
ASP.NET Deployment to Multiple Web Servers

I'm putting together my deployment plan for a major deployment next week (basically taking over a site). I've never had to deploy to multiple web servers before so I had some questions. Do I need to copy the files to each web server, or is there a tool which will do this for me? I have to supply the IP address to some 3rd party ve...

Replacing sections in web.config using web deployment project

I am trying to replace the following section to blank section .. <secureWebPages mode="RemoteOnly" encryptedUri="abc.co.uk" unencryptedUri="www.abc.co.uk" maintainPath="True" warningBypassMode="AlwaysBypass" bypassQueryParamName="BypassSecurityWarning" ignoreHandlers="WithStandardExtensions"> <files> <add path="abc.aspx"/> </files>...

websetup in .net

Hi, I created a websetup project in .net. When I use the installer, by default the installer installs the web application in c:\inetpub\wwwroot. But I like to configure the location during the installation. How can I do that? Thanks, P.Gopalakrishnan. ...

Deployment of asp.net 3.5 website: Requirements

Hi , If i create website in asp.net 3.5 then does it require to have asp.net 2.0 framework in deployment enviorment? Does website deployment project automatically include prerequisite for deployment or we should initially required to install all prerequisite at deployment enviounment before installing website. ...

Deploying a VS Web Application with files built in post-build

In our VS Web Application project, we have a post-build task that concatenates and minifies our JavaScript files into a single file name "OurApplication-.js" (where is the version of the website assembly). Since it is built automatically and has a frequently changing name, it is not part of the project or in source control. So far we ...

Can I easily exclude files from my web deployment project, that are excluded from my web application project?

Today I've started adding Web Deployment projects for our web application, and noticed that the deployment project picks up everything that could be a content file from the web application, including the csproj files etc. I've seen online how you can manually exclude files using the MSBuild task ExcludeFromBuild, and that is currently t...

Web Deployment Project: Publish without Precompilation

The Question Is it possible to publish a web application project using a web deployment project without precompilation? Notes In order to split out web controls and pages into a separate assembly, I am using a custom VirtualPathProvider to load these resources. I am using web deployment projects and msbuild at cmd line to deploy thes...

Web Deployment Project does not warn of errors in ASPX files

I want to compile my ASPX pages so that if there is a bug in them it will tell me to fix it. Traditionally Visual Studio only compiles the code behind so I found recommendations to use Web Deployment Project. I have done that but it builds successfully even though I have set a string value to an int member. I expected it to error but...

How do I use TFS Build 2008 and my Web Deployment Project?

Hi folks, I wish to create a TFS Build for my solution. Is there anyway I can just make the TFS Build, build my WDP only .. and not everything in the solution, etc? Secondly, is there a special keyword I can use to tell my WDP that when it's a TFSBuild, it sets the ouput/drop directory to 'XXX' instead of the current hardocded output d...

Visual Studio Web Setup Project - deploy outside of web root (wwwroot)

I am working with Visual Studio setup projects to install web application. I am looking for a way to change the default physical file installation path. The end result I would like is a Virtual Directory called "MySite" that points to a local path on the server like "C:\Apps\MySite" Is there a built-in option to customize this? ...

Does FinalBuilder support building a Web Deployment Project?

I just sent out an internal company mail glorifying Web Deployment Projects. However, some of my colleagues are using FinalBuilder and they asked me if it supports building wdproj files? My guess is, yes. ...

VS2008 Web Deployment Project AfterBuild

Hi all, I am experimenting with the build file that is part of web deployment project. My goal is do something in the "AfterBuild" target. I am doing the following: <Target Name="AfterBuild"> <MakeDir Directories="$(TargetDir)\Upload" /> </Target> For some reason the folder never gets created. Any idea why this is happening? ...

Web Deployment Projects - TypeLoadException

When I add a web deployment project and compile a site, the files are created in the proper deployment location. However, I get an error when I visit the website: Signature of the body and declaration in a method implementation do not match. Type: 'MySite.SS.TableName'. Assembly: 'example.com, Version=, Culture=neutr...

Website missing after copying to wwwroot folder

I am trying to deploy a website; i have copy pasted the code into the webapps\wwwroot folder by creating a folder Then when taking inetmgr ; i am cannot see any of the folder in the folder structure to right click and create a applciation Please help me ...

Deploying ASP.NET applications: Push vs. Pull?

How do you deploy ASP.NET applications? Do you push it to production servers using UNC paths/mapped drives? FTP? SFTP? SSH/SCP (via 3rd party app installed)? Something else? Or do you pull it from the production servers with a Source control update or other mechanism? Consider the production servers being on the internet or in a DMZ, p...

Is the ASP.NET Web Deployment Project alive?

The latest link I can find is from last may and that's Beta 1. Did Microsoft give up on this? I realize they are just basically MSBuild templates, but curious nonetheless. ...

VS Web Setup Project + VSDB Database project

I'm using Visual Studio Web Setup Project to instrument web application install kit. Unfortunately, the database is done by a Database Project created by VSTS Database Edition by my colleague(I'm using VSTS Developer Edition). It seems that VS Web Setup Project does not recognize the output of the DB project, so it can't include the out ...

Issue Running RIA Services on IIS 5

I'm setting up an environment for testing a Silverlight app with RIA Services in IIS 5.1. I'm getting an error message on the first service call saying "The specified resource was not found." This only occurs when I deploy the project to my local IIS 5 setup, it works fine in the Visual Studio hosted web server. I was having this issue...

Can a Web Deployment Project support quiet installation

I need to install a web deployment fromn a quiet installation and pass in the web directory, installation directory etc. I know that the values of the MSI are available to a custom action, but my experience is that in quiet mode these get overwritten by the default value on the GUI even when in quiet mode. Am I wrong on this assumption...

Web Deployment Project - Copy Files After Build

Currently I have set up a Web Deployment Project which compiles code into the .\Release folder. After the build I want to copy the files over to another machine (because whichever directory you build to is deleted then recreated). The ItemGroup for defining which files to copy is set up as follows: <ItemGroup Condition="'$(Configuratio...