
How do I change the title of a page in rails?

What is the best way to create a custom title for pages in a rails app with out using a plug-in? ...

Is it considered bad practice to use absolute positioning?

I was developing a web page, where I was laying out a board for a Chess-like game, along with a couple of piece trays. It's all done using HTML (with jQuery for dynamic updating as the game is played). Somewhere I'd got the notion that using absolute positioning of elements within a page was considered a bad practice, and that it was pre...

Best Static Website Generator

In the age of dynamic websites built with layouts and templates, nobody wants to write plain old repetitive static html anymore. But now that you can outsource dynamic features to services like Disqus, and you could get slashdotted/dugg/reddited at any moment, sometimes a static website is best for scalability. There are quite a few st...

Deploying web apps that use cron

What is the best procedure for deploying web apps that rely on cron jobs (for cache maintenance, db updates, ...)? For things like DB schema changes, there are tools such as DBDeploy for managing the changes between versions, but how do you automate updates to the crontab? I know that the actual cron files are stored in /var/spool/ b...

The most flexible framework architecture for web development?

Obviously, there is no one single solution that would satisfy everyone's needs; an architecture is always a trade-off. I want to create a framework, originally aimed at RAD of web games. Target language is PHP, although the architecture should be widely applicable. Goals that I have in head for this framework are: flexibility in ways yo...

How do I include a header into my site that is hosted externally?

We are hosting a site for a client and they want us to include the header they have on their server into the pages we are hosting. So whenever they change it, it will automatically change on our site. We are attempting to use the "include" tag in our JSP code. The code we are using is as follows: <%@ include file="www.CLIENT.com/CLIE...

What is your "generic" web application testing plan ?

Like, testing for : invalid inputs (strings containing "'"s) giving random id's in url parameters to access "unauthorized" pages prevent sql injection ... ...

Is there a JavaScript solution to generating a "table of contents" for a page?

I have headers in <h1> through <h6> tags. Is there a way that I can use JavaScript to generate a table of contents for the contents that serves as anchor tags as well? I would like the output to be something like: <ol> <li>Header 1</li> <li>Header 1</li> <li>Header 2</li> <li>Header 3</li> </ol> I am not c...

Are HTTPS headers encrypted?

When sending data over HTTPS, I know the content is encrypted, however I hear mixed answers about whether the headers are encrypted, or how much of the header is encrypted. How much of HTTPS headers are encrypted? Including GET/POST request URLs, Cookies, etc. ...

ASP.NET Web Dev: Map one directory to another?

Hi! We are thinking of renaming our web directory schema to be more user friendly. However, we need any URL requests for the old directory structure to forward to the new one. so.... How do I forward requests for all of these: http://mydomain.com/OLDdirname/ http://mydomain.com/OLDdirname/samesubdir/ http://mydomain.com/OLDdirname/...

How do I write my own confirm dialog in javascript?

I want to write something that acts just like confirm() in javascript, but I want to write it myself so I can skin the dialog box. In having trouble thinking through how I would basically force the javascript thread to wait until the user responds and then return true or false. ...

Is it sensible to dynamically generate SVG images on websites yet?

I'm just learning about SVG, and it seems great but I'm not sure about browser support - have people successfully got around this, or is it still too early? ...

What's in your web-developer toolbox?

What's in your web-developer toolbox, please share. ...

As a web designer/web developer, conferences... which ones do you suggest?

I am interested in hearing which conferences you have attended that you feel covers the right material for a person who designs and develops websites? just in case you need to know what i design/develop in: html/css, php, mysql. I work in higher ed and administration is more in tune w/ sending their employees to higher ed conferences, ...

Offline Web Application: Success Stories, Tips and Resources

We @ medicware.com.br are thinking about making our web application offline-capable with Gears. Our main goal is to keep basic functionality running when the internet connection goes down. So, I'd like to hear success stories, tips and resources about yours real experiences in that field (related to Gears or not). ...

Is it possible to add SVG images to a web page through CSS?

I just started experimenting with SVG in web pages, and I discovered that it is only possible to add SVG images into HTML using <object /> tags, not <img /> like I would have expected. Most of the time, I add graphics to web pages through CSS because they are part of the presentation of the site, not the content. I know it is possible t...

How to store images in your filesystem

Currently, I've got images (max. 6MB) stored as BLOB in a InnoDB table. As the size of the data is growing, the nightly backup is growing slower and slower hindering normal performance. So, the binary data needs to go to the file system. (pointers to the files will be kept in the DB.) The data has a tree like relation: - main site -...

Can an html element have multiple ids?

I understand that an id must be unique within an HTML/XHTML page. My question is, for a given element, can I assign multiple ids to it? <div id="nested_element_123 task_123"></div> I realize I have an easy solution with simply using a class. I'm just curious about using ids in this manner. ...

How to grab AD credentials from client machine in a web application.

Is it possible to grab activedirectory credentials for the user on a client machine from within a web application? To clarify, I am designing a web application which will be hosted on a client's intranet. There is a requirement that the a user of the application not be prompted for credentials when accessing the application, and that i...

How Do You Fix A Parameter Names Mismatch - DOJO and PL/SQL

How do you fix a names mismatch problem, if the client-side names are keywords or reserved words in the server-side language you are using? The DOJO JavaScript toolkit has a QueryReadStore class that you can subclass to submit REST patterned queries to the server. I'm using this in conjunction w/ the FilteringSelect Dijit. I can subcla...