
iPhone video control and dual video playback

Hi, I need a way of controlling video non-fullscreen in my application. I've played around with both MPMoviePlayerController and a solution using UIWebViews. I have found one solution using MPMoviePlayerController where I can prevent the video from going full screen (by grabbing the key window and set a transform on the UIWindow objec...

Video to image sequence

Hi, is it possible to extract images or convert a video to a sequence of images using the iPhone API? The goal is to play a video using some kind of animation, instead of the builtin video players. The reason for doing this is that I need to playback a video at reduced speed. FFMpeg is not an option. Thank you for your time. ...

Must See Conference Videos for Python/Django Developers

There's lots of good conference videos online regarding Python and Django development. Instead of watching ST:TNG at the computer, I figure it'd more productive to hone my knowledge . Fire away with some of your most inspiring and educational Python, Django, or simply programming related talks. Provide an explanation of why you found th...

What is the licensing for Windows Media Video (WMV)?

I'm looking into video playback in Java and I'm trying to find out all of the licensing options. Currently I haven't managed to find out any info about what (if any) license is applicable to WMV. Does anyone know? ...

How do I capture and save live feed of Flash video?

Is there a tool, any type of programming library, or a way to capture live feed of Flash video and save it? I don't want to capture the screen but rather like to capture the actual feed. ...

Auto play on Google Video embeded video

I'm with Google apps premier, so you can upload and then embed videos. the embed code they give you is this iframe and I would like it to automatically play when the iframe pops up (I've got the popping up handled). <iframe frameborder="0" style="border:1px solid #AAA; width:640px; height:387px;"src="

How much MCPS a Video Decoder on target can consume if the clock speed at which the target runs is know?

Hi, Assume there is a hardware board having RISC CPU(e.g. ARM Cortex processor), and associated peripherals, Data cache/Instruction cache, DRAM, and some OS running on it (Say embedded linux) roughly what percentage portion of the CPU clocks(MHz) (max limit) can be alloted to a Video decoder? Asked differently, if a Cortex-A8 processo...

Does anyone have an easy solution to parsing Exp-Golomb codes using C++ ?

Trying to decode the SDP sprop-parameter-sets values for an H.264 video stream and have found to access some of the values will involve parsing of Exp-Golomb encoded data and my method contains the base64 decoded sprop-parameter-sets data in a byte array which I now bit walking but have come up to the first part of Exp-Golomb encoded dat...

get some metadata about a video file

Hi, I am currently working on a rails application in which the user upload a video file on the server, after what I send it to S3 where it's encoded by another service. The thing is that before uploading it to S3 I need to know the quality of this file, the resolution, the bitrate, ... I saw that the rvideo gem can do that but I'd lik...

Convert rtsp video stream to http stream

Hi I have the rtsp URL for a live video stream which I would like to access as an HTTP stream. Can someone please tell me if there are any components out there which I can put on my server to do this? I do not have any idea how I can implement this. Would appreciate a heads up. Thanks. ...

How can I make HTML 5 video playback fit to frame instead of maintaining aspect ratio?

I've been experimenting with HTML5 video playback. For example I have this video object embedded on my page: <video width="480" height="380" class="ecard" tabindex="0"> <source type="video/ogg; codecs=&quot;theora, vorbis&quot;" src="videos/1156 In your honor we'll be dancing.ogv"></source> <source type="video/mp4; codecs=&quot;av...

playing single video in multiple forms in

if i have mediaplayer1 in Form1 and mediaplayer2 in Form2 than how can i play and control a single video file in both mediaplayer1 and mediaplayer2 in ...

Video not playing in IE in hidden div using JW Player, SWFObject and FancyZoom

Hi all, I have a video that is meant to start playing when a user clicks on an image and said image opens a FancyZoom overlay. It works fine in every browser except IEs. If I place the video in a div that is not hidden (display:none actually), the video starts as expected. So it seems there is a problem with either Flash, JW Player, SWF...

How to stop Video download in MPMoviePlayerController

Hi, I have a requirement where I have to play a video file which is available in remote location. I am passing the URL to MPMoviePlayerController instance and called the method play. Now, the movie is downloading. I have clicked on the "Done" button before the movie loads completely and came back to the rootview. MPMoviePlayerPlay...

Displaying a digital "Down Marker" on a live video feed.

I was watching the Superbowl and I was wondering how the digital "Down Marker" was being displayed on the live video feed. Below is a screen show of the digital down marker which is a red line. Some behavior that I noticed is that the line is always displayed on the "field", so if a player is standing on the line, you can see his f...

C# capture screen to small video files.

Hello guys, Does someone knows how can I capture my computer screen to a video file? I need the file to be as small as possible. I'm using C#. Third party components also welcome. TY ...

Want to play mutiple videos in the same space of the page accordingly in html page

If i click video1 that will play on top means, if i click video2 tat ll play on the same space. Can anyone help me with iframe codes? ...

Are there any "special" image compression algorithms for face cases?

Are there any "special" image compression algorithms for face cases? So i'm creating a canference programm i want to transfer images (or videos) of talking heads thru the internet are there any special algorithms to compress images\videos of talking heads so to make them smaller (like special voice compression algorithms)? ...

how to use the 'video' element on safari.

<video id="myVideo" src="2.mp4" controls="" tabindex="0">decoder not found</video> this code show ' decoder not found' on safari (my os is windows xp) why ? thanks and this html5 vedio can be show on firefox and chrome ,but not safari. why ? ...

How to save video from a url to disk, also how to begin playback after some buffering?

First question is, given a url to an mp4 video, how can I save that file to disk? The followup to that is while its saving, can I begin playback after its buffered some of the video to disk or do I have to wait for the entire file to be written and then: MPMoviePlayerController* theMovie=[[MPMoviePlayerController alloc] initWithContent...