
UIWebView setup is looping for some reason in viewDidLoad

Hi, I have the weirdest problem, I setup a UIWebView in the viewDidLoad section of my viewController and for some reaosn it keeps on looping through the setup : - (void)loadView { UIWebView *webViewer = [[UIWebView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 430)]; webViewer.delegate = self; webViewer.scalesPageToFit = YES; w...

viewDidLoad is called only the first time

hello. someone could tell me please why when launch my app in the second time (after pressing the home button) the method viewDidLoad is not being called. thanx. ...

Difference between viewDidAppear, viewDidLoad in iPhone?

Bottom line is, I've been working on an app, and it seems that if I place a UIAlert in viewDidLoad, it gets called twice (from a delegate method of UIImagePickerController). If I put it in viewDidAppear, it gets called once. I've looked through documentation but it just confuses me. Can someone explain it to me? Thank you. ...

Refresh view controller content on app entering foreground

I have an app with a tab bar that has a few tabs with user-generated content. When each view controller loads, the viewDidLoad method makes HTTP requests to a server to fetch data, then populates its view correspondingly. Once all the data is loaded, however, the view remains the same (unless the view controller is unloaded and reloaded)...

Home button doesn't exit app in iPhone simulator 4.0

I noticed that when building then running viewDidLoad only gets called once. If you press the home button and re-enter the application, viewDidLoad does not execute again. Another thing I noticed is that when you re-enter an application it starts off right where you left off. Is this the same behavior as in older SDKs? Does this mean t...

Calling a Method in viewDidLoad()

Hello Users, I have a little Problem, i have implemented the following method to open an Image: - (void)ladeImage { id path = @""; NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:path]; NSData *data = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:url]; UIImage *img = [[UIImage alloc] initWithData:data]; UIImageView *imgView...

Mistake in autoResizingMask

Hello people, i have implemented a small viewDidLoad() to show an Picture with autoresizing, but it doesn't work, could please someone help me and say what is the mistake in this code in line 3 and 4???? imageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:img]; imageView.frame = self.view.frame; imageView.autoresizingMask = UIViewAu...

Programmatically layout iPhone UIView?

I am using the iPhone toolchain on Linux and so I have no Interface Builder. So how could I layout my view in my ViewController subclass? For example, I want a UITextView in the middle of the screen? Should I do this in the loadView or viewDidLoad. Do I also have to set the view for the ViewController subclass to itself? ...

When is viewDidLoad called?

Is it safe to assume that an attribute, namely fetchedResultsController, of chatViewController, an instance of a subclass of UITableViewController, is always nil when viewDidLoad is called, assuming that it's set to nil in viewDidUnload? Phew! If that's the case, then I see no immediate need to redefine the accessor function like in the...

ViewDidLoad after ViewDidUnload is called.

Hi, I know that ViewDidUnload may be called if there is a problem in an app such as a memory warning. When that view is loaded later, ViewDidLoad is called again. If ViewDidUnload is not called, but a view that was previously shown is moved aside (like in a UINavigationBar), is ViewDidLoad called again? What can be done if one does no...

UITableView not populating in Tab bar iPhone application

I have a tab bar application which loads a UITableView when one of it's buttons are selected. It seems to load the view controller however it doesn't seem to be populating the data. I have tried setting the cell.text = @"cell" (while setting the number of rows > 0) and an NSLog in the CellForRowAtIndexPath proves that in fact the functio...

Use UIImage in another View

Hello community, I have implemented an CoverFlow with a button below. When i tap the button the App jump to the second view, and the picture that is active in the coverflow should be on the nex View: Here is the viewDidLoad of my CoverFlowViewController.m: - (IBAction)goToChart { [rootViewController switchViews]; } // Implement vi...