
Which common features of desktop applications do most web applications miss?

Stackoverflow User Luke wrote in this answer: The boundaries between desktop and web applications have really blurred. Whilst once upon a time the nature of developing for the web was totally different to developing for the desktop, nowadays you find the same concepts [...] cropping up in both. Since I am continually lo...

Looking for a workaround for IE 6/7 "Unspecified Error" bug when accessing offsetParent; using ASP.NET AJAX and jQuery

I'm using jQuery UI's draggable and droppable libraries in a simple ASP.NET proof of concept application. This page uses the ASP.NET AJAX UpdatePanel to do partial page updates. The page allows a user to drop an item into a trashcan div, which will invoke a postback that deletes a record from the database, then rebinds the list (and othe...

Website/Web App Architecture Advice

Let me set the stage here. I'm a very junior developer who's recently made the transition from Network Admin who does some WinForms for his employer to a full-time development position working on an ASP.NET product that will be transitioning to Silverlight. I have precious little web development experiences. Some basic understanding of ...

Do you ever need to specify javascript: in an onclick?

AFAIK, you never need to specify the protocol in an onclick: onclick="javascript:myFunction()" = bad onclick="myFunction()" = good Today I noticed in this article on Google Anallytics that they are using it: <a href="http://www.example.com" onClick="javascript: pageTracker._trackPageview('/outgoing/example.com');"> Is this example ...

What's the "average" requests per second for a production web application?

I have no frame of reference in terms of what's considered "fast"; I'd always wondered this but have never found a straight answer... ...

What Web Development frameworks support Python 3?

I was looking into playing around with Python 3.0. My plan was to build a cutesy web-app in Django, but I don't think that Django support Python 3 at this stage (the last release was before Python 3 came out). What Python web development frameworks out there currently support Python 3.0? ...

Opinions sought: Is it better to do roll-your-own or ready-built forum software?

As part of a wide ranging job for a cystic fibrosis support organization, they'd also like a web site set up and I've decided on Apache running on Linux (due to its security and low cost mostly). Other than (fairly) static content, they also want a forum where people can discuss issues with the condition - it'll be attached to a hospital...

JavaScript/ CSS/ Image reference paths

Hi, I was wondering if anyone has any preference for referencing images/ css or javascript files in their sites? The reason I ask is if a client wants to host the site we've writen under a virtual directory, the site usually has to have it's file references changed - even down to url (...image path) in CSS files because we usually deve...

Why is your particular choice of forum software the right one for you?

As part of another question that did involve programming (I assure you), someone suggested I ask a community wiki question as to why your forum software of choice was the 'best' one for you. I'm looking into providing forum software as part of an install of a web server and web application tailored for a medical support group and I wish...

How do I create a multiple tab Excel workbook on a client machine?

I have a tabbed series of grids on a data preview page. I now need to import the data from each grid into its own sheet in an Excel workbook. How could I do this? BTW, this is on a Mac or a PC. ...

Developing Web Applications on the Mac

How does one build Web applications on the Mac that is not RoR or PHP? Can Web applications be created using Objective-C and Cocoa? I'm entirely new to this subject - Hahnemann ...

Hosting user videos

My client would like website visitors to embed videos in their profiles. We've suggested that we use YouTube for a quick and cost-effective (free) solution. However he is not keen that YouTube would control access to the videos which are an important part of his service. It seems unlikely that YouTube would suddenly pull the plug but to ...

How to make a pure CSS dropdown list (nav for a website)

Trying to make a pure css dropdown list that works well, and can't find any good resources. ...

What is VHTML? How it works? Where can I find information about it?

The code below continues many lines until it ends with a expected /veotherwise /vechoose. I started working on a development firm a little ago where they use this html version called vhtml. I have search the web but it brings different definitions for vhtml. I have seen some posts in Joomla about vhtml but they don't look like the cod...

Is Catalyst+Mason+Template::Toolkit worth learning rather than sticking to LAMP+Axkit?

hi, Currently i'm using pretty much Unix + Mysql + Perl + Apache with some javascript to make it more ajax like. and i've been looking at sites which are web 2.0 and stackoverflow and really like the simple design and the smooth flow from pages and action, etc. i'm trying to decide if learning catalyst, mason and the likes are going to ...

Is it possible to put a page break into an HTML email?

I know it's possible to use CSS to add page breaks to web pages, for when they're printed. I also know CSS support in HTML emails is poor. So, is there a way to generate a page break when an HTML email is printed? Or given the variety of email clients out there, is that just a daft question? ...

Drupal deployment/testing/don't-how-to-call it tool

Setup is following: Drupal project, one svn repo with trunk/qa/production-ready branches, vhosts for every branch, post-commit hook that copies files from repository to docroots. Problem is following: Drupal website often relies not only on source code but on DB data too (node types, their settings, etc.). I'm looking for solution to ...

Need a WYSIWYG PHP / Javascript IDE - replacement for Dreamweaver

I'm looking for a replacement website application development IDE. Ideally it will run on both Linux (Ubuntu) and Windows. I'm typically developing small to medium sized web applications of some richness and complexity - by way of example I'm currently handling a site for a local council which manages their waste collection and reproce...

What would you use to build a web app?

At my current job I've been working on making web apps with Java, Tapestry, Hibernate, MSSQL, and Tomcat. I've got an idea for a little web game I'd like to write. I'd like to know what the SO community would use for something like this. Should I stick to what I know? I was thinking it would be very beneficial for me to learn different...

Good pattern or technique for webforms with 100s of fields

At my job, I have to implement web forms for loan applications with sometimes up to a hundred different input fields, and then save the application into the database for later retrieval. The person whom I replaced created a sql table with 100s of columns where each row represents a loan application and there is a column for every field....