
How to synchronize guest installations on virtualbox on 2 different machines?

I have two development PCs with Virtualbox installed. As a guest OS for both PCs I am using exactly the same -- content wise -- xubuntu. I use xubuntu to run a database and tomcat server. I would like to know how I can ensure that both guest installations on the different PCs are the same. Currently what I am doing after making big cha...

Automatic deploy guests on Visualbox to run software test on different architectures

I would like to test a program on several OS - Windows XP, VISTA, and a linux distribution, I would like to automatic deploy and run tests on several test machines -- guests on VirtualBox installed on my developer PC. Has anybody experience with such a test setup? Is there any better approach? ...

chromium develpoer vrtual box image

Hi! Anyone who is building chromium in virtual box, please share the image of the builder virtual machine with me! I'm trying to install the dev toolkit as explained on the site, but I always fail. So I need a virtual box image where i can edit and comply the source code fast, without any other installing and boring stuff.. ...

VitualBox + Powershell?

Hello all, I have created a virtual machine. Now I am trying to launch it using Powershell. I have searched all over the internet for any details on how to do that. This is the only code i found... ---------------------- $vBox = New-Object -ComObject VirtualBox.VirtualBox $vBox | Get-Member * $vBox.Machines $vBox.CreateMachine() --...

Port Forward Directly to a Guest OS with VirtualBox

Hi all, I am currently using Ubuntu 10.04 for some rails development. It is installed as a guest machine using VirtualBox on a Windows 7 x64 host. Within Ubuntu, I am trying to port tunnel several ports from a remote server directly to the Guest OS in order to avoid having to download a remote database. Let's say I want to forward po...

Virtualbox guest OS - Connect to local network but not internet

Hi. I am using VirtualBox in Ubuntu with WindowsXP as the guest OS. In Ubuntu I have a PHP/MySQL server running as localhost and with the VM network set to bridged I am able to connect to localhost from the VM. However, I would like to limit the VM Guest to be able to continue connecting to localhost but NOT be able to connect to the ...

How can I simulate that I plugged an ethernet cable between 2 virtual machines with virtual box?

How can I simulate that I plugged an ethernet cable between 2 virtual machines with VirtualBox 3.2.10? Like that: o===========o thank you in advance Daniel ...

Virtualbox fullscreen mode problem

hi all I have a slightly weird issue with virtualbox. My host OS is Win7 (64-bit) and guest OS is Ubuntu 10.10(64-bit). When I switch to fullscreen mode in virtualbox, ubuntu display resizes to fit my screen size. however, after that the display is not updated. So if i click a menu or something I don't see it appear. but it seems to wor...

How to fix VS2008 and VS2010 dev envts on Win7 x64

Ok, I'm in a world of pain at the moment. We'd been developing with VS2008 (VB.NET, mostly WinForms, also ASP.NET and Windows services) on Win7 x64, with specific requirements (that we can't get rid of yet), to target x86 and framework 3.5. We recently upgraded to VS2010, and quite soon, fell foul of this ResGen.exe incompatibility iss...

About the architecture of Virtual-Machine

System information: Ubuntu SMP Thu Sep 16 16:05:42 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux Virtual Marchine: VirtualBox 3.1.6_OSE r59338 linux.amd64 I wanna to install a virtual system with x86-64 in Virtual Box,But it seemed that it is impossible to do this. The virtual machine tips me it only detected an i686 CPU. Is there any link between the...

virtualbox error Failed to create COM object error , any workarounds ?

Not able to install virtualbox !!! Is there any equivalent softwares available ? I mean any alternative aosftware which does the work of virtualbox ??? ...

VirtualBox networking question

I'm running a dev server on a VirtualBox installation running Windows Server 2003. I'd like to access the virtual machine from my host machine's browser (i.e http://virtualhost/) - anyone know how I can set this up? ...

Optimum settings for apache/php webserver with separate mysql database server...

I'm having a mysql connection speed issue with my home development setup. I have two VM's (VirtualBox running on a Ubuntu host). One is my WEBSERV with apache2/php and one is by DBSERV with mysql and postgres (both are ubuntu server 10.4 LTS). Also, i have mysql installed on the WEBSERV as well and this was only done before i decided ...

Can you debug on a WP7 device when developing in a VM?

I'm planning to develop for Windows Phone 7 inside a VirtualBox VM on an OSX host. Am I going to be able to debug my app on the device? I've had problems with USB on VMs before. ...