
iPhone. Is it possible to load a video file and select a specific frame?

Is it possible to load a short video file and - once loaded - select a specific frame and display that frame in a view? If there is no native support for this, how about an open source alternative? Thanks in advance. -Doug ...

How to create videos which animate as u draw/write?

An example is here: ...

Best practices when working with videos in flash?

Are there any standard practices for Video encoding, streaming, etc? ...

Flash: Improving data rate/quality of Camera

I'm working with a good quality usb camera at the moment. The video quality of camera is quite good when viewed in the viewer supplied with the drivers (I presume it's implemented using C++). And as to be expected Flash cannot deliver the same level of quality. But what are my options to improve the quality of an incoming local video s...

uploading status in php

hi every one i am making video gallery and while uploading i just want to implement uploading status. can any ony suggest me to do this ...

Android play raw Audio from C++ side

I need to be able to stream audio from a custom file format on the C++ side of the Android system. I am working on porting a custom media player and need to be able to open a custom file and stream audio from it. This is important as I do not think porting the whole player to JAVA is feasible from a performance stand point and moving t...

Embed YouTube video with jQuery in IE6 without SWFObject

Here's my code. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt; <title></title> <script> $(document).ready(function(){ $("#video").html('<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US&amp;fs=1&amp;"&g...

gChat Video API

I'm interested in making a 3rd party app for video conferencing through something like gChat, but their documentation is largely on the text-based portion of the technology. Where can I find some good resources to begin developing with gChat video? ...

Get only thumbnail from the viewfinder instead of whole photograph in javaME

Hi, I have an application in JavaME that can display the feed from viewfinder using the VideoControl Item videoItem = (Item)vidc.initDisplayMode(VideoControl.USE_GUI_PRIMITIVE, null); and take a snapshot using the appropriate method. However, I don't wish to capture the whole photo, but just the thumbnail from the viewfinder instead....

Direct flashplayer to flashplayer video streaming through webcam

hi, I would like to know if it's possible for flash to stream it's webcam directly to another computer without a flash media server in the middle, I want to build a highly scalable video system which basically logs people into the site, records their ip address and then when someone wants to chat to that person, connect the output from ...

How does youtube encode videos?

I am interested in knowing how does youtube provide different quality video content. ie do they store different versions of the same video or do they have multi-layered video encoding or what is the deal here? is there a place i can get some resources on this? papers/whitepapers etc. Thanks! ...

iPhone Prevent application to automatically change orientation to portrait when a video stop

My application is in landscape mode and I use MPMoviePlayerController to play an sample video. It works fine but when I stop the video with the OK button (or if I wait until the movie ends), the orientation automatically changes to portrait. Is it possible to keep application in landscape mode when the OK button is pushed ? I use the f...

C# Video Converter library

Hi, I am looking for a C# library(not commandline), commerical or free, that has the power similar to FFempeg. Video encoding is most important. Any suggestions? Best Regards, Rune ...

Blackberry way to store audio and video into sqlite?

I want to make a blackberry app. which will store audio and video files into the sqlite database. Does blackberry have a special api for this? (special classes for byte[]) Can I store files into sqlite on blackberry? ...

Freeware solution for recording streaming asf video?

Just hoping some kind soul out there can point me to a good freeware solution (Windows) that allows me to record video from a site (the site uses asf streaming)... ...

Video effects/manipulation library?

I've been trying to find a good library for manipulating video, for example, gluing clips together, addings captions, transitions between clips etc. So far I have no been able to find anything promising. If it runs on linux thats a plus, does not have to be free. To be clear, im looking for some form of api/library, not a video editing t...

Can you play a <video> inside the page with Safari iPhone?

I would like to play a video from inside the rendered page with an iPhone/Safari. When I put a <video>, it's always opened and played in a separate full-screen Quicktime window. Is there a way to play the video directly from the page? (a similar question

What's the logic i need to make this work? PHP Video manipulation with third party control functionality.

I am a php newbie so i may be completely off here. But this is what i want to do. Have a user upload a video to my site. This then has a 30 second clip from our database added to it. Which can be downloaded by the user for upload on any third party websites. Essentially the video is a flv or mpeg4, etc. But now with the 30 second cli...

Videos - should I include them in my app?

Hey guys, Thanks to you, I got my working hours calculator on the App Store. :) Now for my next one - I want to make an app that includes video of my series of tutorials. However, I want to know whether it's good form to include the videos directly inside the app or not? If I do, the app size would be something in the region of 80mb as ...

How to modify in real time the video stream from the iPhone camera?

Every time the camera of the iPhone captures a new image, I want to modify it and then display it on the iPhone screen. In other way: how to modify in real time the video stream from the iPhone camera? I need a method who is called every time when a new image comes from the camera. Thanks for your help! :-) EDIT: what I want to do is l...