Greetings. I've been using vim for years, and I've recently started toying with XCode. One of the things I really like about XCode is that it will auto complete words without me hitting <TAB>.
For instance, in this image below I only need to type NSSObj and the rest is filled in automatically, no special keystroke required.
I'd like...
Hi all,
I have gvim installed which I use normally, and I also use vim when remotely connecting to the same computer.
When I have a file opened in gvim and it is changed from outside (i.e. new updates from repository), gvim offers to reload it.
However when such thing happens with vim, it does nothing until you try to save the file. I...
I have gvim 7.2, it recognizes .d files and highlights it correctly according to the syntax of the D programming language. However, .di files are not recognized as D files, and no highlighting is present.
How do I let vim highlight .di files according to D language?
ViM has this option hlsearch where a searched string is displayed in highlight mode at all places in the file it is found. Is there a way to do the same in Visual Studio?
That is, if I search for "foobar", then all the foobar in the file are shown highlighted and this display remains until my next search. I find this very useful to see ...
I often find myself removing and adding XML sections in configuration files:
tomcat's server.xml
maven's settings.xml
and many others.
Is there a vim plugin/command to make this simple?
I primarily use vim / gvim as an editor and am looking at using a combination of lxr ( the Linux Cross Reference ) and either cscope or ctags for exploring the kernel source. However I haven't ever used either cscope or ctags and would like to hear why one might choose one over the other taking into consideration my use of vim as a prim...
Hi there,
standard for VIM complete is to select the first item in the dropdown-box (and select the desired entry with up and down).
i rather type on till the correct entry is the only one available.
this is done by:
set completeopt=longest,menuone
problem: now i have to manually press to select the entry.
there is a mapping whi...
Is there a way to let gVim only run a single instance, so that when a new file is opened with it it's automatically opened in a new tab in the currently running instance?
I know you can do that by passing --remote-tab-silent but I want to configure gvim so that this becomes the default behavior. i.e. I want to type gvim filename and mak...
How do I make Vim switch to a certain tab when I hit Alt+# ? For example, to get to the third tab, I'd hit Alt+3 (like the behavior in Firefox).
Edit: also, how can I make Control + tab == gt, Control + shift + tab == gT
I'm confused about these in VIM. Some things need set and others let.
And, how can I check for a certain option. I know it's an option because I use set to change it.
For example, how do I check if current filetype option is java?
hi there,
i just tried to install snipmate. supertab is already working.
it doesnt work. when i press tab even after a snippet keyword the completion is triggered.
i tried to remap the key (to c-m) but even then completion is triggered instaed of snipmate. (before the remap c-m didnt do a thing).
i did this mapping in vimrc. the doc t...
If, at a command prompt, I run
vimdiff file1 file2
I get a vim instance that has two files open side-by-side. Let's suppose that the text in the files looks like this (file1 is on the left, file2 on the right):
║foo │-------║
║bar │bar ║
║grue │-------║
║~ │~ ║
║~ │~ ║
hi there,
i tried to use this python compiler plugin to be able to "compile" a py script and see the errors in qucikfix windows and jump directly to the linenumers.
i placed it in /compiler/python.vim
but: the script is not loaded when i open a python file. even :filetype detect do...
I know
will delete in an HTML tag itself.
Is there an easy way to delete text in between two tags?
<span>How can I delete this text?</span>
I have a list of abbreviations,
iab uppercase UPPERCASE
iab lowercase LOWERCASE
(case specific issues).
I'm trying to make them not work in comment areas (i.e. in lines which start with a certain character), because they mess up my normal comment text. Has anyone any ideas how to accomplish this ?
From here:
Vim Comment HOWTO
I've been able to type the
:set comments=sl:/*,mb:*,elx:*/
command. Because my sas code requires this style comments:
* This is the comment
The problem is once I type this set command I don't know how to actually get those comments to add to the code... the instructions say to type "...
How to execute file that I'm editing in VI(M) and get output in split window (like in SciTE)?
Of course I could execute it like that:
But is it posible to avoid writing script name and how to get output in split window instead just bottom of the screen?
I have some Vim functions that make changes to the document format. When I call this function, I currently use something like the following to save and restore my cursor position:
func! Foo()
:norm mz
:norm `z
This properly saves the cursor position, but it sometimes changes the window position, so that the current line...
I tried viEmu trial version but it failed to start.
Please give some alternate suggestions??
When I use ctags to generates tags of the STL and use those tags with Vim, it isn't aware of scoping. If I use ctrl-] it will go to the first tag that matches, even if that is incorrect. For example:
std::list<int> mylist;
if I type ctrl-] while the cursor is over push_back(100), it will take me to the bitvec...