
Consuming secured WCF service through basicHTTPbinding

I am consuming an secured service hosted over basicHttpBinding I have to pass credentials to the service for authenticatioon Here’s the config setting for the client <security mode="TransportWithMessageCredential"> <transport clientCredentialType="None" proxyCredentialType="None" realm="" /> <message clientCre...

Cannot connect to my WCF service right out of the box

I have a service I am trying to consume in a unit test. At this point I'm just trying to instantiate the thing. After suffering the "Could not find default endpoint element that references contract" error for hours and unable to figure it out, I completely deleted out the consumer and started from scratch. All I did was add a service ...

Choosing correct connection properties for long running WCF applications

I am writing a client/server application in C# using WCF. All my testings went fine, but as soon as I deployed the service, I noticed random problems in communicating with the server. I enabled debugging and saw messages like this in the server: The communication object, System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServerReliableDuplexSessionChannel, ...

Default encoding type for wsHttp binding

My understanding was that the default encoding for wsHttp binding is text. However, when I use Fiddler to see the SOAP message, a part of it looks like this: <s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:a="http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing" xmlns:u="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecu...

C# WCF client configuration for X509 secured web service over https

Hi guys I been pulling my hair out for the past few days trying to connect to a web service using .Net 3.5 and WCF (have also tried using WSE 3.0) without much luck. The web service is hosted by a 3rd party and we can access via https. They also make use of X509 certificates for security, to sign the message. I've been given some basic...

WCF service fails to start when more than one service is available.

I am running a WCF service from inside a exe (for debugging, it will be moved to the windows service when deployed) I got one service running fine inside of it however when I run a second service I get the exception System.InvalidOperationException was unhandled Message=The ChannelDispatcher at 'http://backupsvr:8082/' with contract(s...

Is NetNamedPipeBinding binding guaranteed to work only on the same machine?

Hi, I've created a Windows Service that uses WCF for communications to it. The service should be used be called only from the same machine. If I can guarantee that there's no way to communicate with it from another machine, I can consider it secured. Since I'm using communications on a single machine, I opted to used NetNamedPipeBindi...

Is WCF netMsmqBinding multithreaded?

We are using .net WCF with netMsmqBinding. Is the netMsmqBinding multi threaded? Is there a way to change the bindings to use single thread? ...

WCF Double Hop questions about Security and Binding.

Background information: .Net Website which calls a service (aka external service) facade on an app server in the DMZ. This external service then calls the internal service which is on our internal app server. From there that internal service calls a stored procedure (Linq to SQL Classes), and passes the serialized data back though to th...

How can I programatically create this custom binding?

We've got to access a web service that uses soap11... no problem I'll just set the binding as: BasicHttpBinding wsBinding = new BasicHttpBinding(BasicHttpSecurityMode.TransportWithMessageCredential); Nope. No dice. So I asked the host of the service why we're having authentication issues and he said that our config needed to have this...

Converting WCF binding from wsHttpBinding to netTcpBinding

I have a WCF service transporting arrays of bytes. This is used internally, and only by other ASP.NET applications. Because of the size of the files, I had to make a lot of changes to the readerQuotas, maxReceivedMessageSize, and other pieces that normally handle DoS attacks. Right now, it's set up as wsHttpBinding running on IIS 7.0, ...

Using WCF DLL with VB6 ?

I have a VB6 application that needs to communicate with a VS2008 VB.NET WCF server. I have built a VB.NET WCF DLL to be used on the client side, and it --almost-- works with the VB6 application. When I try to run the VB6 app in debug mode, I get "Could not find endpoint element with name 'NetTCPBinding_IComPortManager' and contract 'ICo...

WCF DuplexHTTP Maximum Connections

We are using WCF Custom Channel: DuplexHttp (from MSDN - http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/duplexhttp) to have a thick .NET client connect to our WCF service with callbacks. We have noticed that although the throughput is good, the maximum number of clients connected to the server seems to top out at about 60-70, which isn't good at all. T...

WCF, net.tcp, and ASP.NET development server

I'm setting up a net.tcp WCF service using instructions here: http://blogs.msdn.com/swiss_dpe_team/archive/2008/02/08/iis-7-support-for-non-http-protocols.aspx One of the steps says to do the following: "If you open the IIS7 management console and you look at the advance setting of our IIS7HostedService Web Application, you will see tha...

issue in WCF client app.config

Hello every one. In my service I am using ws2007FederationHttpBinding. When I am adding Service Reference in client side, in my app.config generated CustomBinding instead of ws2007FederationHttpBinding. Can any one tell me why? ...

WCF set bindings on service at runtime

My app has to be installed on my client's webservers. Some clients want to use SSL and some do not. My app has a WCF service and I currently have to go into the web.config for each install and switch the security mode from <security mode="Transport"> to <security mode="TransportCredentialOnly"> depending on the client's SSL situation. ...

Specify default WCF endpoint in app.config

When you add a service reference it creates the class "MyServiceClient" with a default constructor. If I use new MyServiceClient() I get an error: Could not find default endpoint... If I use new MyServiceClient("endpointName") it works. I would like to specify a default endpoint in app/web.config which will get used when I use the def...

WCF 3.5 Service and multiple http bindings

Hi I can't get my WCF service to work with more than one http binding. In IIS 7 I have to bindings http:/service and http:/service.test both at port 80 In my web.config I have added the baseAddressPrefixFilters but I can't add more than one <serviceHostingEnvironment> <baseAddressPrefixFilters> <add prefix="http://s...

WCF app Deployed on Win7 Machine and get connection refused error

I have created a Sync Framework application based on the following sample from microsoft and deployed it to a new Windows 7 machine for testing. The app runs ok but when I attempt to communicate I get the following error: Could not connect to http://localhost:8000/RelationalSyncContract/SqlSyncService/. TCP error code 10061: No ...

How can I translate my programmatic WCF configuration into app.config

Hi, I have an self hosted WCF server with hard coded configurations. the server worked fine until I tried to implement some new configurations functionality (changed ports, added ssl) the new config setting did not work (urrr.... ) and I find it hard to locate where are the problems in my code. instead of digging inside the code tha...