
VSS alternatives for non coders to share excel files etc?

I need to find an open source alternative to VSS where people will share things like Excel sheets,PPT etc. It will be used by extremely non technical people on windows, so I have ruled out SVN,CVS,GIT etc. I need simple checkin and checkout system for stuff like Excel sheets. Can people suggest something from open source?? ...

SVN vs VSS vs CVS Comparing HELP

We are currently determining if we would move CVS and VSS projects to a single SVN server. I've been using SVN for a long time now but is forced to use CVS and VSS for work stuff. Would you please help me give reasons why moving to SVN would be better than buying a VSS 2005? And also what the benefits of moving from CVS to SVN would be...

Source Safe, Exclusive Lock on Files

My Hard Drive has failed with some Files in Visual Studio 2005 not checked-in, the changes are minor, however I am unable to edit these files on another machine as source safe says it is checked out by another user. Is there any work around to 'unlock' these files so I can continue with my projects? Many Thanks ...

Using Visual Source Safe 2005 in Stand alone Aptana

How can we use Visual Source Safe plug-in in standalone Aptana installment. People say one can only use that plug-in in eclipse IDE. ...

Visual Studio: Show file differences between local and source control?

Is there a Visual Studio addon, or a method present already, that allows me to recursivly compare a project/solution/folder with what's in source control? Note: Source control product agnostic (a.k.a VSS) Update The reason i assume is there is a source control agnostic solution is that Visual Studio supports Microsoft's MSSCCI API. ...

Sourcesafe window stuck behind Visual Studio

Among the seemingly neverending problems with microsoft visual sourcesafe, i have now done a full 'get' on a project, only for sourcesafe to draw a prompt window which, although i can see fine, i cannot click on or select. More annoyingly it has totally locked visual studio so it seems both are 'unclickable' while waiting for each other...

Automatically build solution after Source Safe -> Get Last Version command

Every time I get the Last Version from Visual Source Safe I have the same problem. We have BLL, DAL, and WebSite projects in the solution. I let the WebSite opened in the browser all the time, then I get the last version, then starting to browser the WebSite. I forget to build the solution and I end up running the latest version of WebS...

Visual SourceSafe Download?

I'm confused on where to obtain Visual SourceSafe. Where can I download Visual SourceSafe? (Is it even free?) I don't see that it's included with Visual Studio? I am running Visual Studio 2008. Edit - I'm not asking for your opinions on SourceSafe, I'm asking how to obtain it? (i.e. Where do you download it or install it from?) Edi...

Visual SourceSafe Setup

Hi All, Currently our .net project 3.5 is spread on three separate servers of presentation , business logic and state servers. Please recommend on how to setup this project under VSS 6.0 taking into consideration that we have multiple projects on dotnet and we have a series of development team working on them. Currently we have them as ...

Visual SourceSafe Reconciliation

What would be the ideal reconciliation mechanism between what is there in VSS 6.0 and what is there in our production environment? Our company outsources all its application support & development activities and are dependent on the vendor to provide the solution file to be kept in our VSS. We do have quite a number of projects and would ...

Auto Build using VSS

How can I make my auto build in VSS? It should get the latest files from VSS and build the code using Visual Studio 2005 (VSS does not provide any build facility) at a scheduled time (like in the mid night). ...

Visual Source Safe 2005 Remote Access

I want to let VSSDB accessed via internet (not LAN) from one machine to another. Update I Thanks for reply but it doesn't. It's saying something failed to enforce SSL requirement on IIS. VSS web services would be disabled on this machine.... Update II Is it possible to connect it after establishing VPN? how ...

Visual SourceSafe and changeset management

I am new to using VSS and it is the system used at work. Could anyone kindly give me some hints for the following: Create/reviewing and applying changesets Getting the latest version of the source but only the modified files (preferably using ss.exe) Finding out the files which have been modified locally (again preferably using ss.exe ...

How do you create a copy of a VS2005 solution while disassociating it from VSS?

I copied the root folder to my desktop, deleted all files in that folder or under that folder if the file was a VSS file, opened the project, confirmed that I wanted to removed VSS integration and still my web project but not the referenced projects in the solution were tied to VSS and they changed my checkout folder in VSS! ...

build and release package in sharepoint

I am new to config / build and release management. We are using VSS for our config management tool and also we are using SharePoint in our project. In VSS we have lot of files like .cs, .snk, .dll, .pdb, .css, .js, .xml etc. We want to make a build/release as a package for testing that should be an internal delivery. I don't have any ide...

Why is Visual SourceSafe viewed so poorly?

I'm interviewing this week for a position at a firm where I would be the sole initial developerplus support the application I am taking over work for. Because positions like this can vary so wildly in the details, I plan to go in advocating a number of specific approaches that would make the job workable. One thing that I'm considering ...

Can SourceSafe be configured to update AsemblyInfo

Hello. At work we have an (reasonable) agreement, that every time a project is updated, no matter how small change is, that is reflected in the Revision value of Assembly Information. This way we always know if a client is missing a patch or a feature, etc. Since this requires manually changing the version, and since this is a tedious ... + MS SQL Server: Best Source Control

I work on a growing web team that needs to adopt a Source Control system. We looked into Source Safe, but were put off by it's lack of SQL Server source control. The Visual Studio Team System range looks like it does the trick, in terms of source code + database - but I must admit to be confused by the various versions. So my questions...

TeamCity - Use NG3 as version control repository

Hi all, I have TeamCity 4.5.4 set up and working perfectly for some of our projects, using SVN. Now I need to check out some older projects that are archived into an NG3 Source server, and I can't find a solution. I can't simply migrate the old projects to SVN because the team who is working on them is opposing to that idea, so I should ...

What is the difference between clearcase and vss in label a release?

Hi, We are using clearcase as our SCM. I have not much experience with clearcase. Now we are about to release our code to production. I want to label my code as I have done using VSS in my previous projects. But in clearcase labeling is not as easy as in VSS. clearcase is asking to create a label type before label a folder in VOB. I don'...