
WPF - Binding plus a tweak

I am wondering if there is a way with WPF binding to set the value via binding plus tweak it. For example I have the width of a border being set to the canvas that contains it: Width="{Binding Width, ElementName=mainCanvas, Mode=Default}" Because I am doing a border with rounded corners. the Canvas.Top and Canvas.Left for the border...

Does WCF Polling Duplex Binding exist for non Silverlight clients?

Does WCF Polling Duplex Binding exist for non Silverlight clients? ...

How to choose a WCF binding?

WCF binding chooser algorithm I have watched a speak at a TechEd conference that showed a simple algorithm for choosing a WCF binding. I can't find this algorithm but I remember some of the main ideas: If your WCF service will have non-.NET clients choose Http Soap If your WCF will have .NET clients in other machines choose Net Tcp If...

How to ensure that the WCF ChannelFactory uses Binding settings in xml configuration (MaxArrayLength is ignored)

How to ensure that the WCF ChannelFactory uses Binding settings in xml configuration (MaxArrayLength is ignored) Hi, I am new to Wcf and and writing my first Wcf service and client. I prefer not to use tools to generate config; I would rather write the config myself. The problem I am trying to solve is of a client communicating with a s...

WCF services using the same port from different processes?

I know you can create multiple services on the same port within a single process. We have the situation where we are assigned a port to use for all traffic but the architecture doesn't currently support starting all wcf services from a single process. Obviously, all services have different endpoint addresses. Is there a way to add mult...

Duplex Service in asp.net

I have a duplex service and i'm using silverlight for the functionality of inserting values and retrieving values.The first thing i want to know is: when i add a new endpoint for example wsdualhttpbinding,then my service doesn't work.It doesn't give any error but it neither retrieves nor inserts the values. Second thing is if any one c...

IIS Hosted MSMQ WCF application failing to start because unrelated que exist on the machine

I have a problem that is pretty much desctibed on this blog: http://www.keithelder.net/blog/archive/2008/11/24/workaround-for-wcf-netmsmqbinding-bug-the-service-queue-does-not.aspx the very problem is described on the blog as: The wcf claims that service ‘~unittestqueue` does not exist? Well that queue DOES exist on the server but th...

facebook chat in silverlight

I have a silverlight application and i want is that my application should ask for the user name and password and the client should be able to start chat with their facebook friends.Could this be done? and if so then is there sample code available ...

There is any WCF binding that accepts the data in a HTTP query string?

There is any WCF binding that accepts the data in a HTTP query string? ...

WCF security errors

I recently made a change to a working web application with a wcf service in it. After publishing the thing I get error Security settings for this service require 'Anonymous' Authentication but it is not enabled for the IIS application that hosts this service.. I have been searching the net for the past five hours trying to make heads o...

No exceptions thrown even when maxBufferSize value is smaller than the response message size in WCF

Hi, I have a wcf operation that sends byte array to client. The maximum size of byte array I intend to send is 2mb. So I have set maxbuffersize and maxreceivedmessagesize to 2097152 (2 mb) on basichttpbinding with transfermode=buffered on the server. Despite these settings, no buffer overflow exception is getting thrown if I transfe...

Can I expose multiple webHttpBinding endpoints in the same port?

I know I can expose multiple netTcpBinding endpoints in the same port. I know I can't expose an endpoint in the same port used by IIS. What about multiple webHttpBinding endpoints in the same port? ...

How do I configure WCF client to use XElement and not XmlDocument?

I have an ASMX webservice that returns XElement - (not an .svc WCF service) When consuming the service in Silverlight the client that is generated uses XElement as I want. However in C# .NET 3.5 WCF 'Service Reference' it generates this property using XmlDocument. In C# .NET 4 WCF 'Service Reference' it also generates this property us...

Using WCF to consume service and receieving varying errors depending on binding configuration

I am attempting to consume an intranet web service with WCF. I added reference to the service via the Add Service Reference feature in VS2008. In doing so I was prompted for network credentials to access the service which I provided and the service reference was added. I then wrote some code that I would expect to fail as it doesn't pas...

Binding property to Silverlight dependency property independent of DataContext

I'm trying to make an Address control that has an IsReadOnly property, which will make every TextBox inside read only when set to true. <my:AddressControl Grid.Column="1" Margin="5" IsReadOnly="True"/> I've managed to do this just fine with a dependency property and it works. Here's a simple class with the dependency property declar...

Which binding in WCF provides both streaming and session?

I am using wsHTTPBinding with wcf session but it doesnt support streaming, if I use basicHTTP for streaming it doesnt support wcf session? Is there any solution without using MTOM? ...

Access to request HTTP headers in custom WCF MessageEncoder.

Hi folks, Does anyone know how to get access to request HTTP headers within MessageEncoder.ReadMessage method? It seems that WCF already "knows" request headers at the point of invoking ReadMessage method, at least Content-Type and Content-Length but I cannot get the access to the Content-Encoding header. Basically, I'm trying to utili...

WCF custom context in Message Headers or Context Binding?

What are the pros/cons of sending context state in WCF Message Headers vs. using one of the WCF Context Bindings? Both seem to be able to solve my problem of out-of-band context state. All of the context data that I have can be serialized as string key-value pairs. I'm currently leaning toward Message Headers as it seems like it might ...

Configure WCF endpoint for Plain Old XML (POX)?

Is there anyway to configure WCF endpoint/binding to send the data "as-is" without wrapping as a soap message (with the Envelope tag, etc.)? I'm trying to send an xml using WCF and its ended up wrapped as a soap and i would like that the server side would get it as plain xml (exactly as the original) because i can't change the server s...

Access web.config settings using WCF Impersonation with net.tcp binding

I'm trying to use impersonation with my WCF service (using net.tcp binding) hosted in IIS 7. I've got to the point where it's impersonating the client but whenever I try to access any configuration settings in the web.config using Settings.Default.SomeSetting it throws a SettingsPropertyNotFoundException. Is this because IIS is running u...