
How to implement private mail for website?

Hi, How would you go about implementing private mail functionality such like Bebo/Facebook and other social networking sites? You have the option to post public comments on a member's profile, but you can also send a private mail. I was considering using XML and just storing it as a field in that particular user's record. Does this so...

Porting a tomcat web project from eclipse ganymede to intellij 8.1

I have a standard (I think) web project developed with the eclipse IDE. I wish to port it to Intellij idea 8.1 - I think that, among other things, it has better taglib support. My project structure is as follows: Project Folder ./src [java source files etc.] ./conf [configuration files - log4j, spring beans...] ./buid [ant files] ./We...

How to test functionally that something should happen at given time?

I'm writing a web application which contains a kind of schedule. After a certain action, the schedule is updated and when the user visit the page that day something happens. Any ideas how to write a functional (acceptance) test for that kind of functionality? I'm writing these end-to-end tests using Selenium. The only idea I have is t...

A good CSS graphical Editor with all CSS options

Hello, Where do I find a good CSS editor that can help me use all the options of CSS? I don't know all the CSS tags byheart. I need the software to show me the options to choose from while creating the CSS. Thanks ...

Object datasource or code-behind: which is better?

I know that it's a subject that can raise a lot of debate, but I'd like to know what people think the various pros and cons of using Object Datasources are. I'm doing a project right now with another programmer who's experience and comfort level are all rooted in classic ASP, and I'm unsure of which way is going to a) get the job done qu...

Speeding up page loads while using external API's

Hello, I'm building a site with django that lets users move content around between a bunch of photo services. As you can imagine the application does a lot of api hits. for example: user connects picasa, flickr, photobucket, and facebook to their account. Now we need to pull content from 4 different apis to keep this users data up to da...

ASP.NET Logging onto web service using username and password the first time only

The first time I log onto my webservice I want to use FormsAuthentication e.g. myService.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = "name"; myService.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = "password"; but once a user has logged onto my web app I dont want to have to know about his password so I would like to be able to connect to the webser...

Map Domain Alias to Virtual Folder in IIS6

How could I go about mapping a domain alias, e.g. domainAlias.co.za, to a virtual folder under, e.g. mainDomain.co.za, so that all requests to domainAlias.co.za actually get served by mainDomain.co.za/domainAlias ? ...

How to post a Google Calendar in a web page without using <iframe>?

Google Calendar provides a way to insert your Google Calendar into a web page using an <iframe>. Is there a way to insert this data into a web page without having to use the <iframe>? I know that there are ways to do this using the Google API, but is there any way that I can put that code directly into my page without the need to use th...

Url filtering

I'm looking for way to verify whether a site is categorized in any url filtering databases. Does somebody know such database with free API? ...

What best practices and conventions are there when designing and implementing a website?

I'll soon be working on a personal website that will include static and dynamic content (starting with static content, with dynamic content added over time using both custom-written components as well as open-source solutions), however I'm fairly new to web design and development, so any advice on things such as directory structure, file...

How relevant is the OpenAjax Alliance to the average web developer?

The OpenAjax Alliance states that it is an "organization of leading vendors, open source projects, and companies using Ajax," but I don't find any questions on stackoverflow that reference them. I am wondering if it is important to the practicing web developer. John Resig has a Thoughts on OpenAjax blog post in Feb 2007, but I can't fi...

Does Django Scale?

Hello, I'm building a web application with Django. The reasons I chose Django were: I wanted to work with free/open-source tools I like Python and feel it's a "long term" language, whereas regarding Ruby I wasn't sure, and PHP seemed like a huge hassle to learn. I'm building a prototype for an idea and wasn't thinking too much about t...

Client's panel for my website.

As a freelance developer I deal with clients mostly by contacting them via email/im. That isn't working bad, but I'm thinking of a more professional approach with client communication panel for my website. Client basically will be given login/password and access it to see previews and comment them. I'm fine with writing the application ...

Centre Content Horizontally in Page

I would like to display all my content in a div that is 800px wide, centred in the page. That way, all browser window widths are catered for. How do I go about doing that? ...

Make index.php behave as a directory...

Some sites (for example, certain implementations of mediawiki,) have a uri format of http://example.com/index.php/SOME_PAGE. How is this done? Is index.php just a directory on the server that happens to be named like a php file and that actually contains a file named SOME_PAGE? If so, why name it like that? If not (i.e. it actually...

How to execute a Javascript function from a C# WebBrowser?

Hi, I'm doing some web automation via C# and a WebBrowser. There's a link which I need to 'click', but since it fires a Javascript function, apparently the code needs to be executed rather than just having the element clicked (i.e. element.InvokeMember("click")). Here's the href for the element, which opens an Ajax form: javascript:__d...

What methods are available to stop multiple postbacks of a form in ASP.NET MVC?

A common web problem is where a user clicks the submit button of a form multiple times so the server processes the form more than once. This can also happen when a user hits the back button having submitted a form and so it gets processed again. What is the best way of stopping this from happening in ASP.NET MVC? Possibilities as I se...

Language/Framework support for Interacting With CouchDB

I am interested in knowing if there are any server-side web application frameworks which integrate nicely with CouchDB? Does anyone have any experience in doing this? It seems like a dynamic language would be well-suited for playing with the JSON, but I am more interested in hearing about how it would fit in with the framework and the ap...

How can I perform programmatic authorisation with jBoss?

I have a Java web application bundled as a WAR. The application is deployed in jBoss 5.0.1. For historical reasons I am unable to use the built in authentication & authorisation specified via web.xml. Primarily this is because it isn't possible to specify the URLs that should be protected using web.xml's "web-resource-collection" elemen...