
Get this embedded video to play in IE

Hello, I have an unusual request. A client wants to play a video from the webcast page. My friend had copied the rendered directly and posted it onto a page. Which to my surprise worked, however it does not work in IE only. Any suggestions or advice (Other then the clearly poor choice in implementing this task would be greatly ap...

Load a FLV video on Flash without method GET

Hi, I want load a video on flash, without a GET call to get the video... now the code is something like this: var Player:FLVPlayback = attachMovie("FLVPlayback", "Player", _root.getDepth()-1); Player.autoPlay=false; Player.bufferingBar=buff; Player.contentPath="myVIDEO.flv"; the problem is when myVIDEO.flv are loaded, this URL appers o...

How hard is dynamic rendering on video?

I'd like to make an app that takes a video input (e.g. using your webcam), and dynamically render something fun on top of it based on its content. For example, I'll detect user's face in the video and change the color of his/her lips. Probably I can ask user to specify the contour of his/her lip using some closed curve with a few control...

Couldnt play back wav files in sequence. process had died on the way.

hi. I have a problem about playback of some wav files. I'd like to execute some wav files in sequence. but cant work well. sometimes i can play back till last but sometimes it doesn't work on the way. anyone knows something to solve this problem? pls Help !... the following is my code and log of logcat. ---------------------------...

VideoView plays ok, but not visible when swapping fullscreen views

I have some AsyncTask that loads a video stream into the player, so I want to show some Loading screen while it performs. Currently my onCreate code looks like this: final View loadingView = getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.video_loading, null); final View playerView = getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.player, null); final VideoV...

how to Play wmv and flv files in mvc

i want to play video files like wmv and flv in my mvc application? what is the best solution or plugin to do so ...

Recommendations for recording streamed video from IP camera?

As a hobby project, I want to set up an IP security camera to stream to my web server. The streams should be stored on the server, and I want to set up a web application to let me browse through the recorded video - either streaming using Flash or HTML5, or just by downloading chunks of video as video files. Although not very experience...

Streaming video. How to support a lot of small webinars at one time?

Hi! I’ve got a question about streaming video. I have to embed ability to organize "webinars" for 10-15 users. We can have several hundred webinars in one time in the beginning and several thousands of it in the future. Chosen solution must have abitity to stream video from any webinar member to all other webinar members. Only one member...

How to make a video from images with timestamps?

I have a bunch of images grabbed in real-time from an experiment. Each image has also a timestamp of when it was produced/measured/generated. I would like to make a video from those images. The problem is that framerate is not really static as some images took longer to make. So I am searching for a way to make those images into a video ...

Which codec does Flash use to stream video from web cameras to RTMP, RTMFP servers?

Which codec does Flash use to stream video from web cameras to RTMP, RTMFP servers? What I ment to say: we connect to some server like Red 5, we start streaming video onto it from our flash RIA. In what codec video is traveling from RIA to Red 5? ...

video as site background? HTML 5

I want to use a video as a background instead of an image that automatically stretches to the whole screen (background). I would also like to rotate videos and images.. so that there is a random video/image displayed in any order. It would also be nice to know how to delay video playback, so that the video only plays once 30 seconds af...

Method for cuting video when ACTION_GET_CONTENT Intent calls.

I know, iPhone has method for set max length of video picked from gallery(and video will be cut automatically). But on android i can't find same method. Anybody knows solution for taking video from gallery and cut it? Something like Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT, null); intent.setType("video/*"); // i hope somethi...

Scheduled Media Streaming

I have a video that needs to be delivered through streaming, but all viewers need to be synchronized at the same time regardless of when they started the video. If the video starts streaming at 7:00 and someone visits the page at 7:05, they should see the footage at 7:05 and onwards. Does Red5 or Flash Media Server or any other streami...

Inline videos from Link for Facebook

I have a site with a webpage containing videos. -> Has swf video embedded via flashembed. When users share this link on Facebook, I want the video to be playable inline on Facebook. (WHich is what happens if it were a Youtube link.) There is some related discussion, but it seems to target FB app developers. http...

Silverlight video editing app

Hi, I was wonder if there is any type of silverlight framework that will help me build an app for basic video editing? ...

Best way to implement Video IM on site

Hey guys, I'm developing what will be a high volume traffic site. To give you some background, its currently based in jQuery, PHP and mysql. Soon, I will be also be implementing NodeJS. I am looking for an open sourced video chat application that will allow: 1) For 2 people to video IM each other. 2) Allow groups of up to 4 pe...

Protecting video on my site?

Hi, I'd like to host a video on s3. I would like to 'embed' it in a page within my site, like: <video>the video</video> I'm not sure how to embed a video player and point it to the url hosted at s3, I've only used the youtube api player for that, but this is probably possible. The issue I'd like to kn...

How do I place a video on an ASP.NET page and make it so that it will load in a timely manner?

I have an .avi video (500 MB-50 minutes) that I embedded using the following code in VB.NET: <OBJECT width="360px" height="360px" CLASSID="CLSID:6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6" VIEWASTEXT> <PARAM name="autoStart" value="False"> <PARAM name="URL" value="Video\Wellness_1.wmv"> <PARAM name="enabled" value="True"> <PARAM name="balanc...

How do I enable the control bar for an .swf file?

The code below works great except the user has to right click the video and then left click "play". Is there a way to add the control bar via param? <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,40,0" width="360" height="270"> <p...

help.... implements algorithm VEA

i want to encrypt and decrypt video streaming using algorithm VEA in is algorithm VEA to encrypt and decrypt : Algoritma VEA( int m,/*key length*/ bit key[m], /*secret key*/ char *flv_video, /*input file*/ char *vea_flv_video) /*output file*/ ...