
How does Jaycut (online video editing tool) work?

Jaycut is a flash-based online video editing tool. It's surprisingly capable, what I'm wondering is how they achieve this in Flash/Flex. They allow mixing of video, audio and applying transitions and that seems a lot to do in AS3. I wondered if perhaps the mixing is done on the server when you click "preview video", but even then it stil...

Android Video Recording Sample

Hi Does anyone got the video recording sample for android , if yes could you please share the same Thanks Vish ...

Video window resize in windows

This is related video capturing in WINDOWS. Video will be recording,meanwhile i will drag the window(dialog box)( i mean with mouse pointer i will enlarge/or compress the window),then the video image also should get enlarged/compressed to fit into the window. How to achive this task? Help Code is in vc++ Does this Win api stretchBlt()...

SiteClip or something similar? Recording Video directly.

Hi I've been using SiteClip from to allow users to record video directly to my site but it no longer seems to be working. Does anyone know of something similar? Basically SiteClip handles all the recording via a flash plug in and uploads the resulting video to my site. Many thanks. ...

Play video in java from InputStream

Hello. Does anyone know what I should use to play a video in Java, from an InputStream? I get the video from a SOAP message, and I don't want to save it to the hard disk, I just want to play it once and then release it. I have tried using JMF, I downloaded it, but it doesn't even install. What other free (open-source) alteratives are t...

How do I use MediaRecorder to record video without causing a segmentation fault?

I'm trying to use to record video, and no matter what I do the android runtime segmentation faults when I call prepare(). Here's an example: public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { Log.i("video test", "making recorder"); MediaRecorder recorder = new MediaRecorder(); contentResolver = get...

IPhone, MPMoviePlayerController how to disable zooming when double tap on the screen ?

How can I dissable the strange double tap behaviour when playing movie using MPMoviePlayerController. The double tap makes zoom/unzoom of the movie and makes some of my gestures in the overlay view to stop working on the double tap area. ...

Video streaming using c++

I'm going to build an application in c++ that creates stream of photos and then sends them as video stream to another application. any ideas about how can i start? what I mean is, what libraries should i use and what the encoding? I'm thinking about MJPEG, and UDP or RTP as protocol.... any help would be greatly appreciated. ...

Using C++ in xcode for image and video processing

I am studying in the area of image and video processing - specifically in the field of pattern recognition (objects, people etc.). I wish to use a programming language to apply the transformation to images and video (more importantly video). I am thinking of using C++ in Xcode to do this. The algorithms I wanna build I want to take data ...

Video recording without user interaction

Hi, I want to record video with new iPhone SDK available on 3GS without user interaction. I went through UIImagePickerController and UIImagePickerControllerDelegate class reference. But nothing important came up.I also tried to look at the sample code provided by Apple. I am still trying to figure out that is it really possible to recor...

Real-time video encoding for mobile

Hey, Does anyone know a good way to do real-time video re-encoding (Target formats being 3GP s263 AMR narrowband and MP4 mp4v mp4a, but not at the same time of course. Input files would be WMV, but the more input formats supported the better)? Currently we do asynchronous processing using a C# service that calls the ffmpeg command-line...

python video library

hello , Im working on a software that needs to do some video functions like converting video to sequence of images and then convert images ( after modifying )back to video what are the recommended libraries for this tasks plus ... what are the recommended library for PAINTING over video thank u very much ...

calculating filesize of a response?

hello, im tryingto code a script to do dynamic transcoding of video and audio (likely just audio for now) and streaming to mobile devices, currently im using the script posted elsewhere on here ( but this seemsto have problems as i do not ...

Video decoding and rendering library for XLib

Currently what I have a Linux application that was written using Xlib and I needed to add video playing capabilities into it. What libraries would you recommend that I could use for video decoding and rendering that works well with Xlib? ...

Is it possible to encrypt an uploaded video?

Is it possible to create functionality such that when someone uploads a video to my website, the system encrypts it and other people can't watch it even if they download it. They would then require a private key to watch the video online. ...

Flex video player buffering

am new to flex.. am creating one video player.. I need set the preloader for this component when ever the video is buffering... Please post the answers or related links.. Thanks Aswath ...

custom seek bar for a streaming video file in android

How can we display a custom seek bar for a streaming video file in android? ...

Convert a video to MP4 (H.264/AAC) with ffmpeg

Hi everybody, If I don't make a mistake, Safari currently need MP4 (H.264/AAC) video encoded for the HTML5 <video> element. So I tried to convert a video to this format with ffmpeg. However when I enter the shell command ffmpeg -i video.flv video.mp4, the returned error is : Seems stream 0 codec frame rate differs from container ...

Using FFmpeg from .NET

I have been searching for an hour on how to use FFmpeg from .NET and it seems you need to execute the FFmpeg.exe with a Process to get things done. To get a duration of an flv file for instance, you would need to start using grep to get something back out of cmd window. It all seems complicated... + you'd have to start installing things ...

How to add mime-type for <video> element on Firefox ?

Hi everybody, Into this dir there are : OGV video (Theora/Vorbis) for Firefox MP4 video (H264/AAC) for Safari FLV video with a flash player (player.swf) for others browsers a template.html which contains a snippet coming from Video for everybody a .htaccess to add the new types of video Locally the video is correctly displayed on al...