
C++ cannot convert from base A to derived type B via virtual base A

I have three classes: class A {}; class B : virtual public A {}; class C : virtual public A {}; class D: public B, public C {}; Attempting a static cast from A* to B* I get the below error: cannot convert from base A to derived type B via virtual base A ...

C++: pure virtual assignment operator

why if we have pure virtual assignment operator in a base class, then we implement that operator on the derived class, it give linker error on the base class? currently I only have the following explanation on , it said that the behavior is by design since normal inheritance rules does not apply. ...

Passing data from a virtual printer to python

Hey all, I am trying to make a thing where in other applications you can print to a certain printer and python will get the data. How would I go about making this? It would have to work in all applications, so it would appear as a normal printer, and work on Linux and Windows, even if I have to rewrite it for both. So to recap: One op...

C++ Exception throw annotations on virtual functions

Hello all, I saw the following snippet code: class Foo { public: void virtual func() throw (int, float) = 0; }; class Bar : public Foo { public: void virtual func() throw(short); // line 1: compile error " // looser throw specifier" void...

What is the difference between same-named inherited function and overridden virtual function ?

#include <iostream> using namespace std; class base { public: void f() {cout << "base" << endl;} virtual void v() {cout << "base (virtual)" << endl;} }; class deriv : public base { public: void f() {cout << "deriv" << endl;} void v() {cout << "deriv (overridden)" << endl;} }; int main() ...

"C# base class virtual function" - "override in Managed C++ ref class"

I have a .NET_4 Managed C++ ref class that I derive from a .NET_4 base class written in C#. EXAMPLE:: { C# BASE CLASS:: namespace Core { public class ResourceManager { public class _Resource { public virtual void Delete() {} } } } } MANAGED C++ CLASS namspace Input.DI { public ref class Mouse : ResourceManager...

Access specifiers and virtual functions

What are the rules for accessibility when virtual functions are declared under 3 different access specifiers specified by C++(public, private, protected) What is the significance of each? Any simple code examples to explain the concept will be highly useful. ...

Why doesn't shared_ptr have a virtual descructor? (and how can I get around this?)

I wanted to make a special version of shared_ptr that would perform specific operations when it was created or destroyed, but my plans appear to be foiled by the realization that shared_ptr's destructor is non virtual, meaning when I override it, my pointers never get cleaned up when the last instance of them are destroyed. The only al...

How does virtual method invocation work in C++?

How does Virtual Method Invocation work in C++? ...

Cant copy construction be done without creating an explicit function in the pure virtual base class?

My objective is to do a deep copy of a class, but a virtual class is causing trouble. #include<iostream> using namespace std; class Vir//pure virtual class { public: virtual void hi()=0; }; class Handler:public Vir { public: int i; Handler() {} Handler(int val):i(val) {} void hi() {cout<<"Value of i="<<i<<e...

Can I get polymorphic behavior without using virtual functions?

Because of my device I can't use virtual functions. Suppose I have: class Base { void doSomething() { } }; class Derived : public Base { void doSomething() { } }; // in any place { Base *obj = new Derived; obj->doSomething(); } the obj->doSomething() will call just the Base::doSomething() Is there a way with Base *o...

Constructors cannot be virtual, why? Not a dupe

Possible Duplicate: Why do we not have a virtual constructor? I know this has been asked before but I didn't understand the complex technical words used in the other answers. I read on a community the reason that constructors cannot be virtual is The ‘virtual’ mechanism works on a logically complete (completely constructe...

Is there no way to upcast into an abstract class and not modify it each time a class is derived from it?

#include<iostream> using namespace std; class Abs { public: virtual void hi()=0; }; class B:public Abs { public: void hi() {cout<<"B Hi"<<endl;} void bye() {cout<<"B Bye"<<endl;} }; class C:public Abs { public: void hi() {cout<<"C Hi"<<endl;} void sayonara() {cout<<"C Sayo...

How I can make my virtual device support applications that require more than 2.5MB?

Apparently my app needs 2.5 MB (maybe because my photos need 2MB...) and then virtual device can't work with that much MB. How can I make my virtual device support more than 2.5 MB to get my application working? ...

Creating clone of an object not working with virtual base class

#include<iostream> using namespace std; class Something { public: int j; Something():j(20) {cout<<"Something initialized. j="<<j<<endl;} }; class Base { private: Base(const Base&) {} public: Base() {} virtual Base *clone() { return new Base(*this); } virtual void ID() { cout<<"BASE"<<endl; } }; class Derived ...

Control "virtual web browser" in any language

I would like to know if there is a solution to control a "virtual web browser" with any language (but preferably PHP or C#). This "virtual web browser" would be have just like a normal one, but it is completely hidden from the user. This means the Javascript is executed and javascript cookies handled. I want to use this to login to a si...

Virtual Mouse/TouchPad Using TouchSreen

Is it possible to have a "virtual touchpad" or "virtual trackball" on a touchscreen monitor? I have several monitors and only one of them is touchscreen. I am trying to do away with the mouse and keyboard for an app I am working on and would like to use only the touchscreen. I need something like a virtual touchpad on my touchscreen mo...

Does a pure-virtual object have a pointer to the vtbl?

Does a pure-virtual object have a pointer to the vtbl? (that probably points to NULL?) thanks, i'm a little bit confused with all the virtual mechanism. ...

Virtual tables when copying objects.

#include <iostream> #include <string> class A { public: A(int a) : _a(a) {} virtual ~A() {} virtual void f() const {std::cout << _a << std::endl;} private: int _a; }; class B : public A { public: B(int a, int b) : A(a), _b(b) {} virtual void f() const {std::cout << _b << std::endl;} private: int _b; }; int mai...

Debug COM port read/write using software/virtual COM port and console/terminal on the other end

I have a Delphi application that reads/writes to a COM port connected to a large hardware device, so I don't usually have the hardware available during development. That said, the communication protocol is fairly simple, so I can generally do the development and have someone onsite test it, and it usually works. Occasionally I run into...