
ASP.NET MVC generic base view class

I can have a base class for views in an MVC project like this: public class BaseViewPage : System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage { public string Something { get; set; } } And then in the ASPX I can do this: <%@ Page Something="foo" Language="C#" Inherits="MyNamespace.BaseViewPage" %> This works fine; the problem is when I try to do the same wi...

Only show a view on a certain content type in Drupal

Hi, i have build an "About the Author" views block in Drupal. This is linked at the user_id of the creater of the current node, which works great. However, i now would like to know how to limit the view to certain content types. I do not want it to show on a story, only on blogs. I tried to do it with Arguments but i haven't had any lu...

[CAKEPHP] Customize add view - Change dropdownlist to radio buttons

I have a add.ctp... In the model I want to add I have a relation belongsTo, so when I generate that add view he creates a dropdownlist input. But I want to use radiobuttons instead... I already have the code of the radio button and inside the view I can get wich one is selected. My problem is, how I pass that value to the controler ins...

Integrating Silverlight 'views' into an ASP.MVC application

We have developed a Silverlight Control which performs some biometric's to establish someone's identity and will be using it to authenicate a user in our MVC app. However we want to provide for someone which does not have Silverlight installed and therefore return a view which provides a normal login/password type stuff. My question i...

Next previous links from a query set / generic views

I have a quite simple query set and a related generic views: f_detail = { 'queryset': Foto.objects.all(), 'template_name': 'foto_dettaglio.html', "template_object_name" : "foto", } urlpatterns = patterns('', # This very include (r'^foto/(?P<object_id>\d+)/$', list_detail.object_detail, f_detail, ), ) ...

Defining Datatypes for Linked ODBC View Columns

In an Access app, I've linked to MySQL tables. I have also linked to a View. A couple of the View columns have been mapped by Access as Memo, and one as OLE Object. They should be Text(255). Is there anyway that I can fix this? MTIA ...

Defining Column Datatypes in MySQL Views

In an Access app, I've linked to MySQL tables. I have also linked to a View. A couple of the View columns have been mapped by Access as Memo, and one as OLE Object(!). They should be Text(255). Is there any way that I can define the columns in a View? MTIA ...

SQL Server: View to retain the foreign keys of the table?

I have a table "Scholars", that has many foreign keys to look-up tables such as Courses and Colleges. When I create a view on that table to return a subset of the Scholars (eg those who are still living), the view doesn't seem to have the same foreign keys as the table. Am I quite new to SQL Server and not sure if I am doing something w...

Buttons to fill width when using TableLayout

Hello, <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <ScrollView xmlns:android="" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content"> <TableLayout android:id="@+id/TableLayout01" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_width="fill_parent"> <Tab...

iPhone view appearing behind animation

I have set up a multiview application with two views. The views can be switched using a button in each view (there are two separate actions). I am using the animation UIViewAnimationTransitionFlipFromRight, and when I go from the first to the second view, the view I am going to appears behind the flipping animation. I would like it just ...

Is there any way to have a tab bar switch views without using a tabBarController?

Hello all, I have an app with a navigation controller that I would like to add a tab bar to. Does anybody know if its possible to say something like if the fist tab is selected show view1 if tab 2 is selected show view2? If theres code for that then I would be good to go. Any help is appreciated. Y+Thanks ...

Using "ObjectName" instead of "Namespace.ObjectName" in a view

I'm really not sure how to ask this, so forgive me if it sounds a bit off. I have an IPerson interface, a Student : IPerson class and an Employee : IPerson in the Project.Data namespace. In my controller, I add the reference for Project.Data and Project.Services and add using statements where appropriate. In my view, I create a strong...

UISegmentControl switch views??

Hello all, I have a UISegmentControl in my app and im trying to make it switch views like the app store. Ive tried this code with no luck: - (IBAction)segmentSwitch:(id)sender { UISegmentedControl *segmentedControl = (UISegmentedControl *) sender; NSInteger selectedSegment = segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex; if (selectedSegm...

How to easily Bind any database VIEWS to a jtable with netbeans?

Netbeans can easily bind jtable with relational database tables(mysql,deby,etc).. How can i easily bind "Views" table to a jtable... If that is not possible, is there any easy way to join tables and display the result in JTable... Thank you so much. ...

How to issue a confirm (yes/no) message of a Android task?

I want to ask the user if he agrees to continue launching a task, how do I issue a confirm window having Yes, No buttons? ...

InnoDB not supported by webhost. What now?

I was developing a small WAMP web application on my laptop, where I have an instance of mySQL running and I chose InnoDB for my DB engine. After several weeks' development I wanted to make it available to the public and found out the database server provided by my web host does not support InnoDB, only MyISAM. The create-and-populate sc...

How to active each view from Modules in CAL using MVVM pattern

I have a Shell application which loads different modules to it one at a time through a tab control attached Shell. I need only one instance of each module should be available in shell. So anyone can u help me how to activate and deactivate the views of each modules when user switches between tabs. Thanks in Advance. ...

iphone - Can self.view transitions be animated?

The code below is from another SO post, and my question is can the transition from one view to the next using this method be animated, and if so how? // origView is an instance variable/IBOutlet to your original view. - (IBAction)switchToPhoneView:(id)sender { if (origView == nil) origView = self.view; self.view = phoneViewContr...

Hold "shared" views in app delegate or in root view controller? (iPhone OS)

Say I have two views: "day view" and "week view". In the week view, tapping on a day opens the day view for that day. I have a root view controller with two buttons: one leading to a day view for today, the other to the current week view. I want to be able to push any one of the view controllers on the UINavigationViewController's stack...

Drupal/Flash: How to mediate their communication with Views, etc

My intention is to build a full-screen well-optimized flash site, possibly a hybrid (but i want persistent flash.. for example, to play music), with drupal in the back. However, I want to be able to do this as dynamically as possible. If flash is detected, then I will be showing a flash site with a flash area and an ajax non-flash area...