
How to convert various video file formats into FLV (for FlowPlayer)?

Hi, We need to allow our users to upload video files (which will be in various different formats naturally), and convert them all into FLV so it can be streamed using FlowPlayer ( What would be better FFmpeg or mencoder? And what should be the appropriate commands / arguments for the various steps. I've had a l...

YouTube API (PHP) - Retrieving a private video under my account

I'm using Zend_Gdata_YouTube to interface with the YouTube API to upload videos from my site. The videos are uploaded as "private": $myVideoEntry->setVideoPrivate(); ...and have unique tags and developer tags. An admin can then go into a custom CMS and approve the private user-submitted entries and make them public - at least, that's ...

Can I preload multiple video resources to load in the same HTML5 <video> element?

I'm working out details on a web application which involves the sequential loading of a long series of (very short) video clips, one after the other, with occasional input from the user establishing new directions for which video clips to load. I would like to be able to have the browser preload the video clips five at a time. However,...

how to detect clip end of progressive Flash video FLV?

Hi I have some FLV video files to be reproduced sequentially by a Flash video player. Suppose v1.flv and v2.flv. I want the player to start playing v2.flv once v1.flv has reached the end. According to this forum, the onPlayStatus does not fire in progressive FLVs. What can be done? A snippet of what I am trying below: public class MyCl...

AVAssetExportSession array of images to movie?

Hi, does anyone know (best a small source) how to convert an array of images into a movie? thx chris ...

Why is it so complex to convert a video file into FLV?

Hi, I'm reading more on the topic, includig Qs on SO and everyone seems to have used some bit of hackery so as to get a certain video-type encoded into FLV. Why is it such a big deal? Seems very simple to convert one format into another, but that doesnt appear to be the case... ...

Downloading Youtube videos with PHP

Hello all. I am searching for a way to download Youtube videos using PHP. I have searched how to do this for hours but unfortunately all the Google results I find are years old and do not work anymore. I would appreciate it if someone could explain how to do this, or give a link to an up-to-date article that explains it in detail. Tha...

HTML5 video codec support

What codecs will be supported with the HTML5 video taq? Will it vary by browser, or is there a spec of specific codec that will be supported? ...

IE9 will support VP8 Encoded Videos ?

IE9 will support VP8 Encoded Videos if a User has VP8 Codec installed on Computer. Where will user get VP8 Codec ? Flash-Player ? I cant get this ...

Probability book or video for purely analytical brain

That's it. I suck at probability theory. I simply don't seem to get it. The thing is, I have strongly analytical brain, but every single book that I ran to, taught probability using synthesis and not analysis. Since probability theory is crucial for every programmer and I want to improve, could you tell me the book or video lecture that...

Most memorable programming videos/podcasts

As a programmer, which videos, podcasts, presentatations do you think are a must watch? I was watching Doug Crockford's lectures on Javascript and wanted to know what else have I missed!!! List out only the very best that you remember (Don't mention incidents, like launch of Windows or Macs just because they're videos. I'm looking for c...

Facebook api video.upload requires HTTPS connection

I noticed a very funny error message Facebook API returns when I tried to use CURL to upload video to Facebook as below: This method requires an HTTPS connection Based on facebook api doc: … deo.upload it wrote that: Video uploads to Facebook happen on a specific set of servers. When you call video.u...

ANDROID: How do I download a video file to SD card?

I have a video file on a website in .MP4 format and I want to allow the user to be able to download the video to their SD card by clicking a link. Is there an easy way to do this. I currently have this code but its not working...not sure what I am doing wrong. THanks for any help! import; import

Develop a 360-Degree Video Viewer

Hi, I'm interested in those 360-Degree video you can find on the web (like I am wondering how all of this is working, and how one can start to implement a view like this. Any hint we be appreciated, thanks ! ...

how to set video recorder

i checked the video recorder in the test setting for recording the automatic test in the end of the test i got an error in test result "video recording cannot be created" did i miss something ...

Flex3 can't resume a paused video I recorded

I've recorded a live video stream using Red5 .8. When I play it back, it works fine. When I pause (with ns.togglePause) it pauses but when I resume with ns.resume it doesn't play. private function viewTheStream():void{ nc = new NetConnection(); nc.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS,streamConnect); nc.connect(rtmpPath.text ); ...

HTML5 inline video on iPhone vs iPad/Browser

Hi, I've created an HTML5 video player (very simple) that works perfectly on the iPad and the browser. However, when I open it on the iPhone, I only get a play button which, when pressed, opens the native video player on a new window, on top of all my stuff. That means I lose access to my custom controls and time tracking (written in ...

Video iphone question - 720p on iphone 3g/3gs?

Hi there. This may be a ridiculous question - but I know nothing about videos, video files or playback. If I have videos in 720p format (high definition) will they play normally on an iphone 3g/3gs which doesn't support high def? Or will I have to have 2 different videos and test the device? Thanks Tom ...

Embed the code on the page and fire the video

I have a few a tags with the name video_button_a <a id="first_video" class="video_button_a" href="#"></a> <a id="second_video" class="video_button_a" href="#"></a> When I click on any of these links i need to embed this in between <embed src="" width="480" height="200" allowscriptaccess="always" allo...

how can you stop Vimeo video player automatically when clicking slider arrows?

I've run into an issue with a Vimeo player that's been set up for a site I'm working on. I have a friend who implemented the slider. The way it's setup is there is an introductory video embedded from Vimeo on the first slide on the homepage, which only shows up on the homepage. The problem is that when a user clicks on either of the a...