
IE 302 Redirect No-Cache Header Problem

A 302 Redirect is being returned after a post of information. This redirect is intended to reload the current page. This all works fine, but IE adds No-Cache to the header: Cache-Control: no-cache We are using Squid to cache our content, and putting this in the header bypasses squid. As this redirect is used quite often(there is no w...

What are the advantages of using an ORM?

As a web developer looking to move from hand-coded PHP sites to framework-based sites, I have seen a lot of discussion about the advantages of one ORM over another. It seems to be useful for projects of a certain (?) size, and even more important for enterprise-level applications. What does it give me as a developer? How will my code di...

productivity superstar frameworks/tools for side gigs

Hi all, If you were going to start building web sites as a consulting business on the side -- keeping your day job -- and you also had a toddler and a wife, what frameworks/tools would you pick to save you typing? Any language. I'm looking for a productivity superstar stack that won't tie my hands too much when I have to update the...

What is the worst web usability error you have encountered?

Related to web pages / application, what is the worst web usability error you have encountered? The one that hit you the most; that which arguably could trip the most users? Or, from another point of view, which error would you choose to be eliminated from the face of the Earth, if possible? ...

AJAX Page Download progress

I want to get the progress of my AJAX request - how much has been downloaded so far out of how much the file is. For example, I am downloading a large picture with AJAX so I can put the content in a DATA url (this may not be the best way to do that, it's just a example.) So, I make the AJAX request to some host I have no control over (...

How to submit a form using the Enter key in asp.net

I have 3 buttons in a form. One of them is the submit button. How can I make it the default button to be clicked when I press the enter key. Is there a property for this? ...

How to place a banner on webpage with one application to all pages of a website

How can I place a banner on webpage with one application to all pages of a website ? ...

Problems in development when using absolute path in links (due to friendly urls)

I using urlrewriter.net to implement friendly urls. When I did the rewriting I used subfolders on occasions. I found myself having problems with images and links and the ~ sign wasn't working for me. After reading a bit I found out that I'm not the only one with that problem and they recommended using full path "www.website.com/images/x...

Problems with relative links while using friendly url

I'm using urlrewiter.net in order to implement friendly url's. It's a great and easy to use package! Nevertheless, while using subfolders I had problems with the relative links to images and to other inner pages. I tried to use ~ (server side) and it didn't do the trick. Is there another solution? ...

PHP Readonly Properties?

In using PHP's DOM classes (DOMNode, DOMEElement, etc) I have noticed that they possess truly readonly properties. For example, I can read the $nodeName property of a DOMNode, but I cannot write to it (if I do PHP throws a fatal error). How can I create readonly properties of my own in PHP? ...

Automatically copying new articles from a website.

Hi, I am building a website, one section of which will display public notices from a different website. (The notices are public, no copyright violation) What I need to do is to automatically update my site whenever there is a new notice on the target site. I am using Joomla as my CMS. Any ideas? Update - Unfortunately no RSS feed :( ...

Best way to get data from "clean" and "dirty" URLs

I'm writing an application that gets data from URLs, but I want to make it an option whether or not the user uses "clean" urls (ex: http://example.com/hello/world) or "dirty" urls (ex: http://example.com/?action=hello&sub=world). What would be the best way to get variables form both URL schemes? ...

Webform Validation Frameworks

I find that in most of my web projects a large majority of my time is spent validating user input both on the client-side and on the server-side. I have worked with the ASP.NET form validation controls, but I have always found them to be cumbersome and never really work the way I intend them too. So usually I end up rolling together my...

Best Practices for the Design Web App to Cater for both Download and SaaS version

I am thinking about offering two versions for my web application product: Software As a Service, where people access my applications via a URL Download version. They can download my web app and host it themselves on their web server. An example for this business model is FogBugz. Question: How to design my web application so that i...

ASP.NET Local Development Setup

I would like to start learning ASP.NET on a for-fun project. I'm hoping to setup a local server to do my development on, but I don't want to pollute my user account with a webserver, database, and developer tools. I'm using Vista Home Premium as my desktop OS. Is it possible to setup a separate user in vista and contain all the develop...

Best practices when applying conditional formatting in data bound controls?

I have a Repeater contol bound to a custom object (an EntitySpaces query) and have noticed there are a couple of ways to conditionally format the values being displayed. 1) From my aspx I can call a method in my code-behind and pass through the bound value and use that to drive any conditional logic: <a class="star" href="<%#M...

Do most web 'programmers' (not designers) use WYSIWYG editors or hand code their HTML?

When I started programming web pages, it became immediately obvious that the WYSIWYG editors sucked. The HTML output was difficult to maintain, did things in ways you may not have agreed with, completely messed up existing pages if opened, couldn't handle code in the page, and was polluted with dead or irrelevant code like <font ...></f...

Php/ MySql 'Advanced Search' Page

I'm working on an 'advanced search' page on a site where you would enter a keyword such as 'I like apples' and it can search the databse using the following options: Find : With all the words, With the exact phrase , With at least one of the words, Without the words I can take care of the 'Exact phrase' by: SELECT * FROM myTab...

ASP.NET: Function key shortcuts?

I recently participated a project that replaced a mainframe system with a web (asp.net 2.0, VS2005) system. The 3270-terminals are still much used and I respect the IMS/CICS/Cobol application designers for their work. Users like the web application, but one thing they keep ask for is: Functionkeys and shortcuts that navigates directly t...

How does Google Chrome affect product owners developing web apps?

If my app has been tested in Firefox 3, Safari 3 & IE 7 will it need additional testing for Chrome? If there are areas that'll need further testing -- then are there any online guides I could share with my designers & developers? At what point will Chrome be considered to have sufficient market share to be treated as a mainstream brows...