
Visual Sourcesafe server for practice

Hi, I there a Visual SourceSafe server running somewhere that I can connect to for practice? I have a couple of things that I would like to test before buying the VSS server but I don't want to download the whole app for testing. Best regards ...

Visual SourceSafe support for distributed software development

Hi, I am working in a distributed software development environment. The SCM tool currently in use is Visual SourceSafe 2005 Client/ Server. We are trying to work out strategies to minimize code breaks. What are the features of VSS that we can use for safer SCM in distributed environment? Any suggestions for references on the internet o...

Source code change notification in Visual SourceSafe possible?

Hi, Can we configure Visual SourceSafe server to send email notifications on source code changes to a predefined mailing list? Best regards Manav Sharma ...

Automatically fetching latest version of a file on import

I have a module that I want to keep up to date, and I'm wondering if this is a bad idea: Have a module ( in the site-packages directory that copies a different module from some other location into the site-packages directory, and then imports * from that module. import shutil from distutils.sysconfig import get_p...

Sourcesafe command line options

I am having an issue with the Microsoft Visual Sourcesafe command line options that I'm hoping someone has run across and can assist me with. I have the following line in a DOS batch file. "c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual SourceSafe\ss.exe" GET "$/Development Projects/Activity" -GL"C:\Compile\Activity" -R -Q -Yname,passwor...

How to manage versions with Visual SourceSafe?

Hello, My team is working with VSS and we are having difficulties managing versions: We want to take a "snapshot" of the project we're working on, so we can keep working on it, but when we need to - we can get the files of the snapshot and built them for a release. (Is that called branching?) Alternatively, getting all project files by...

How do we setup a SharePoint dev environment with VSeWSS 1.2 and Source Safe?

Does anyone use the MS SharePoint Solution Generator and VSeWSS 1.2 in a multi-developer environment with source safe? We are having issues re-deploying (because it doesn't really upgrade the solution with stsadm). It keeps saying the same feature is already installed - which it is, but it should retract the feature and re-install it -...

CruiseControl with VSS - checks all files

I have cruise control and VSS 6.0. I have configured cruise control every hour with the condition IfModificationExists. It check for the modification and get the source, but it checks all the files in the VSS. ie my VSS contains 1000 files and only 1 file is modified. CCNet detects 1 modification, but checks for all the files from the V...

How to merge branches in VSS?

i'm trying to merge a branch in Visual SourceSafe 6. Here you see the bug in the 'main line' code base: A hotfix branch was created, and the file was fixed: Now it's time to merge the hotfix back into the main line development. i select the file i want to merge, and hit the SourceSafe -> Merge Branches... menu option: With the ...

VSS or SVN for a .Net Project?

At work, one of the head managers asked me to research on what could be the benefits of changing the current source control server (Visual Source Safe) of my project to SVN. I really don't have anything against SVN, actually I kind of dig it, but in my humble opinion, change to SVN will not bring any significant benefits to the project...

Volume Shadow Copy (VSS)

Can anyone clarify an issue? I'm using the VSS API (C++ using VSS2008 and the latest SDK running on XP SP3) in a home-brew backup utility*. THe VSS snapshot operations work fine for folder that have no subfolders - i.e. my email and SQL server volumes. However when I take a snapshot of a folder that does contain subfolders, the nested ...

Undo get latest version with Sourcesafe

Real urgent... is there a way to undo a get-latest-version from a project? I've been working on a project for a week, and never checked in the files I was working on. A colleague had to upload a version from my computer, so he used the get-latest-version (recursive) command on the whole solution. It seems my Visual Studio has a problem, ...

Running VSS 2005 Client on a the same server as VSS 6.0

Is it possible to run client-server combination of VSS 2005 (client)/VSS 6.0 (server) on the same box? ...

Controlled Integration of Changes with Continuous Integration

I have a NSIS installer that we previously built using nAnt scripts that copy some files around and run makensis.exe via a exec task to build the installer exe. After the nant script completes, I have the compelte structure for our CD and also our download. I was just doing a get from sourcesafe onto an unused desktop and using it as a...

Linker error when compiling vshadow, part of the Volume Shadow Copy Service SDK

I am getting this linker error when trying to compile the c++ project for the VSS SDK Error 1 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "long __stdcall ShouldBlockRevert(wchar_t const *,bool *)" (?ShouldBlockRevert@@YGJPB_WPA_N@Z) referenced in function "public: void __thiscall VssClient::RevertToSnapshot(struct _GUID)" (?RevertToSnap...

Unexposing a snapshot in XP (Volume Shadow Copy)

Microsoft provides a way of mounting a read-only snapshot as a volume using their vshadow program. However, it does not provide a way to unmount the snapshot (I wonder what would happen if I deleted the snapshot?). Going through the documentation on MSDN I found UnexposeSnapshot Method, and added the ability to use it in the vshadow. How...

SVN and VSS sync

Can I sync files from SVN to VSS automatically?. My personal repository is SVN and my client hava a VSS repository. I'll would to like sync the repository throught scripts or something like that. Can I? Thanks ...

What is the roadmap for VSS 2005/ 6.0?

Microsoft has been aggresively pitching for usage of Team Foundation Server. The VSS population in our organization is pretty huge. I am trying to find the absolute must reasons for the transition. And nothing scares more from the fact that VSS 6.0/ 2005 would go bust in 20XX. THe MSDN site still runs the 2004 update on the roadmap (ht...

SourceSafe CRC calculation

Does anyone know what CRC checksum calculation is used in Microsoft SourceSafe? I want to calculate a checksum locally and compare it to the SourceSafe checksum. I am using a CRC algorithm I found on the internet, but the seed or polynomial for the algorithm seems to be different for SourceSafe. ...

Team Foundation Server also loses code at check-in just like the SourceSafe

So we have Team Foundation Server running in replacement of our old SourceSafe for about a couple of months now and I've just had the first serious fallout. Just the same what was regularly happening all the time with the SourceSafe. I check in a file, its content arrives only partially into repository. The rest is got lost on the way. ...