
Create view in Drupal with a taxonomy argument that displays values for hierarchies

Hi there, I'm trying to get my view to work correctly using a taxonomy argument. My taxonomy has a hierarchy so if I supply the main taxonomy term (which has various sub-terms), I want it to show results for the main term plus all the sub-terms. However, at the moment it is only supplying results for the main term and excludes it's sub-...

How do I create / access dynamic form fields in Django from within a View?

Hello, I have a system which keeps lots of "records" and need to integrate a component which will produce reports of any selected records. To the user, it looks like this: Click "Create Report" Select the records to be included in the report. Hit "Submit" and the report is displayed. To me I think: Load all records. Create a Repo...

Views user content value using php argument

Just trying to use php argument in drupal views. I need PHP that will check on a users cck content profile field value. True if it is 'on' false if it not 'on' Sorry designer not coder. ...

Scala: What are views for collections and when would you want to use them?

In Scala, for many (all?) types of collections you can create views. What exactly is a view and for which purposes are views useful? ...

Displaying data objects mapped by ID elegantly in views

I have a bunch of support Cases and Users. Each Case is assigned to a User with a unique ID. My data model represents this with an AssignedUser user ID reference. This is easy to store and retrieve, but not convenient to display. When I want to display a list of Cases, the user property should be formatted as the user's username and not...

Drupal views: how to put a wrapper div for two views?

I have two views in a Drupal page with the following structure: <div> <div>Some content</div> <div> View 1 </div> <div> View 2 </div> </div> Now I want a wrapper div covering the two views: <div> <div>Some content</div> <div class="wrapper"> <div> View 1 </div> <div> View 2 </div> </div> </div>...

Android OpenGL extending GLSurfaceView null pointer exceptions

I am trying to create a simple 3-D app for android that will have an additional view layered on top of the OpenGL view (much like the SurfaceViewOverlay example in the API demos). I'm running into an issue trying to implement that method with an extended GLSurfaceView class. I've set up an example where I'm trying to do a combination of ...

How to create a timeline in Drupal with three detail layers?

Hi, Instead of asking for help when hitting the iceberg, now I can see there are probably several approaches to what I need to achieve, so I am asking for your opinion: what would you do? I need to create a timeline in Drupal. The timeline has 3 layers: decade (30s, 40s, 50s ...), year and events. I will be registering several events ...

Expose a view filter in Drupal

I have a filter on a CCK field called "Region", I have exposed it with a drop down box What I want to happen is to use this as an "Order By" functionality, so that if the user selects a region, it will order the output with the selected region showing first. This is so that if there is no content in a given region, it will at least dis...

how to add customfield in filter

i have created one custom field on view i want add filter on it how can i add it to filter here is problem of adding filter on custom field of view Thanks in advace ...

How to know programmatically if a view or a layout file exists in grails

I want to know programmatically if a view or a layout exists in grails. I am thinking in obtain the absolutepath and ask for File.exists but I don't know how to obtain this path for every enviroment. I had tried groovyPagesTemplateEngine.getUriWithinGrailsViews('a-view.gsp') without success. Can you give me any pointer? thanks in adv...

rails reusing view templates

Hello guys, A rails newbie here I have 2 actions in my controller 1) index 2) refine_existing. Both of them show the results in the same format. How do I reuse the index.html.erb file? When I try the following, it complains about refine_existing.erb not being present. def refine_existing ... respond_to do |format| format.html...

Update various groups on new post using Views, Organic Groups and the Live Update API

Hi I have several different groups which my users can subscribe to. When they are logged in their mainpage will be /frontpage which is a Views generated view based on the users subscribed groups and it shows the latest activity across those groups. I am using the Live Update API to show new content whenever it is posted. As it is now i...

Filter out nodes that refer to a specific kind of node

I have a node type (reviews) that uses CCK to refer to another kind of node (either books or videos). Is there a way for me to use Views so that I can show only Reviews of Books or only Reviews of Videos? I've tried creating a Relationship in the View and using a parameter, but that doesn't seem to work. ...

How to enforce NOT NULL in a view's computed column

Dear Colleagues, I want to alter a view as follows: ALTER VIEW [dbo].[ViewOne] as SELECT columnOne, -- not null columnTwo, --not null (convert(decimal(2,0), columnOne)) as columnThree -- I want this not to be NULL FROM DBOne.TableOne Since columnOne is "not null" I want to force columnThree to be "not null" also. Is...

If I used views for my SSAS DSV, can the relationships in SSAS Data Source View be scripted?

I based an SSAS 2005 cube on a data source view comprised of views in the relational layer, nto tables with relationships. I did not use schema binding on the views. Now I need to rebuild two projects from these, but dread having to connect the views' facts and dims all over again in the dsv. Is there script that will reestablish or reme...

iPhone SDK: how to switch to previous view when video playback is over?

There is an application which uses several view controllers. In one of them there is a button which switches to a new view, and there, in viewDidLoad method, I launch a video playback. But when it's stopped, an empty view pops up instead of the previous view I'm working with. What is a proper way to switch back to the previous view aut...

Filtering unique cck fields in views?

Hey all! I'm trying to achieve a sort of special sorting in Drupal. Let's say we've got a table of data such as this: Name Age Sex John 19 Male Mia 20 Female Mia 21 Female Here's what i want to acheive. I want to be able to remove one of the Mia's by filtering. The thing here is that the name field is not the node title - but a ...

How do I access CCK field values in overridden views-view-list.tpl.php template in Drupal?

I've overridden the views-view.list.tpl.php. I want to optionally included some extra HTML markup if a value in a CCK field for the current node is set to certain values. How can I access CCK field values in a views-view.list.tpl.php view template file? ...

CCK in input form, but not in node structure

I have a content type (Witl) that the user creates. On the creation form, the user selects an option out of a list of nodes that's generated from a view (VOut). Right now I store that option as a node reference on Witl. I need to restructure things around, so that this node reference isn't stored on Witl itself, instead eventually stor...