
WCF Authenticating clients within multiple services

Hi there, I have multiple NET.TCP services that provide access to my apps bussiness logic layer. I want to authenticate clients with username & password, within all the services, from one dedicated authentication service. I have thinked that I can generate a custom authentication ticket when the authentication service logons the user ...

Accessing WCF service with Integrated Windows Authentication from Windows Service using local SYSTEM account

Hi, We have WCF service using Integrated windows authentication deployed on a dedicated server. There will be Windows Service on Client machines[windows service uses Local System Account].We get an error when the WCFServiceClient in Windows service accesses the WCF service.[If windows service is on server machine it works fine] System....

Authentication and Authorization scheme for an application exposed as WCF Service Layer?

Hi, I know this question must have been discussed million times in your organization. One more go. Designing a LOB application which has its business operations exposed as services. These services would be accessed by our own web application(ASP.Net MVC), smart desktop clients, mobile clients, as well as, our partners via either thei...

AuthorizationManager based on service invocation parameters

Hello, I'm currently developing my own AuthorizationManager, it looks something like that: public class MyAuthorizationManager : ServiceAuthorizationManager { static bool initialize = false; public override bool CheckAccess(OperationContext operationContext) { ServiceSecurityContext context = ServiceSecurityContext...

What does ABC in WCF stand for?

What does ABC in WCF stand for? ...

Security problem - allowing authorised authentication without password

This is our setup - our customers will have a database server with our database on and multiple clients running our frontend. We have some WCF services to allow the clients to request info from the database and each WCF session is authenticated with a username/password stored (encrypted) in the database. This all works fine and has been ...

Can i view the raw request made by soap wcf call

I am making a SOAP request using WCF to a third party service. The service requires that I sign the request, which I think I am doing but I get the error: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel So I am wondering if there is a way to see the raw xml that is being sent so I can see where the problem is? ...

IIS Hosted SSL WCF Service - Certificate or permissions problem

Before anyone flags this as duplicate from the other barrel full of questions about WCF, I don't want MSDN links and blog article references. I can Google for myself, and have been at this for 3 days, so if all you have are Google links, please abstain. I'm having a heck of a time with an IIS hosted WCF service using wsHttpBinding and a...

How do I authenticate user between ASP.NET and WCF?

Hi, We are developing a browser based intranet application. All users have active directory account, so obvious choice would be use Integrated Windows Authentication. But there will be multiple users accessing same client machine so we decided to use form based authentication (but authenticated against AD). In this scenario what is the ...

Visual Studio 2008 - How to debug my IIS hosted WCF server project when client test project is set as startup

I am developing a secure set of service using WCF wsHttpBinding. I had to switch from Cassini to my local IIS due to working with SSL, etc. I have my certificates setup, etc. I can debug fine if I startup my WCF project. My WCF client is in a test project in the solution. When I set my test project as the startup project, and Debug, Vis...

WCF Custom Validator: How to initialize a "User" object from custom validator

I have a working custom UserNamePasswordValidator that calls into my Oracle DB. This class derives from System.IdentityModel.Selectors.UserNamePasswordValidator and the Validate() method returns void. I load my User object from the database, and once the password is validated, I want to stash my "User" object so the service can access ...

WCF Deployment to IIS 6 Results in 403 Permission Error

I've never deployed a WCF service to IIS 6 before. I've got a service that I'm deploying to IIS 6 by using the default configuration as part of the WCF project. I since simplified the configuration thinking that might have been the issue. Here is the error I'm getting if I browse to the service in a browser: HTTP Error 403.1 - Forbid...

WCF client side certificate validation : changing address : identity dns value seems to be ignored

I'm using wsHttpBinding with TransportWithMessageCredential, message clientCredentialType="UserName" Trying to configure my service client to work against my public deployed address, I tested first by changing to "localhost", since localhost is the same IIS instance, just going through loopback instead of my PC's hostname. With loopback...

Consuming secured WCF service through basicHTTPbinding

I am consuming an secured service hosted over basicHttpBinding I have to pass credentials to the service for authenticatioon Here’s the config setting for the client <security mode="TransportWithMessageCredential"> <transport clientCredentialType="None" proxyCredentialType="None" realm="" /> <message clientCre...

WCF: Using Streaming and Username/Password authentication at the same time

Hi, I have a WCF Service with the following requirements: a) The client requests a file from the server which is transferred as a Stream. Files may be 100MB or larger. I need streaming or chucking or whatever to make sure that IIS is not loading the whole package into memory before starting to send it. b) The client will transfer an I...

SecurityNegotiationException on disconnected domain client

When I am running a WCF service on my development machine it works as long as the client is connected to the domain. When the machine is disconnected I get the following exception: System.ServiceModel.Security.SecurityNegotiationException: A call to SSPI failed, see inner exception. System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationExc...

WCF need to encrypt only part of the body of a message

Hallo, if have to integrate with a given Web-Service and the service has the need that the message-headers are all serialized without encryption and signature. The body of the message is split in two parts, represented by two elements one is called context and the other called data. The context-element should not be encrypted and signed,...

How to secure a WCF service using NetNamedPipesBinding so that it can only be called by the current user?

I'm using a WCF service with the NetNamedPipesBinding to communicate between two AppDomains in my process. How do I secure the service so that it is not accessible to other users on the same machine? I have already taken the precaution of using a GUID in the Endpoint Address, so there's a little security through obscurity, but I'm look...

WCF - Third party application authentication

Hello, I am currently working on an iPhone application. This application calls back to WCF services exposed through my ASP.NET web application. Currently, my WCF operation looks like the following: [OperationContract] [WebInvoke(Method = "POST")] public string SubmitMessage(string message, int priority) { try { // Process messa...

How do you override the WCF AuthenticationService IsLoggedIn() method?

I have three current thoughts on how to do this: re-implement AuthenticationService, which uses lots of internal constructors and internal helpers, implement custom IIdentity and IPrincipal types and somehow hook these into FormsAuthentication. give up and roll my own. The problem is that we've got web apps and fat client apps using ...