
Watir with IronRuby!

Has anyone used Watir with IronRuby successfully? I am getting an error that the required file 'Watir' was not found. What path do I need to set to get this file to work in IronRuby? For some reason my igem command is not working: C:\DevTools\IronRuby\ironruby\Merlin\Main\Languages\Ruby\Scripts\bin>igem instal l watir '"C:\DevTools\I...

How to access element with custom attribute using Watir?

I have HTML that looks like this: <input custom_attribute="so cool" type="text" /> I would like to enter text in it using Watir. ...

How can I click a link using it's HTML with Watir

I have a link that looks like this: <a href="#" onclick="new Ajax.Request('/data_entry/ajax_add_term/131?contract_id=227', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true}); return false;">add a term</a> I would like to click it using contract_id=227. ...

How can I access the second element with the same attributes using Watir?

I have a page with HTML like this: <a href="1">reply</a> <a href="2">reply</a> I need to get value of href attribute for the second link. I can not use :text, because it will return href attribute for the first link. browser.link(:text, "reply").href => "{site}1" I can use :index, but if anything on that page changes, it could bre...

How to access element after another element using Watir?

I have a page with HTML like this: <a>text</a> <img src="image.png" /> <a>text</a> I would like to click the second link. Links have completely identical attributes. The only thing that is different is that the second link is after an image. This always clicks the first link: browser.link(:text, "text").click ...

Ruby:Watir cannot connect to IE running under non-Admin account on 'default' desktop.

Some Background on architecture of the app is needed: Windows 2003/Apache-v2.2/IE7/Watir-v1.6.2/Ruby-v1.8.5 Apache running under 'localsystem' account. Request to run a Watir script comes in. Apache CGI kicks off IE7 under a particular user, e.g. 'tester', and attaches the IE7 window to the "default" desktop environment. This allows ...

How to access element using Watir and XPath

I have some HTML that looks like this: <h1 id="header">Header</h1> I would like to click it using Watir and XPath. ...

help with Watir for automated testing a webapp.

Hi All, I m using Watir for automated testing a webapp. In one of the page i have something like htis </STYLE></HEAD><BODY background="IMAGES/fon06.gif"><DIV class="mainalignment" height="110%" width="110%"><TABLE class="mainframe" height="100%" cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="0" width="100%" border="0"><TBODY><TR><TD><DIV id="divTabButt...

Python alternative of ruby watirrecorder?

Hello, I'm looking for a tool to record scripts for web application testing in python, similar to ruby watirrecorder. The latter is basically a tool that generates the script for watir (web application testing in ruby) which uses IE to test web applications. ...

How to loop through links and click each one using Watir

I have a web page with a grid, and some columns have a link in the column header that will sort the values by that column [by round-tripping to the server]. I want to write a single Watir test that will identify those sorting links and click each one in succession. This is a smoke test that ensures there are no runtime exceptions result...

watir: How do I enter a value in a form, without submitting the form with watir?

I have a simple login form that has 2 text fields and a button. I can set the text of the username field just fine. When I set the password field however, the form automatically submits, and I get an error. From IRB: irb(main):008:0> ie.text_field(:name, "j_password").set("password") WIN32OLERuntimeError: unknown property or method `va...

How to avoid onbeforeunload preventing Watir test from exiting

I have a webpage that uses onbeforeunload to prompt the user for confirmation whenever they try and navigate away from the page. This confirmation even fires when the browser window is closed. My problem is that this prompt is preventing Watir from closing IE at the end of a test run, at least until I manually intervene and click "OK". ...

How to click on onbeforeunload prompt in Watir test?

I have a webpage that has an onbeforeunload script that prompts the user when they take an action that would navigate away from the current page. How do I interact with this popup using Watir? My current approach looks like this: $ie.link(:text, 'Dashboard').click_no_wait hwnd = $ie.enabled_popup(10) assert(hwnd, 'The expected \'leave...

How to pass server urls to Watir Ruby unit tests run by Rake under Thoughtworks Cruise

I'm currently building a suite of Watir tests for my .net web application. I have wired the watir tests into the Thoughtworks Cruise continuous build using Rake. What is the best way to pass a number of server urls to the watir tests so I can run the tests against a number of different environments? e.g. build, test, uat etc. Ch...

Ruby/Watir getting stuck after using "goto"

I'm using a simple browser.goto(url) call to our Microsoft SQL Reporting pages. It does a "goto" on the first url but then just sits there. I'm currently running it via command line. If I Ctrl+C to cancel it, the output says: C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/watir-1.6.5/lib/watir/ie-class.rb:506:in `wait': Interrupt from C:/Ruby/lib/...

Ruby: Cannot Install Watir Gem On Windows

Watir's site says I need Ruby 1.8.6, which I'm running. And windows installation should be as simple as gem install watir. But when I run that, I get this: C:\Users\Ryguy\Code>gem install watir Building native extensions. This could take a while... ERROR: Error installing watir: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. C:...

getting firewatir to run on mac osx: jssh problems

I am trying to get firewatir to run on Mac OSX Leopard. I have Firefox 3.6rc2 installed but running the most simple script does not work: require 'rubygems' require 'firewatir' ff=FireWatir::Firefox.new ff.goto("http://mail.yahoo.com") i am getting the following error /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/firewatir-1.6.5/lib/firewatir/f...

Watir - Manual POST request

Hello, Scenario: I have logged into a website, gained cookies etc, got to a particular webpage with a form + hidden fields. I now want to be able to create my own http post with my own hidden form data instead of what is on the webpage and verify the response instead of using the one on the webpage. Reason: Testing against pre-exis...

Firefox: Disabling exit alert boxes?

Is it possible to completely disable the JavaScript exit alert boxes that spring up when I try to leave the page? I'm running Firewatir on Ubuntu. ...

Setting up a Proxy to record Firefox requests

I'm using Ruby+Watir to request pages through Firefox. I would like to record the headers and content of every http request made through the browser. Would it be possible to configure a proxy solution to store this information, either in a file or pipe it straight into an application? Could I use something such as squid or nginx to rec...