
License question regarding Icon sets in web applications

there are a few posts asking about free icon sets (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/139944/where-can-one-find-free-software-icons-images), but I couldn't find anything that specifically answered this question: For commerical websites, what is required of you to use the icon sets based upon their license? It seems like with GPL/LGPL...

Helping a beginner for java web application

I have pretty big background of .net, and I've decided that i want to port one of my websites to Java. (now with the asp.net MVC craze, I've figured I'd better learn a more mature approach to MVC). i've downloaded eclipse (easyeclipse distro to be exact, and am ready and willing to develop my first website in java). i've programmed j2m...

Best way to retrieve the connection string for IBATIS.NET from the web.config

I have an web application where I have a requirement to encrypt and store the connection string in the web.config. What is the best way to retrieve this and use this connection string with IBATIS.NET instead of storing the connection string in the SqlMap.config? ...

How do you typically import data from a spreadsheet to multiple database columns?

For whatever reason, I have a lot of clients that have existing data that's stored in spreadsheets. Often there are hundreds, if not thousands of items in each spreadsheet, and asking the client to manually enter them through a website (or heaven forbid importing them that way myself) is out of the question. Typically, this data doesn't ...

uploading a file to a website with ruby/rails

I am building a rails app to test our flagship product (also web based). The problem is that part of the testing requires using the production app's web interface to upload files. So what i need to do is have the rails app upload these files to the production application (not rails). Is there a way to have rails post the file to the p...

Warning: Page Has Expired

I've added the following code to my masterpage (Page_Load) so once a user logs out they will not be able to use the back button to see the page they were previously at. Response.Buffer = true; Response.ExpiresAbsolute = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1); Response.Expires = -1; Response.CacheControl = "no-cache"; The problem is, my users wa...

Submit a registration form remotely

A client of mine is needing their current website to tie into an online leasing module off site. The module needs to be accessed from our website by posting the username and password hash to it, or the registration information. It works when I copy the view state manually from the source into the form they fill out on our system, but n...

Setting up a development environment with multiple workstations and Visual Studio 2008

I currently have a small laptop and a desktop (+ gaming rig) that I use for development. I prefer to use the workstation at home because of the multiple large displays and performance and the laptop for it's mobility. When I need to work on Visual Studio 2008 web projects I RDP into my desktop over the internet. I would like to do thi...

Book recommendations - Web Usability

Hey everyone, I just ordered Steve Krug's "Dont make me think" off of Amazon, which I'm looking forward to. I'm just curious to know what other books people have enjoyed on the topic of usability/design practices on the web. Thanks! ...

The server didn't send back a proper XML response...

I'm using FCKEditor in that when "Browse Server" button is clicked the following error is thrown. The server didn't send back a proper XML response. Please contact your system administrator. XML Request error: Not Found(404) Requested URL: /fckeditor/editor/filemanager/connectors/asp/connector.asp?Command=.... I...

What values to use for FastCGI maxrequests, maxspare, minspare, maxchildren?

I'm running a Django app using FastCGI and lighttpd. Can somebody explain me what I should consider when deciding what value to use for maxrequests, maxspare, minspare, maxchildren? These options are not too well documented, but seem quite important. Don't just tell me what they do; I want to understand what implications they have and...

How to create Facebook style fixed Status bar ?

I want to create fixed status bar in by web form to display various status/messages/notification to user , i can used fixed CSS property but i want to implement in i.e 6/7 and in Firefox. and all the browsers. ...

When should you not use automated testing for a web application?

Assume I'm using an interpreted language to power a medium or large application, and that the application is tested by hand (no unit tests, not integration tests, etc). Support for said product will not be dropped any time in the foreseeable future, and new development happens daily. Are there some situations in which it would not be be...

Best way to use svn for web development

Hello, I installed svn on my server and am wondering whats the best way to use it. For example I have apache folders of htdocs and cgi-bin. Should I put both the folders in svn? when i work on a project i usually have the project_name as the folder in each - htdocs/projname and cgi-bin/projname? Should i svn both? Is it a good idea svni...

Tab key behavior in browser edit control

Web browsers are good as thin clients for web applications. But if the user has to enter some code (where tabs and formatting are important) in an edit box, inside a web browser, he navigates through the webpage controls every time he hits the "tab" key, instead of printing the "tab" character. Are there any free web controls or is the...

PHP vs. application server?

For those of you who have had the opportunity of writing web applications in PHP and then as an application server (eg. Python-based solutions like CherryPy or Pylons), in what context are application servers a better alternative to PHP? I tend to favor PHP simply because it's available on just about any web server (especially shared ho...

Web for mobile devices - best practices for ASP.NET

Starting to build web applications for mobile devices (any phone). What would be the best approach using ASP.NET 3.5/ASP.NET 4.0 and C#? UPDATE (feb2010) Any news using windows mobile 7? ...

Is Grails worth it?

This is half rant, half question. Is it worth using Grails? I'm trying to develop a relatively simple database drive web applications. My expertise is in Java so naturally Grails seemed like a good choice. At first I thought of using Spring, JPA and Hibernate, but having used that previously I've ran into all sorts of tedious configurat...

Sending data between an asp.net page and a pop up page?

What are the different ways of communication between asp.net page and a popup page? Query strings etc. Which is most secure? ...

Web desktops - do you find it interesting?

As a win32 developer moving into web deveopment the last few years, I found the web desktops based on extjs very interesting. Coolite Desktop (broken) Extjs Desktop Puppy Web Desktop Wikipedia list Lifehack list Windows 3.1 desktop (broken) Do you know about others? Without any experience of developing applications as web desktops (an...