
Apache Ant + Ivy build of a web application which is deployed to a local Tomcat

Hi, I will use Apache Ant and Apache Ivy to build a web application which is deployed to a local Tomcat instance (during development). I have some questions: I want to grab most of my dependencies from the Maven2 repositories which works fine, but for the servlet JAR I would like to use the one Tomcat provides. Is there a way to do th...

Selecting random records for use on a web page

HI Guys, I own a website I have a section called "mobile Section" this section contain many catagories (Nameoftheobject + a picture + little description and a download link) Now the section is considered as an internal section. I want to view random records from that section on the first page (I dont know Like RSS but not Rss) showing ...

How can I consume IIS7's FREB programatically

IIS 7 has a very useful feature called Failed Request Tracing (FREB for short). It has a very nice visualization feature, involving an extremely complex XSL stylsheet that parses the results into a useful treeview. I, however, want to consume FREB programatically, and be able to present the results on my smart client (without waiting fo...

Asp.net Request.Browser.Crawler - Dynamic Crawler List?

I learned Why Request.Browser.Crawler is Always False in C# (http://www.digcode.com/default.aspx?page=ed51cde3-d979-4daf-afae-fa6192562ea9&article=bc3a7a4f-f53e-4f88-8e9c-c9337f6c05a0). Does anyone uses some method to dynamically update the Crawler's list, so Request.Browser.Crawler will be really useful? ...

JavaScript synchronous custom prompt

Hello, I need to use a custom prompt, just like the one shown in this jQuery plugin demo. The problem is, all custom prompts depend on a callback, they are asynchronized, i need them to be synchronous. I need to do something like: alert("Your name is " + myPrompt("What's your name?")); Where myPrompt is a modal custom synchronous pr...

How do you maximize server performance?

I have been trying to get my head around to understanding performance and scalability and would like to know what developers/sysadmins are doing to juice their systems. To standardize the answers, it would help if you could take your best shot at responding to any of the following: Profile - Magazine publication on Joomla; Jobs board o...

Does browsing speed depend on the browser?

Is browsing speed depends on browser (like IE,firefox)? If it depends on browser which browser is best and works fast? And if we clear the cache in browser will it slow down the browsing speed? thanks. ...

Is it feasible to convert a desktop based MFC C++ application to a web app

I have a very large app, 1.5 million lines of C++, which is currently MFC based using the Document/View architecture. The application includes a lot of 3d vector graphics, spreadsheets, and very many dialogs and Windows. Within the constraints of the DVA it is fairly well written, in that there is no significant program logic in the us...

Scalability and Performance of Web Applications, Approaches?

What various methods and technologies have you used to successfully address scalability and performance concerns of a website? I am an ASP.NET web developer exploring .NET remoting with WCF with SQL clustering and am curious as to what other approaches exist (such as the ‘cloud’). In which cases would you apply various approaches (for ...

webjure vs compojure?

I've heard of two Clojure based web application frameworks: Webjure and Compojure. Can someone let me know which is better? ...

Access a control inside a the LayoutTemplate of a ListView

How do I access a Control in the LayoutTemplate of a ListView control? I need to get to litControlTitle and set it's Text attribute. <asp:ListView ID="lv" runat="server"> <LayoutTemplate> <asp:Literal ID="litControlTitle" runat="server" /> <asp:PlaceHolder ID="itemPlaceHolder" runat="server" /> </LayoutTemplate> <ItemTemp...

Web Development Contract

I'm about to develop a website for a company and I need a development contract for me to give them and for us to both sign. Does anyone have any templates that I'd be able to modify for this purpose? Are there any places to look? Of course I'd prefer a free contract, but I'll pay for one if it's worth it. Obviously if anyone suggest ...

Organizing files of a website powered by PHP, Smarty, JavaScript, MySQL

I am writing an web application powered by PHP, Smarty, JavaScript, CSS, MySQL. There will be some classes, which will be used through out the application. There will be some scripts which will use those classes. Any good article, tutorial, architecture on how to organize files for a web site? P.S. It should contain how to organize a...

Apache VS IIS

I am using .net with IIS and i want to install php also. Is it a good idea to use IIS for php or shall i install a different one. I am using this in windows vista..iam a beginner willing to learn php from scratch...any advice will be valuable. thanks. ...

How can I send a JSON response from a Perl CGI program?

Hi, I am writing a JSON response from a perl/cgi program. The header's content type needs to be "application/json". But it doesn't seems to be recognized as response is thrown as a text file. I would be capturing response using JSON library of jQuery. Where am I missing in sending the JSON response. ...

Is it practical to build a web site using strict XHTML and relying on CSS 100% for visual style?

I tend to take the academic approach all too often and adhere to strict principles in my development when the reality is that I could have finished the project sooner had I been a little less cautious. I'm looking to find the right amount of practicality. I want to take the "Zen" approach to designing a site which (in my words) says "Us...

What is a good way to provide a different user experience based on the visitor type?

I am looking for a way to allow a Web application to provide a different user experience based on the type of visitor. For example, the same set of data should be presented differently to a child versus an adult. This is for a Java Web app. Just wanted to provide more clarification. What I am hoping for is any best practice for handli...

Taking over a project - What should I ask the previous programmer?

I'm taking over a development of a commercial web site. This site was developed over two years by another programmer. It's mostly a one-man job (maintain and expand the site). I'll have a 2-3 days transition period when the other programmer will show me the system. But from what I know, there is little documentation. Everything is in the...

ASP.NET MVC - Is it viable for small web outfits?

I work for a small website company (couple of programmers, couple of designers). Currently we use ASP.NET website projects - this makes it easy for me to sort the programming out on my local machine, while the designers work directly on a development server and the 'on-the-fly' compilation allows them to see any changes made without havi...

IronPython Webframework

There seem to be many excellent web frameworks for Python. Has anyone used any of these (Pylons, Web2Py, Django) with IronPython? ...