
Is it possible to use dotTrace within a virual machine?

Hi, I've been trying to run dotTrace 3.1 on my Windows 7 development machine. However, it turns out that dotTrace 3.1 dont work on Windows 7 properly. I've been in a discussion with JetBrains regarding this who confirms that it is a know issue that won't be addressed until the next release. So now I'm thinking about setting up a virtual...

How to create a virtual environment to check network application

I want to create a client server application to test socket created and threads are running between client and server. I want to check this for internet application. But being on local machine. I cannot check. ...

virtualization and visual studio 2010

Hi, Is it possible using windows 7 or windows server 2008 to create 5 VMWare virtual machines so that 5 developers can use them using thin clients to work with Visual Studio 2008/2010 with all components (sql server express, IIS etc). what can be the options and the hardware specs for server and clients? I am looking forward for all ...

setting CPU entitlement for AIX 6.1

Hi I would like to understand LPAR entitlement's better. If I have a system that is running AIX 6.1 with an uncapped LPAR, what do I lose by setting the entitlement low? Meaning theoretically if I need more CPU power and more CPU's are available then I should see additional Lpars unfold and get more power, does this unfolding cause a s...

Multiple List-Controls bound to a ViewModel

Is it appropriate to only set the Visibility-property of an unused virtualizing list-control to Collapsed. I have a ViewModel that implements IEnumerable<SomeType> and have some virtualizing list-controls that bind directly to the ViewModel (declared in markup). At a time always only one of the list controls is visible. Is it appropri...

Why loading Ntdll from local folder produces exception?

Hi, My exe depends on ntdll, user32 and kernel32. I save these dlls as a local copy and change the first letter as "V". I then edit the exe's Import dll name as Vernel32.dll from kernel32. The application works fine by loading vernel32.dll in local space. Next i edit the exe's import dll spec as vtdll as ntdll, the process loads vtdll...

NT FileManagement functions

I have been analysing Ntdll file system functions from the total ntdll function list. First, I obtain the total function list from ntdlls export directory. Next, I seperated the file management set from the total function list and tried hooking the entire file management set. However, I miss to hook a function, which i dint know. Hence...

Best VM setup for cross platform & multiple machine development

Hi all. I'm looking to clean up my development environments into discreet virtual machines, that I can use against multiple hosts. An ideal situation would be the ability to store the virtual machines on a central server, with both local streaming and remote access. For instance if I am working on my shoddy old laptop, I would only want ...

How to Compress or write zero's /dev/zero to a swap file?

We have a few linux based (Centos) virtual machines which are to be used as distributable virtual appliances. We want to be able to compress them as much as possible for distribution ( via tar.gz, zip, etc). We've removed all unnecessary files (.log's, /tmp/*, /var/log/, etc) and have written /dev/zero to the free space on the disk....

Virtualizing an Inline network appliance with VirtualBox (or VMWare)

My device, which is a Linux based IP in-liner is transparent to the network peripherals, that is, no IP address assigned to any of its interfaces. For the sake of the conversation, let's use ADSL connection as an example, while the device is inspecting the bi-directional traffic, the network is behaving same as if device was not there,...

Can a executable behave differently when run on a Virtualized Server?

Let's say I have a piece of code that runs fine on an OS. Now, if I install that OS on a virtual machine (server virtualization), and run that code on that, is it possible that the code behaves differently? If so, what are the prerequisites for that? For example, does it have to be compiled machine code (in other words, are interprete...

Registry and file system change identification

Is there a Coding way in C++ to find out the changes happened in Registry and file system. I need to find the changes happened to file system and registry after a software installion. There is filesystemwatcher in c# to identify filesystem changes. However, I need that to implement in C++ for both registry and files. ...

Problem in process hooking

I have a process (say, for example, MyProcessA), hooked an exe and injected my dll (MyDll.dll) into the process space of MyProcessA, so even if it's gonna create n number of child processes it will be process hooked as well. I have no problem in hooking and injecting the dll into the process. I have hooked all file and process dependant ...

Can I set noatime for my XEN guest OS partition? Will it work?

I have a VPS in cloud environment based on XEN Virtualization platform. /etc/fstab looks like that: LABEL=PRGMRDISK1 / ext3 errors=remount-ro 0 0 As far as I know IO can pretty easily become a bottleneck if some other VPS neighbor will use it intensively(IO bandwidth is a shared resource for multiple guest VPS). ...

Is it possible to create Portable VM?

I want to know that is it possible to create a fully portable virtual machine using any of the VMWare like products? My objective is to create a virtual machine (XP as guest OS), install some app in it, put the vm in a usb2 drive (performance is not a matter), and run it in any windows os (xp, vista, 7) without installing anything in hos...

OpenSource VirtualizingWrapPanel fails when removing Item

I use the VirtualizingWrapPanel from here: The issue I experience is already spotted in the issue-tracker...: I don't really get the virtualization-code (otherwise I would have written it on my own ;) Why does it crash when removing an Item? ...

How to mount virtualbox shared folder on Ubuntu server 10.04 + GUI/sbin/mount.vboxsf mouning failed with error: no such device

Hello i'm new to this forum but i've been a occasional vbox user. I had windows 7 host and ubuntu 9.10 guest which works fine with vboxadditions installed, share folder and everything perfect. Now for some simulations i needed to have the ubuntu server 10.04 intall with x-window. what i did and so far so good. now the problem i'm having...

Does anyone know of a free solution to perform failover for VMware ESXi?

I would like to setup a free/custom solution to perform failover for VMware ESXi. The setup is as follows: 2x Physical servers each with independent storage. For each physical server there are 2x Win2k8 Enterprise servers. In the case a physical server completely fails, we want the other (for convenience sake we can assign it with a s...

Process hooking problem!

Hello minds,I have a piece of code where if I run a particular application,it will hook its process and injects my dll into the process space of that application.I will explain my problem with an example..Atfirst if I run MyApplication.exe,my code will hook the process of MyApplication.exe and inject MyDll.dll into MyApplication.exe proc...

Hypervisors: is arbitrary code execution on the guest possible?

Hi all, I've been reading into virtualization security and came across Blue Pill, a malicious thin hypervisor (project website is down, archived version here: My question is: could a custom malicious hypervisor modify execution flow, inject and execute arbitrar...