
embeddable flash based mp3 player

I need to serve audio content (not music though, more like podcasts; human speech), and I'm thinking of using a flash-based player to let users hear the content without having to download it. I need a free embeddable flash based mp3 player. Any suggestions? Because it's not music, I don't care about playlist (I don't want them, they wi...

Cross platform project automation

The web shop where I work we do both .Net and PHP/Linux development. We'd like to start automating a lot more of our deployment processes using a common system that can be used for both. What would you recommend as a good common scripting language or automation system (like Ant or Maven) that works well for both .Net and Linux developmen...

Web user expectations

When designing a good Web GUI what expectations can we expect from an end user? I've come up with the following, but I wonder if there are any others which can suggest.. If I click on a hyperlink it will take me to another page/part of this page If I tick/untick a checkbox it might alter the page state (enable/disable elements) If I ...

Popular web development IDE/Language

What is the most popular web development IDE? What is the most popular web development language? Is there any way of getting absolute figures on these issues (percentage-wise)? After reading scheibk's answer I want to refine the question to "which enterprise level language/framework is most popular" (And the question about percentage f...

Is there a cross-browser way to condense text on a page?

I am looking for a way to condense relatively small areas of text on a page in an effort to mimic a graphic button that was done with a non-standard font. Ideally, just the letters would get squished or made thinner, leaving the space between words more or less the same. I know there are some CSS attributes that do things like this, but ...

How popular is C++ for making websites/web applications?

I don't know why this is question is bugging me, but time after time I come back to the though - why not make websites in C++? So far I know of none (except a rumor about Yahoo). Most use PHP, Java or ASP.NET. Some are built on Ruby or Python, but even those are minorities. At the same time, looking at StackOverflow, it seems that C++ i...

Practices to prevent/control image content

Dead code is easily recognised and eliminated by having code reviews, however, when it comes to images - unused images still get into our version control. Is there any clean way of organising graphic content so that a direct correlation exists between web pages and image files? In our current project, we use create master PNG files then...

Why does the CakePHP Authorization Componentent automatically logout when openeing two sites in parallel?

Hi, i have a problem within my CakePHP application: I use the Authorization Component for the login/logout mechanisms. Unfortunately users are logged out automatically when they try to open two or more php pages at the same moment. Thats happening very often because we tend to use the middle mouse button to open many tabs in short inter...

Web Design: Source for Creative Commons or LGPL icons for use in web apps

I'm working on a web app where I need icons to represent Tables, Views, Stored Procs, and Functions. Where is a good source for these types of icons in a free/cc/LGPL like license? This is a good example of icons I need (but not free): via redgate UPDATE: Please just keeping adding links/answers to this question as you find new sources...

is it possible to read the last few lines (or 1000 characters say) of a large web page?

We need to poll a web page every 5 minutes and the web page is growing rather large. The web page is a directory listing and we need the last line (to get a file name). What is the best way to get just this last line? (If this was a local file I could position back a little relative to the end of file and read). Thanks, Richard ...

Does location.replace() not do a conditional get if last-modified caching is in place?

Here's what I'm seeing: I have a conditional-get caching policy in place (cache-control: private, must-revalidate). It works fine if I'm on the page, then try to hit the browser's refresh button. However, in another part of my site, I use location.replace(url) to go to that page... if I do that, its not makign that check and always ret...

How do you manage development of your web based application projects?

I am currently a senior in college and part of my research is to come up with materials that could be used in a course about enterprise web application development. I am taking the opportunity to learn about agile methodologies when developing software, but the course is going to be more about managing the growing number of technologies...

Using IE dev toolbar on a pop up windowed web app.

We are working on IE only web application that is run as a pop up window - without any toolbars. Is there a way to invoke IE developer's toolbar besides using a button on the IE toolbar, since it is not visible? Thanks! ...

Benefits/Disadvantages of using XSL to render entire web pages

I am in the preliminary stages of planning a project with a client to redo their current website. I took a look at their current site to see what issues they are currently dealing with and upon inspection I noticed that every page is being rendered entirely using XSLT. I am familiar with XSLT, I have used it to render custom controls tha...

What are some best practices to support multiple resolutions in a web application?

What are some best practices on enabling a web application to support multiple resolutions? Specifically resolutions that are wide-screen vs. normal aspect ratio. It doesn't seem like there is an easy answer - other than simply supporting a few fixed resolutions and using some absolute positioning to get the layout to work correctly. ...

What's the best strategy to diagnose/determine what is causing mixed-content warnings in your web application?

Is there some sort of profiling tool available? View source and search/replace? ...

What would be a good framework to develop a web application for guitar software?

I would love to design a web application for a guitar tablature editor. There are a few desktop apps such as Guitar Pro and Tuxguitar that are great. They basically allow you to load a tablature file, and then the software allows you to edit and play the tablature. What would be even better would be a web-based version of these programs....

Cookie not being sent by IE7

I have two copies of IE7, same exact security settings and same exact builds. Two different machines, both running WinXP. In my application, my cookie headers are being properly sent to the server on one version of IE. No other cookies are being sent in another version. What are some points to troubleshoot in this scenario? ...

Best way to show critical instructions to a user in a web app?

I'm also interested in more general thoughts, but here is my specific problem. In an ASP.NET web app, I am connecting to a 3rd-party via API. The 3rd-party requires that the user login and answer a few configuration questions to set this up. All of the questions except one the user can just choose the default. On one question if the user...

Accept credit card/echeck payments

I bill customers monthly for a service and would like them to be able to go to my website and pay by credit card or echeck. I can do an integration with Authorize.net/ach direct/paypal/etc, but if there is something open source or some sample code to start with, it would be much easier. I basically need the user to enter a name or numb...