
how to enable vertical sync in opengl?

How do you enable vertical sync? Is it something simple like glEnable(GL_VSYNC)? (though there's no such thing as GL_VSYNC or anything like it in the options that glEnable accepts). or is there no standard way to do this in opengl? ...

Vsync in Flex/Flash/AS3?

I work on a 2D shooter game with lots of moving objects on the screen (bullets etc). I use BitmapData.copyPixels(...) to render entire screen to a buffer:BitmapData. Then I "copyPixels" from "buffer" to screen:BitmapData. The framerate is 60. private var bitmap:Bitmap = new Bitmap(); private var buffer:Bitmap = new Bitmap(); private f...

How to avoid tearing with pygame on Linux/X11

I've been playing with pygame (on Debian/Lenny). It seems to work nicely, except for annoying tearing of blits (fullscreen or windowed mode). I'm using the default SDL X11 driver. Googling suggests that it's a known issue with SDL that X11 provides no vsync facility (even with a display created with FULLSCREEN|DOUBLEBUF|HWSURFACE flags...

VB6 Vertical Sync for Emulator

This is maybe an oblique question: I'm writing an emulator in VB6 (silly me). For smooth window refreshing in the emulator itself, I would like to grab the vertical sync of the monitor. Are there any Windows API calls I can use? Or is this an impossible request? ...

How to enable VSYNC in OpenGL

The WGL_EXT_swap_control extension allows doing this on Windows, but I am unable to find anything even remotely cross-platform doing the same, i.e. syncing my buffer swaps with screen refresh. My application uses GLEW, so something offered by that would be preferable. Cross-platform support for Linux, Mac and Windows is necessary, but my...

iPhone deactivate vsync

hi! is there a way to deactivate vsync in openGL ES on the iPhone? i know that there is a command eglSwapInterval which could be used to disable vsync in openGL ES - but egl.h (which defines this function) is not available in Apples iphone SDK ...

What hardware can support CADisplayLink class?

I'm making a game with iPhone. I found iPhone OS 3.1 supports v-sync with CADisplayLink class. I believe v-sync is ideal solution for game graphics, I'll use this only. (no fallback to NSTimer) But SDK doc says this too; CADisplayLink is supported in only OS 3.1. Is there a hardware model which cannot support CADisplayLink class? ...

Fast screen capture and lost Vsync

Hi, I'd like to generate a movie in real time with a self-made application doing fast screen captures with part of the screen occupied by a running 3D application. I'm aware that several applications already exist for this (like FRAPS or Taksi), and even dedicated DirectShow filters (like UScreenCapture), but i really need to make this...

How to enable VSYNC in D3D windowed app?

So, Im using D3D in a windowed application. I inited D3D with the following parameters: windowed: true; backbufferformat: D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8; presentinterval: D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_ONE; swapeffect: DISCARD Each time OnPaint is called, I render the image to the backbuffer and present it to front. As far as I know (and so does MSDN say), o...