
Error reporting in WCF

Hello, I'm running a WCF service hosted by a windows service (calling from a asp.net site). When I get a timeout (because the sendTimeout attribute has been exceeded) while calling through a "BasicHttp" endpoint, I get expected error message: "The request channel timed out while waiting for a reply after 00:01:00. ...." but when cal...

WCF Service Binding taking default values instead of custom values

I have build an APi which is a WCF Service. In the web.config for the service i have specified a custom bindong looking like this: <bindings> <wsHttpBinding> <binding name="FxBinding" maxBufferPoolSize="2147483647" maxReceivedMessageSize="2147483647" closeTimeout="00:20:00" openTimeout="00:20:00" rece...

WCF doesn't receive messages - How can you debug WCF service?

Hi, I have a WCF host that listen to a topic and process incoming messages. the code look this: using (ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost(MessagingServiceType)) { host.Open(); } and the MessagingServiceType looks like that: [ServiceBehavior(AddressFilterMode = AddressFilterMode.Any)] public class MessagingServic...

WCF message comes through "UnknownMessageReceived" event - why?

Hi, My WCF service is receiving incoming messages through the "UnknownMessageReceived" event and not through the function that i would expect it to go through. How can i know what was the problem that caused it to end up there? is there anyway to debug it? Thanks for your help. ...

How to apply two Endpoint Behaviors to one behavior configuration?

This question is a follow up to @joshperry's answer on CustomQueryStringConverter. I implemented this solution with a small modification. My version converts System.Int32[] instead of string[]. However, I have a problem with my WCF configuration. My service dishes out SOAP, XML and JSON. SOAP wasn't a problem, this solution works fo...

basicHttpBinding vs wsHttpBinding

In a WCF endpoint, what is the difference between basicHttpBinding and wsHttpBinding? When should each be used? ...

Configuring both webHTTP and NetHTTP bindings over SSL in WCF on Azure

We would like to expose our WCF services over REST and also over TCP securing them both with SSL. We have a valid SSL uploaded to Azure and the proper mapping setup so that going to https://service.ourdomain.com works as it should. I have setup two endpoint bindings, webHttpBinding for the REST services and a customBinding of type NetH...

How can I host a WCF service in Azure on both the external and internal endpoints of a web role?

I'm currently implementing a WCF REST service on a web role in Windows Azure, and I'm trying to add some communication between the instances of the role so that they can keep each other updated when, say, some data is updated in blob storage. What I'd like to do is host the same WCF service on both the external and internal HTTP endpoint...

Configuring WCF to use one of two endpoints

How to configure WCF to use just one of two available endpoints? I need two TCP ports (and thus using netTcpBinding). The service host should first try to bind to the first port. If it fails, and only if it fails, it should try to bind to the second port. EDIT I known it can be achived programatically, but my intention to do it declar...

Binding failure to WFServiceLibrary1 in workflow service library WFSomeOtherName

Cannot, for the life of me, see where it's getting WFServiceLibrary1. My feeling is that it's a default that it tries to bind if something isn't right elsewhere. It's also possible the workflow service library was originally named WFServiceLibrary1, but I can't find anywhere to change this. Any ideas? ...

How to consume WCF wsHttpBinding Service in application built in 2.0?

WCF service is running with 'wsHttpBinding' Binding. The application which gonna consume WCF Service is non-wcf compliance or in other words, it is on the top of Framework 2.0 and I can't use ServiceModel in this app (since only 3.5 supports ServiceModel). Any suggestions, how to consume above WCF Service in application built in 2.0? ...

Is it possible to call a WCF Service hosted in a Windows Service within SharePoint?

I have a WCF Service hosted in a Windows Service in the same server where i have moss. The WCF works well calling it from a Console application, but if i call it from a page within Sharepoint, it throws a timed out exception. I added the following configuration to the webconfig: <system.serviceModel> <bindings> <wsHttpBind...

(401) Unauthorized error : WCF security/binding

I have a WCF web service, and a client both on the same machine. Accessing the WCF web service directly using the browser works, but the client can't connect; error message below. Any ideas? Integrated Windows Auth in IIS is used for both client and server. The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized. Description: An unhan...

The protocol 'net.tcp' is not supported

My WCFservice is giving me "The protocol 'net.tcp' is not supported"... <system.serviceModel> <bindings> <netTcpBinding> <binding name="tcpBinding" transferMode="Streamed" portSharingEnabled="false"> <reliableSession enabled="true" /> <security mode="None"> <transport clientCreden...

What does ABC in WCF stand for?

What does ABC in WCF stand for? ...

WCF uses TCPTransport CustomBinding but servicesecuritycontext.current is null

I'm trying to configure my WCF host to use TCP with MtomMessageEncoding , I cannot use netTcpBinding cause it uses binary encoding - the problem is that i want to use the servicesecuritycontext.current.WindowsIdentity in the server side but the servicesecuritycontext.current i tried several security options but nothing works... I am loo...

Silverlight is calling completed event more than once

I have a silverlight appplication in which i make a call to wcf using basichttpbinding.I have checked all the loops.The problem is that there are certain completed events which are called more than once.I start by handling the loaded event of the webservice.I am not able to find why the event is executed more than once ...

IIS Hosted SSL WCF Service - Certificate or permissions problem

Before anyone flags this as duplicate from the other barrel full of questions about WCF, I don't want MSDN links and blog article references. I can Google for myself, and have been at this for 3 days, so if all you have are Google links, please abstain. I'm having a heck of a time with an IIS hosted WCF service using wsHttpBinding and a...

WCF - Stream transferMode without returning stream works and fixes my large data transfer problem why?

I was trying to transfer a fairly large amount of data upto 100MB (most XFERs were going to be small but it was possible to request a large amount of data) I tried to do this without streaming. I set every WCF configuration parameter to very large sizes and MTOM encoding. system.web - parameter httpRuntime maxRequestLength="1048576" ...

How do I Create a WCF net.tcp connection that behaves like an anonymous HTTPS session?

I am trying to set up a WCF connection using a certificate on the server for authenticating the server and encrypting data between the client and server. I have configured the server end like this: // Create the Service serviceHost = new ServiceHost(typeof(CIncommingWCFObject)); // Now Create the Binding NetTcpBinding tcpb ...