
VSTO - MS Office 'Color Scheme' changed event

Using VSTO, how can I get notification of changes to the MS Office color scheme? ...

outlook security in asp.net webpage

I used http://www.everythingaccess.com/tutorials.asp?ID=Outlook-Send-E-mail-Without-Security-Warning , to finish my first ms access vba app that sends multiple notifications via outlook, without security pop-up. Now I want to make a WEB BASED version of it. So, using asp.net & mysql instead of vba & access raises certain questions. ...

Accessing COM add-in code from VBA

I have created a COM add-in for Excel 2003 using Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office. The add-in code looks like this: [Guid("EAC0992E-AC39-4126-B851-A57BA3FA80B8")] [ComVisible(true)] [ProgId("NLog4VBA.Logger")] [ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.AutoDual)] public class Logger { public double Debug(string context, string message) ...

What are reasons for Outlook 2007 to not load CLR 4 with installed VSTO 2010 and a registered managed application level add-in targeting .net 4?

Hi! I have developed an application level add-in for Outlook targeting Outlook 2010 and .NET 4 and I want to run it on Outlook 2007, which should not be a problem due to the new "no pia" feature of .NET 4 (see this blog post). However, after deploying the add-in with my Windows Installer package (the same package works for Outlook 2010...

How to work on MS Word [.doc] files in c# to edit,create or do changes to it..

Hi.. How to create, edit or save a word file using c#.net. Plz suggest me the libraries and necessary tools needed to work on Word files. I need solutions for the below questions: How to access and read and interpret word[.doc] files in .net? How Code is to be intergrated onto the source file? How to represent this word file in a...

Get the active cell is available in selected range in Excel?

I am workin with VSTO. In this there is asituation in which on the button click of the Excel sheet it will display the input box and I will get the selected range. I want to know how can I get the selected range from inputbox hac the active cell address of the Excel sheet. object objInputBox= Excel.Application.InputBox(prompt, field, Ty...

Outlook Addin only loading on first instance of Outlook

Hi All We have an Outlook Addin developed in VS2008 using VSTO. This works fine and loads as expected when Outlook is fired up, both in debug and compiled versions. The problem occurs if the user opens another instance of Outlook - our addin is not loaded into this instance. Any thoughts ? ...

Sign Assemblies in an MSI

I have a customer that I have developed Office AddIns for along with an MSI setup package. They need to sign not only the MSI package but also the vsto AddIns inside of that MSI. Is there any way that I can deliver the MSI to the customer and enable them to sign the assemblies within the MSI? Worst case my current thinking is that I spl...

Execute a method by pressing Keyboard modifiers in Excel VSTO Workbook project

I have a workbook project(VSTO 2007). What I want to do is that I want to execute some method by pressing CTRL+R. What I have done is the below private void InternalStartup() { this.btnProcessTable.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.btnProcessTable_Click); Globals.ThisWorkbook.Application.OnKey("^r", "test"); } And the t...

Outlook Addin Deployment Thread

Hi, i am developing a outlook addin in c#, heres my startup: private void ThisAddIn_Startup(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { //adds the new issueTopMenu //Search the menu and delete if found RemoveMenubar(); //adds the panel AddPanelToExplorer(); //Method to create new menu ...

Configuring log4net in a VSTO

I've set up my VSTO Excel add-in to use log4net for logging. Unfortunately I'm (seemingly) not able to make it configure itself from the app.config (which I deliver together with the add-in via ClickOnce). I have read http://www.darinhiggins.com/?p=13 which lists some ways to get the file name of the app.config and then configure log4ne...

Outlook API: namespace.GetItemFromID() throws up "Could not open the item. Try again."

Hi, I'm trying to retrieve an outlook (2007) folder using something like this: Outlook.NameSpace MAPINameSpace = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI"); string storeID = MAPINameSpace.GetDefaultFolder(Outlook.OlDefaultFolders.olFolderInbox).StoreID; Outlook.MAPIFolder folder = MAPINameSpace.GetItemFromID(folderID, storeID); I get an except...

Office 2007/2010 Custom Ribbon Export

I've gone through the tutorials on how to create a custom ribbon with Visual Studio. I see that you can export your Ribbon XML. Is it possible to utilize this ribbon with another document? Do you have to use Visual Studio at that point or is there a way to embed the custom ribbons into another document? (without VSTO) ...

VSTO Outlook 2007 Add-in Context Menu CommandBarButton click event

I need to add a button to the context menu of the inbox. I have this working fine. What I need to figure out is in the implementation of the event handler how do I determine which item/items was clicked? private void AddIn_Startup(object sender, EventArgs e) { Application.ItemContextMenuDisplay += Application_ItemContextMenuDispl...

Bizarre VSTO behaiour when returning values to a UDF from a catch{} block after exception thrown

Hi, This one is pretty weird ... I have a VSTO Excel 2007 project for C# where I create a bunch of worksheet functions that return object[,]. They all work fine but I wanted to return exception messages/stack traces when the function fails. When I tried this I got #VALUE!'s everywhere. So during troubleshooting the issue I created a s...

Save and Open Remote Documents

I know nothing about microsoft office development, but I would like to build a prototype of a plugin will allow a user to Save and Open documents from a remote repository. Perhaps later build in a version control system on the server - but the server side piece is about the easiest portion of it (in my case). Perhaps I should focus on g...

PowerPoint Programmatically find and delete animation/effect

I have programmatically (VSTO) added animations to the PowerPoint slide using the following code activeSlide.TimeLine.InteractiveSequences.Add().AddTriggerEffect( textBox2, MsoAnimEffect.msoAnimEffectFade, MsoAnimTriggerType.msoAnimTriggerOnMediaBookmark, selectedShape, "Bookmark A", M...

Open WORD Document from Database OR WebService

Without getting into a large debate as to the merits of doing so, can some one provide direction as to using a VSTO Application Level AddIn (Word 2007) to oepn a MS Word Document from either a database or a web service? Thank you Jacob, Are you suggesting PC/AddIn Queries Server for a Document Server returns document to PC/AddIn ...

If I move a form with VSTA code-behind into Visual Studio, will end users require the VSTO runtime?

I have an existing InfoPath 2007 form that has some code-behind developed with VSTA. It has been deployed to SharePoint as an administrator-approved form but is not browser based - the InfoPath client opens when users fill in a new form. I'd now like to follow How to: Migrate a Project Created in Visual Studio Tools for Applications to ...

How I read databindings for an Excel ListObject

I have a VS 2010 Excel 2007 Workbook application. I have a ListObject that is bound to an object data source via a binding source. I want to be able to determine what property of my object any given ListColumn obect in my ListObject's ListColumns collection is bound to. In the example below I use the column name to find the column that i...