
How can I use variables to DRY up Vim colorthemes

I would like to tidy up my Vim color scheme file, by replacing #ABCDEF colors with variables. For example, I would like to replace this: highlight String guifg=#61CE3C highlight Identifier guifg=#61CE3C highlight Type guifg=#84A7C1 with something like this (pseudo-code vimscript): my_string =#61CE3C my_type =#84A7C1 high...

Is Vim's Haskell syntax highlighting broken?

It seems to me that Vim's syntax highlighting for Haskell is broken, or very buggy. Multiline comments in Haskell (beginning with {- and ending with -}) are arbitrarily greened-out and un-greened-out. Sometimes dragging the mouse over the commented code causes it to reverse color. Has anyone else been experiencing this problem? ...

vimgrep, :cn and n

I'm reading through a large C++ code base in Vim. Within a single file, I can do /foo n n n Now, if I want to search through more than one file, I have to do: :vimgrep /foo/ :cn :cn :cn Now, typing ":cn" is so much less convenient than "n". Is there a way to search through vimgrep results with "n" (like searches with /) instead of...

How can I make the cursor go back and forth around the block keywords?

Hi there, I am at present writing a syntax file in VIM for the script language I use, which isn't a generic language like c. One of the block syntaxes is the do..loop structure as below: DO blah blah blah LOOP times, label I wonder that if there is a way for me to make the cursor go back and forth around DO and LOOP like in c ...

How to get vi keybindings to work in mysql client?

I have vi bindings working in my bash shell using set -o vi in my .bash_profile. But I can't seem to get them to work in the mysql command line client. I only get emacs style bindings. How do you do this? I also put these lines in my .inputrc, but to with no effect: set editing-mode vi set keymap vi ...

What is the best Vim plugin for Eclipse

I have found 3 and would like to know other people's ideas: Vimplugin Vrapper Eclim Eclim is sort of the "wrong" way around. It takes eclipse to vim. I want to take vim to eclipse. I've put it there cos its just cool! ...

How to swap files between windows in VIM?

When I work with VIM, I always have multiple windows visible. Sometimes I would like to have an easy way, to swap those windows in places. Is there any Plugin, Macro, etc to make this more easy? BTW, I use MiniBufExplorer. ...

Mixing vertical and horizontal splits in vim, from command line.

Title really says it all. There is the -O option for opening splits vertically, and -o for horizontally, but trying to mix them doesn't seem to work. My goal is to use g/vimdiff for 3-way file merging in mercurial in a way more like kdiff3 does. This method would have the 3 files to be merged split into 3 vertical tabs across the top ...

Ad hoc text highlighting in vim

I'm doing a lot of digging around in log files these days, which usually involves tracking a certain identifier through various places in the log file. If I search for the identifier, then vim highlights all the occurrences, which really helps in the digging, but it disappears if I search for something else. Is there a quick way to get...

is there any image processor with vim like keybinding?

years ago, i see a report that there is an image processor just using vim like keybinding i am a vim user and i like this style so i want to use it if there is,tell me the name or give me a link if there is not,i want to make it myself,but could someone show me a simple demo by using vim keybinding ...

Howto get full path of current file in vim?

When I go to command mode and type :!mycommand % I get my command executed on the current file (% is expanded to the current file name). Is there a similar construct that expands the full file name (with the full path)? I am using windows. Thanks. ...

Vim: Split Words Into Lines?

Hi all, I frequently use Shift+J in visual mode to join several selected lines into a single line with the original lines separated by spaces. But I am wondering if there is an opposite shortcut such that it will split selected words into separate lines (one word per line). Of course I can do: :'<,'>s/ /^M/g But something more succi...

How can I undo all changes to a block of text in vim?

Is it possible to select some text with visual line and undo all changes made to it from the beginning ? ...

Compiling gVim with Python 3 support

Hi, I hope this is the right place to ask this question: I am trying to compile gVim with python 3 support using cygwin under windows: I changed the Make_cyg.mak files Python section to the following: ############################## # DYNAMIC_PYTHON=yes works. # DYNAMIC_PYTHON=no does not (unresolved externals on link). ##############...

How can I use Vim syntax files to collapse single line comments into one region?

I'm putting together a syntax for editing Java Manifest files (at github, if anyone's interested). I'm trying to collapse multiple single-line-comments (which I'm matching at the moment with syntax match manifestComment "#.*"). However, if I try to use a syntax region, then the entire file is marked and the entire thing collapses. What ...

How can I reassign a buffer number in VIM?

I had thought vim was all powerful until I wanted to get rid of buffers in the list and reuse them for something else. For example, if I have 1 "f1.h" 2 "f2.h" 3 "f3.h" 4 "f1.cpp" 5 "f2.cpp" 6 "f3.cpp" and I want to replace f1.h - f3.h with something else, but in the same buffer sequence: 1 "n1.h" 2 "n2.h" 3 "n3.h" 4 "f1.cpp" 5 "f...

Saving output of :map in vim

Is there a way of saving the output of the command :map to a file? In a related question, I have the following map in my vimrc file: map <f1> :wa<cr> when I load a latex file (I have the vim-latex plugin installed), the F1 key now invokes help. Is there a way of changing this without manually having to type the map again? Thanks...

Change VIM gui tab width

In GVim can one change the width of the GUI's tabs (i.e. the tab labels at the top that show guitablabel)? In particular, the tab labels aren't wide for a guitablabel=%f or anything of that length. Thanks ...

Using the quickfix window with vim+jslint

I'm using the vim+jslint combo described here, and am having problems figuring out how to use the two together. I'm guessing that the list of errors is supposed to show on the top half and the second half has the actual page? If so, how do I go about doing this? (Caution, I am completely new to the quickfix window, and the documentation ...

Advanced vim autocompletion

Hi I am trying to build a lexical analyzer using flex. Following is a line which shows a regular expression and its corresponding action. [0-9] {printf("yada yada \n");} //regex1 Is there a way to reuse {printf("yada yada \n");} from regex1 by auto-completion features of vim, so that I don't need to write the whole thing again while ...