
Where can I find video tutorials for the following .Net topics?

Asp.Net Pipeline Transaction Management in .Net/Sql Server ...

Android VideoViewer cannot show decrypted mp4 from streaming URL

Hello, I am currently attempting to implement a solution to show encrypted video on Android (v1.6). The mp4 video is encrypted using AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding and then copied to the SD card. Since the decryption process is slow I have installed i-Jetty on the device and am setting my VideoView URI to be the localhost address of the servlet...

Direct Show Capture filter "wrapper"

Hello I need to write a DirectShow capture filter that wraps the "real" video device (fitler) and deinterlaces the captured video. From the interface perspective, this has to be a separate video device available in enumerator and when choosen, it connects to a real video device and inserts a transform filter (deinterlace) between v...

Which service to embed a videochat easily on a website?

Hello, I'm working on a new website and I'd like to add a videochat feature. So I'm looking for services giving an API to do that easily. Here is the list of features I need: 1-to-1 chat (a user can chat with an other one) video voice chat be able to know if somebody is currently chatting user-friendly working on all standard configu...

Accessing iPhone native video player that opens instead of HTML5 video

Annoyingly, when you have an HTML5 video on an HTML page, loaded inside an UIWebView, it opens the native player to play that video when you finally press the play button. Is there a way to access that native player so I can either override the aspect ratio or hide the controls? I tried checking all of the views that were added to my U...

Recording video on an iPhone 3G

I am writing an application that records video on an iPhone using the UIImagePickerController class. The application works fine with the iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS but I am getting an error on the iPhone 3G. Are there limitations on the iPhone 3G that prevent me from recording video? I am getting the following error: 2010-09-14 16:27:15...

Playing movies from the library in an iPhone app

Hi guys, Does anyone know whether it is possible to play a video that was synched with iTunes from within an application of your own? In other words - it is of course possible to programmatically create a movie player inside an application, and play movies via HTTP or movies locally stored within the home directory of the application. ...

ASP.NET Live Webinar and Streaming video platforms

One of my customers wants a live webinar platform that would allow users to interact with the presenter via live chat. I am aware of a streaming video platform from a company called XIGLA, but I don't think that provides the Live Webinar/chat functionality. I was wondering if there is already anything out there that does this out of the...

AS3 Video Encoding at runtime with high compression (H.264?)

I need to compress video image data (lets say a display object) in AS3 to a Byte Array with high compression at runtime. Framerate only needs to be around 5 but 1024x768 video needs to go to < 40 Kilobyte per Second without the quality beeing tooo bad. I wrote a custom encoder and got it to around 80-100 Kilobyte per Second for 1024*768 ...

How to play video?

Hi, I'm not c++ programmer so I have problem. Simple problem, I think. I need play movie, can be only e.g. .avi (I can convert). Static width, static height, no button, no loop. I will write in PHP something like exec('window.exe movie23.avi'); And appears window, play video, window close. I rely code or good links. Best regards ...

Capture video/audio from webcam, view it and send as a file to server (ex. youtube) in flash/actionscript

Hi, people! I'm new in AS and trying create util such Youtube's "My webcam". Here's a part of my code: var camera:Camera = Camera.getCamera(cameraIndex.toString()); VideoDisplay.attachCamera(camera); //view yourself var mic:Microphone = Microphone.getMicrophone(0); video = new Video(); netconnection = new NetConnection; netconnection.c...

video conferencing stack for embedded devices

I am looking for a video conferencing stack that I can run on an embedded device. Cam will be connected through USB, hw video acceleration and ethernet is available. We are running linux & directfb. Any suggestions? ...

How do i make a video like this

Hi i run a small website and i am interested in making a video like this to promote my website ! The video is on the site Any idea which software was used and how I can make it !! ...

upload videos from youtube

I'm going to store the video embed code from youtube since users can upload videos. What should be the data type of the field where I would store the video embed code. Video embed code like this: <object width="640" height="385"> <param name="movie" value=";amp;hl=en_US"&gt;&lt;/param&g...

QuickTime Plugin.webplugin/QuickTime Plugin" (file not found). in iPhone

Hi all, I'm running youtube video by providing the youtube url to webview which opens the youtube video and runs it in MPMoviePlayerController on click automatically. It works well on simulator but on device it gives me following warning: warning: Unable to read symbols for "/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/4.0.2/S...

Can anyone suggest a video player to watch tutorials?

Hi, I hope no one will scream that it is not a programming question. Do you know any video player that I can use to watch video-tutorials with the possibility of adding notes or bookmarks on the sequences? Thanks, ...

Windows CE: roadmap for full screen .net application with video chat capabilities

I have to develop application that should launch as soon as windows CE is started up. User should see the "OS-starting" screen and then the application form without observing desktop & other apps icons. Application should provide some functions + function to start video chat via the local network (no Internet is required). Please, give ...

Looking for software: frame a TV feed with other information

note: I looked on the other Stack sites and didn't see one where this question would be more appropriate -- please, no snipes I'm looking for software that frames a TV feed (via coax cable) with still images, tickers, etc. Below is an example of a potential layout I'm interested in (care of Bloomberg). ...

Live Video Streaming in Android

Hello everyone, I would like to stream live from the video camera of my mobile phone to my pc. Is there an API available? Applications like qik or livecast are not very useful to me, because I want something open source in order to change it... ...

Android OpenGL video capture

Does anyone knows some convinient method to capture video to file or stream from OpenGL app on Android device? For example, can we capture video from a view, opengl view? I just found out the following: 1) We can get frames using glReadPixels. (No video on this step?) 2) MediaRecorder can encode video, but how can we provide it our r...