
WCF custom UserNameValidator - When and where in the channel mode is this added?

Hi, I need to access the EndPoint on a service before UserNamePassword valdiation is done. I am having a custom usernamepasswordvalidator. Before this authentication i need to access the endpoint. I tried implementing messageinspector,iservicehbevaior etc but all of them seems to be hit only after UserNamePassword validation. Is there a...

WCF over SSL - 404 error

Okay, I must be missing something utterly simple here, because I've been googling for days, and looking at dozens of answers there, and here on SO, and i just CANNOT get this to work, no matter what i've tried. The service works perfectly fine when called over plain HTTP. Here's our setup... we have a domain, http://www.mydomain.com . ...

Serial port communication using WCF?

Are there any bindings to communicate on Serial port using WCF? ...

WCF: Using my "custom" ServiceHost in my app.config/web.config for my wcf service?

Hi there, I have a created a simple Custom ServiceHost that inherits from ServiceHost and overrides the method InitializeRuntime. How do i change my app.config / web.config to use the custom service host so my overriden InitializeRunTime is executes.. I see attributes in the config file like behaviorConfiguration etc but nothing obvio...

WCF NetTCP Binding Over Internet

Hello. I have a question. I would like to serve a series of services made with WCF. The client that consumes the services is also .NET with WCF. I would like to have high speed of access, fast response, transport medium to small Data Contracts (primary .net basic data types). The distribution will be over internet, I´m looking for reli...

WCF (WCF-Binding) in/with C/C++

Is thare any like WCF libs (OpenSourse) written in C\C++? Or at least some kined of special WCF C++ services (NOT ON Basic HTTP Binding)? ...

Can a WCF Service provide publish/subscribe activity to a Linux-based C++ client application?

I have a WCF service written to provide certain functionality to intranet-based clients. This is easy when a client is running Windows. I want to implement the same functionality for my Windows clients that is available to my linux clients. My questions are? How can I communicate to a linux c++ based client (supporting callback opera...

the caller was not authenticated by the service. wcf

i have used wshttpbindings and also gave lobjConnection.ClientCredentials.Windows.ClientCredential.UserName = "aa"; lobjConnection.ClientCredentials.Windows.ClientCredential.Password = "pass"; but still i am facing same error ...

WCF Message Credential Implementation Details

I'm looking for some technical detail on where the actual username + password (credentials) are being stored during the message exchange using a WCF binding like the below. <bindings> <wsHttpBinding> <binding name="wsHttp"> <security mode="TransportWithMessageCredential"> <transport/> <message clie...

How Can I access WCF services using a Web Reference?

What WCF configuration settings makes WCF service, so that I can access as old ASMX web services? How can I authenticate using Authentication header what I used in Old ASMX web services? ...

How do you specify an ActiveMQ binding in a config file?

I get the impression, that ActiveMQ can be consumed as a WCF binding, but examples are hard to come by. Can anyone point out an example where ActiveMQ is used as the protocol for a WCF service? I found this link, but no answers.... http://stackoverflow.com/questions/490799/apache-nms-wcf --- UPDATE --- Ok, I am getting closer. But no...

Session Handling in WCF with a Java Client

Hi all What's the best way to implement Session Handling in a WCF Service if the client that is using the service is not a WCF client but a Java client ? Is it possible to use the integrated Service model? Thank you! Dominik ...

WCF service parameters from Flash are empty

I have a Flash app that needs to save some data in a Database using a WCF web service. The WCF service is configured to use basicHttpBinding. The flash app is being developed by some other guy in a different environment, and there is no connection between flash and the wcf service. So I created the wcf service, saved the corresponding w...

ASP.Net Membership provider in WCF (WebHttpBinding)

Hi, I'm developping a WPF application that needs authentification. I want to use the client application services to use the ASP.Net Membership Provider (see this link if you don't know what I'm talking about). Actually, I made my own provider based on the MembershipProvider. It works perfectly with a ASP.Net projet. But now, I don't w...

WCF Error: "The given key was not present in the dictionary." on initializing client proxy

I am getting the following error: "The given key was not present in the dictionary." The code is just trying to create a proxy client connection: FileService.FileServiceClient svc = new CCS.FileService.FileServiceClient(); Stack Trace: at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowKeyNotFoundException() at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`...

How to avoid creation of xml tag for properties which has the value Nothing in WCF?

Suppose i have a service, where i give some input , and i am setting the properties of Name and Age as Nothing Name and Age are nullable types. Now as Name and Age are nothing i do not want a xml tag generated in the output.But below xml tags are generated with nil=true. <Name xsi:nil="true"/> <Age xsi:nil="true"/> ...

WCF Maximum Message Size Quota

I'm trying to call a WCF service (hosted in a Windows Service, not IIS) and am getting the following error: The maximum message size quota for incoming messages has been exceeded for the remote channel. See the server logs for more details. I have tried increasing the MaxReceivedMessageSize and the ReaderQuotas to their maxi...

netTcpBinding or wsHttpBinding

I have a WCF Service hosted as Windows Service and client is an ASP.Net application consuming WCF Service methods. In process of implementing security, I am confused over which among netTcpBinding/wsHttpBinding will be suitable for my case. Most likely all the applications in scene (WCF Service, Windows Service, ASP.Net Website) will b...

WCF Http to Tcp Proxy

I have a number of WCF services on my internal network which are hosted by IIS 6 using the basicHttpBinding. There are several existing applications which use these services by using the dynamic proxy "CreateChannel()" method. I'm building a mobile application which runs outside of our network, using a cellular connection, where it is ...

How do I bind a Silverlight ItemsControl inside of a databound ListBox.ItemTemplate?

I'm writing a Silverlight application. I want a Listbox that displays the rows vertically. Then for each row there should be a header column on the row and then a horizontal list of panels. I have the layout figured out. My problem is with the data binding. The ListBox is being bound to a collection. Each item in that collection will be...