

Providing a JavaScript link to embed content

Hey everyone, I'm writing on behalf of YSTV; we're looking at providing embed options for our videos, and I've got a quick question. We can obviously provide embed code to users such as <embed height="360" width="480" flashvars="backcolor=0xffffff&amp;autostart=false&amp;file=;amp;...