
Pure C# Silverlight video encoding lib?

Is out there any Pure C# Silverlight video encoding lib? By video I mean not only pictures compressor but also audio compressor... So to say I'm looking for some kind of lib not only for compressing but also for sinchronisation etc... so to say I give it a web cam it gives me a conteiner!) ...

How to implement a poor man's DRM solution

I've been tasked with securing video content for an intranet client/server solution. There seams to be a couple of DRM solutions out there, but most of them have various draw backs for us. Cost is a huge factor. Maintaining the "keep honest people honest" philosophy, I was asked if it would be possible to obfuscate the files on the se...

How to go about saving images to disk at runtime

I'm creating a basic program (in Java) for a class that helps students study using flashcards, notes, etc. I need a way to allow the user to upload a certain image or video into my program so that it will be available even after they quit and relaunch. I'm thinking of something along the lines of writeObject and readObject and creati...

Online video play bandwidth limit

Hi, AppStore reject the online video application due to the bandwidth issue. So i want to check the current available bandwidth for the cellular network and run/download the online video. How can i do this? pl advice.. ...

IntelliJ 9.0 Video Tutorials?

Are there video tutorials for IntelliJ 9.0, similar to what has for Eclipse? ...

Can you play video fragements using oggz-chop?

I see that you can play ogg audio files, but I was wondering if you can play video ogz files using it using Apache? ...

Video Broadcasting

For fun I'd like to recreate Basically i need to be able to stream webcam video from one computer to another using flash. I'm new to flash. Are there libraries out there for this? ...

Play PHP Video file in a continuous loop

How to play a video file in a continuous loop, as the page is requested, with php? ...

Graphic programming over video playback

I want to make some GUI mockup program for video player, so my idea is just to show some menu pictures over real video being playback. I have working program made with C and SDL just to load pictures and make a slideshow, but i don´t know how to put this over video with transparencies. Do you have a hint? ps. i usually program with pyt...

error-Video submission queued for processing.

in drupal after uploading video in video module,and when viewing preview, this message is coming- Video submission queued for processing. Please wait: our servers are preparing your video for web displaying. ...

How can I create custom HTML5 video controls?

I'm interested in building a custom video player in HTML5. I have no problem embedding html5 video media utilizing the dual format of Ogg and h.264. My main issue is in referencing the API for the video tag element. What properties and event listeners do I have access to via javascript? ...

Java: Make an animation/video from frames

Howdy! For a research project (in Java), I've got to find some way to save an animation of a graph into some file format. Now I've already got the program working fine drawing each frame. The problem is, short of learning the whole GIF or AVI file format, I have no idea how to assemble the frames programmatically into some sort of an...

How do I embed a quicktime movie into an iphone web app using javascript?

I'm creating an iphone webapp in dashcode for the first time and I can not figure out the code for embedding a video into the webapp.I have an html file and have a few pages it switches between but I need to create a function in javascript so when I click a button that it will pull up a video I in quicktime. Any sample code or thoughts? ...

Http Video streaming is not working in blackberry

Hi I want to play video in my app for which I will get urls from server. I got lot of codes but nothing was working. If I add the video as file (*.mp4) in src folder (how we used to add images in the source folder), then I could play the video by using the following code. Class playerDemoClass = Class.forName("com.rim.samples.multime...

How do I embed a quicktime movie into an iphone web app using dashcode?

I have a functional webapp that I have created through dashcode, but I want to add a video by clicking a button. Any idea on how to code a handler to do that or any sample code? thanks here is what I have but it wont do anything in the simulator function myClickHandlerVideo(event) { var vidElem=document.createElement("video"); ...

What should I add in order for this video to have a size limit

<?php if(isset($_POST['upload'])) { //$albumid = $_POST['id']; // Check to see if the type of file uploaded is a valid image type function is_valid_type($file) { // This is an array that holds all the valid image MIME types $valid_types = array("image/jpg", "image/jpeg", "image/bmp", "image/gif"); if...

Trying to write a video file using OpenCV

Hi , I’m trying to use OpenCV to write a video file. I have a simple program that loads frames from a video file then accepts to save them At first the cvCreateVideoWrite always return NULL. I got a answer from your group saying it returns separate images and to try to change the file name to test0001.png, this worked. But now the cv...

video capture in wpf

Hello What is the best way to capture video in a wpf application? I am looking for a way to detect the video devices, and then capture video from the selected one. Thanks ...

How do I embed a mp4 movie into my html?

I have a blog section on my site that has the TinyMce editor. I want to embed a video when I post a blog and it's just spitting out the code. I have added the <embed> tag on my output script. This is the code I'm using to for the video: <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""&g...

how to copy youtube annotations

For example this video How to Fix Bicycles : How to Tighten the Brakes on a Bicycle;NR=1&amp;feature=fvwp there are annotations, basically a transcript of what the expert says. is there any way to copy those annotations? transcribing by hand gets tedious ...