
ConstraintException when filling a DataGridView from a SQL Server view

Hi all, I have a SQL Server view which does a simple join of two tables and returns some of the columns. Running this view in Management Studio does not cause any problems, the expected data (two rows) is returned. When I use this view as data source for my TableAdapter in Visual Studio, I get a ConstraintException saying "Failed to en...

How to store the result of a delay-call using celery in a django view?

I`ve followed the guidelines in and created a view that calls my test method in import time from celery.decorators import task @task() def add(x, y): time.sleep(10) return x + y But if my add-method takes a long time to respond, how c...

How can I achieve this basic layout in android with the proper z-ordering of views

How can I achieve the following layout in Android? What I would like, is to have the 3 blue boxes top aligned in their view, and then I'd like to have the red box centered underneath the blue boxes, but so that when I animate the red box up, it slides underneath the blue box. I have tried placing the blue and red boxes in different lay...

MVC: Where should I format data?

Hi, I get data from Model (an array with data) and I need to display with a specific format. I need to iterate over the array, format the data and then display it. Where should I format data to display? In Model, Controller or View? Thank you. ...

Entity Framework Views and Linq .Where

I have a very small entity framework setup containing only a few related classes/tables and a view. I need to be able to pull a specific record from this view, namely, I need to be able to grab the record that meets two criteria, it has a specific ProfileID and a specific QuoteID. This line is what's causing the problem: TWProfileUpcha...

Custom View that takes & delete a Camera Picture

Hi I am trying to create a Custom View that takes as well as deletes a picture and looks like the following: Following operations a view can perform: Take a picture (by clicking on the No Image Available sign) -- works Delete a picture (by clicking on the red cross) -- works Preview a picture How do I create a listener to find ...

[iOS]How to make a "snapshot" of the current view's state

I need to make a snapshot or a screenshot - call it as you like- of the current view and then display it in the modal view. Because if I just write this in the ModalView's View controller MyAppViewController *viewController = [[MyAppViewController alloc] init]; self.view = viewController.view; All the methods of the MyAppViewControl...

view template code tags - mvc - regd.

What is the difference between <% %> and <%: %> in context of MVC view engine. In the MVC2 book it's given as follows: <% %> code nuggets execute code when the View template renders. <%: %> code nuggets execute the code contained within them and then render the result to the output stream of the template. When to use the firs...

How to display an ImageView in a custom view in Android

I have an activity that calls a custom view when a button is pressed. The custom view runs fine until I try to add an ImageView to it. I have tried this in my xml that is called in my main activity with setContentView: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" andro...

MVC RedirectToAction from one controller to another - View is not displayed issue

I have a controller in which is do some checks. If for one reason or another and exception occurs I want to display the error messages in another view in another controller. This is how my exception handler looks catch (Exception ex) { string infoMsg = "Delete the user and recreate is with an appropriate username...

Not getting updates in MVC View following a post method

Not getting updates in MVC View following a post method Hi, Here's my controller code: public ActionResult Search() { ForecastManagementViewModel viewModel = new ForecastManagementViewModel(); viewModel.JobDate = System.DateTime.Now; return View(viewModel); } [HttpPost] public ActionResult Search(ForecastManagementViewMo...

iPhone Callout Pin resize view for detail display

Hi, When the user click on a annotation, I display the default callout view with a title, subtitle and a right info button. When the user click on the info button, I would like the callout view to resize itself and display a detail view controller. Basically, I would like the same effect with an animation as the Google Maps applicatio...

In Android how to add a view at particular x-y co-ordinates on the screen

This is what I want to achieve. When ever a user taps at any point on the screen, I would like to show an image at that point for say 2 seconds. Is it possible ? ...

CouchDB: Get result from a view IN a view

Hi there, I want to reuse outputted data from a view in another view. like this reduced and grouped data: {"rows":[ {"key":"cool","value":3}, {"key":"einzigartig","value":1}, {"key":"mega","value":1}, {"key":"nice","value":1}, {"key":"spitze","value":1}, {"key":"super","value":2} ]} ...because I want to interchange key <> value so th...

Drupal's Event module with View module - how to change color of past events?

i'm using event module, with event_views module. is it possible to change color of past events? or events in the future? i know that will be some extra programing, but i don't know what and where.. tnx in adv on suggestions! ...

How to save data from a DetailView bound to a ViewModel if the repository is a no-go in a viewmodel ?

Hello, we mvvm lovers all know Josh Smith mvvm sample and how he has saved the customer in the detail customer view by injecting the repository object into the customerViewModel`s constructor. But a viewmodel should not know about repositories. Its just a model of a view nothing must being aware of persistence etc... How can I registe...

iphone UINavigation Controller

I'm trying to get a better understanding of the UINavigationController. I have 3 .xibs. From .xib1 I am pushing to .xib2. I have to pass data to .xib2 from .xib1. Controller1 *selectcity = [[Controller1 alloc]initWithNibName:@"Controller1" bundle:nil]; selectcity.item1 = @"hi"; // Push the next view onto our stack [self.navigationCo...

Android Bouncing Options View?

What is the name of the view that is used to display options in the latest android contacts app? It's the one that after clicking on a contact picture slides in displays a few options in a horizontal line. ...

When ONE View has ONE ViewModel then a Customer-Order-Product relation/gui can get very nasty...

I think I got some sort of knowledge flash and now I am totally confused. I looked at many mvvm implementations like Ocean,Stuff,BBQShack,MVVM demo,WAF,Chinch1,2 etc... Everyone is doing MVVM differently somehow... There is ONE scenario that drives me nuts. I am missing understanding and I hope someone can clear the clouds in my head. ...

Android: How do you scale multiple views together?

I'm trying to layer graphics one top of each other, like an icon over a background, with the second layer (icon) at a certain pixel offset from the top left corner of first layer (background). Since each layer will eventually have its own animation, I'm placing each in its own View. For my implementation I have two ImageViews, one for ...