
Text on image not appearing, in preview handler vs2005 .net2

hi i am trying to show image of my file in previwew pane i am able to display the image of my file but i am stuck in the part where i need write some text on the image before adding it to preview pane. // create an image object, using the filename we just retrieved String strImageFile = file.FullName.Substring(0, file.FullNa...

Getting error in web.config: requirePermission is not declared

In my project i am was getting error: error:requiredPermission attribute not declared to resolve this i did google and then i found that i will have to add "xmlns" in my webconfig's configuration tag and i did that: <configur...

DisconnectedContext MDA when calling WMI functions in single-threaded application

hi there. I write an app in C#, .NET 3.0 in VS2005 with a feature of monitoring insertion/ejection of various removable drives (USB flash disks, CD-ROMs etc.). I did not want to use WMI, since it can be sometimes ambiguous (e.g. it can spawn multiple insertion events for a single USB drive), so I simply override the WndProc of my mainfo...

How to use Setup variables in Descriptions?

I have a setup project in VS 2005. In the UI section I put some texboxes with some variables, that the user should fill-in when installing the application. How can I use this [VARIABLES] in the fields like shourtcuts descriptions? ...

How to dynamically set your apps' Base priority to 31?

Hi! I have the following problem - I want to set my C++ application's Base priority to 31 if that is possible or at least set its current priority to 31. So I need a simple example like set priority to 31; for (i=0;i<100000;++i) { printf("hello world"); } set priority to 8 or keep 31 if possible ...

Simple 2D graphics C library for windows with the following requirements?

Hi All developers: I have come across a project where it is required to draw some 2D graphics on a form under Windows and to be able to perform the following tasks: read image formats jpg, GIF, png, with transparency monitor mouse and keyboard input to this form draw simple 2D shapes, eg. line, ellipse, rectangle, pixel set/clear, pol...

Launching a Published Web Site...

When on my local machine from VS2005, I publish my web site to a given folder. How do I then launch that published version of my web site? ...

Default properties for controls in BIDS 2005 (Report Designer) - Custom Controls

I'm new to BIDS. In Business Intelligence Developer Studio 2005 in the Report designer, the default toolbox has Report Items displayed. My end goal is simply to default the properties of the controls in that toolbox. For example, the Textbox control should be defaulted to a specific font and background color. How can I accomplish thi...

TFS with VS 2005 and VS 2008

I was instructed by System IT to start using TFS for source control. I have both VS 2005 and VS 2008 on my machine. I have NO idea how to go by setting my environment to use TFS. Can someone please enlighten me as to what all I need to do in order use TFS? (No they did not supply me with any instructions.) ...

Is there a compiler flag for Visual C++ to check for type safety for calls to printf()?

I have read there are a few flags in gcc to do catch some of the type violations for calls to printf, I haven't been able to find if there are similar ways to achieve this in Visual C++'s compiler (any version of VC++, from 2005 onward). ...

Arraylist of custom classes inside My.Settings

I have a Visual Basic .Net 2.0 program. I'm moving the settings from an older settings file, to an app.config program settings file. I'm trying to do this as nicely as possible. So, I added my setting as shown in this image. On load I do this: If My.Settings.databaseConnectionSettings Is Nothing Then My.Settings.database...

problem when jquery call ASP.Net Webservice

Here is my WebService [WebService(Namespace = "")] [WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)] [ToolboxItem(false)] [ScriptService] public partial class DataFeeder : System.Web.Services.WebService { [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)] [ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)] ...

What is RtlPcToFileHeader?

I am profiling an application using VerySleepy 0.7. The application is written in C++ with Qt 4.6.x, compiled with VS 2005 and is running on Windows 7 Ultimate x64. The highest usage by far is a call to RtlPcToFileHeader Exclusive Inclusive %Exclusive %Inclusive Module 33.67s 33.67s 15.13% 15.13% ntdll It is not clear t...

How do I add a complete directory to an msi in Visual Studio?

I've been tasked with building an msi installer for our custom project in Visual Studio 2005. In addition to installing the dlls we build from our code, it has to install a bunch of extra files (configuration, templates, scripts, stuff like that) that are stored in our version control system. The directory structure in version control mi...

DataGridView: How to enable multi row select but disable multi cell select?

Hello everyone, I'm looking for a way to enable multi row select in a DataGridView-Control but disable multi cell select. What I've tried so far: DataGridView.MultiSelect = true allows to select multi rows and cells ClearSelection() in DataGridView_CellMouseClick-Event and re-select the last selected cell doesn't look very nice (you ...

code model not avaialable, cannot add class

I'm using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 and when I try to add a new class to C++ projects, I get this code model not avaialable, cannot add classerror message. Do you know any idea about this problem, it's like a MS Visual Studio bug.. ...

Where do I look to see which .NET framework version I'm targeting in VS 2005 in a C++/CLI project?

EDIT: Sorry, forgot to mention this was a C++/CLI project. Does it show it somewhere or does it just target one by default? Also, can you change this in VS2005 or was this new to the later VS versions? ...

Exception detail

Hi.. I am new to .net ..Is there any difference between exception and Exception in .net I received error while using 'exception'.. ...

Find replace with Regex adding extra text

I am using a regex within Visual Studio 2005 to turn my SQL statement into a readable string. I am using the find expression {.*} and the replace expression & "\1 " _. This should produce results something like: input: select * from x expected & "select * " _ & "from x " _ The reality is I am getting: & "select * " _& " "_ & "fr...

Adding Custom UserControl to Visual Studio 2005's Toolbox

I'm using Visual Studio 2005 for a project I'm working on right now. I've created a new, custom control that inherits from 'UserControl'. Now I need to add that control to another Windows Form within the same project. I thought that the IDE would place this custom control into the Toolbox (as I know it's done in the past when I was usi...