
Web programming: Get rid of Javascript or convince me to dive into this mess

I'm looking for alternatives to client side Javascript in web programming, because for me this language just plain sucks. I mean I am indeed impressed of the capabilities jquery or other javascript-frameworks accomplish, but for myself programming in javascript is a pain in the rump. I would like to replace it without sacrifice functiona...

How can I find out which programming language was used to write any web site?

If there is no file extension on the end of the URL, how can I find out which programming language - PHP, .Net, ASP, etc. - was used to write a particular website? For example - www.andromeda.mn. Answers: uptime.netcraft.com/ -- Dave Webb builtwith.com -- Jason M Insert after url ?=PHPE9568F34-D428-11d2-A769-00AA001ACF42 -- thomasr...

in what situation does the HTTP_REFERER not work?

i have used the REFERER before in foo.php to decide whether the page iframing myself is of a particular URL. (using $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) it turned out that most of the time, it worked (like 98%), but it also seemed like some users who didn't change their browser setting didn't have REFERER provided to foo.php and therefore broke t...

What college has good coverage on Design Patterns, CSS, and JavaScript?

A cousin is going to college, probably in computer science, and he asked me where is a good school to go. I told him some schools and current topics in CS, he asked about them and I was wondering, are there some colleges that actually put Design Patterns, CSS, JavaScript, Ajax, DOM Scripting, XML, and web architecture in their required ...

are there simple, open source learning-friendly web apps?

I was wondering if I could learn ASP.net or other web programming frameworks by studying existing functional open source apps of the simpler kind. As in, of not quite MediaWiki complexity and so forth. Perhaps something like "simple forum" or "simple web store". Something that is non-trivial and demonstrating useful functionality, but no...

How can I authenticate a user session across servers ?

Problem: A download link should be displayed in a user's home page. That download link should ONLY be accessible if the user logged in. But the real problem is that the user's home page and the download link are on separate web servers. Is there a way I can send a token with the download link and validate it there? ...

Unpaired value in UriTemplate works on one computer, but not another

In my web service I have to recieve HTTP request over a URI of the form /a?b: [OperationContract] [WebInvoke(UriTemplate = "http://hostname/.../a?b")] Stream MethodName(Stream stream); without the typical ?b=c. This works fine on my development computer, running Windows Vista and .NET 3.5 SP1 (and adding URLACLs). However when attemp...

How to implement DataList (asp.net) kind of functionality in PHP?

I want to display data in two columns as below Entry 1 Entry 2 entry 1 description entry 2 description Entry 3 Entry 4 entry 3 description entry 4 description Entry 5 entry 5 description Now In asp...

Creating a document fragment in YUI 2.x

Is it possible to create a document fragment from a string and get a reference to it using the YUI 2.x API? If so, how is it done? ...

Should I be using a framework for Ruby?

I have once again fleshed out Ruby, after two years of not touching it, and am considering programming for the web with Ruby. However, I have found that the Ruby on Rails framework is just too large and bloated for my taste. It is usually a matter of preference, but in my case, I just want to be able to program on the web without having ...

Google App Engine compatibility layer

I'm planning an application running on Google App Engine. The only worry I would have is portability. Or just the option to have the app run on a local, private cluster. I expected an option for Google App Engine applications to run on other systems, a compatibility layer, to spring up. I could imagine a GAE compatible framework utiliz...

configuring e-tags

I am using Yslow as a simple speed benchmarking tool and I came across a really confusing concept. The E-tag So the main problem is : How do I configure E-tags? my grade in yslow says: There are 19 components with misconfigured ETags * http://thehotelinventory.com/media/js/jquery.min.js * http://thehotelinventory.com/media/js/jquery.c...

How does a URL qualify to be called a CDN

I would like to build my own Content Distrobution Network and I have come across a blog post showing how to do it with one of Google's services. But I can't understand it. Here's a few more questions. Are images hosted in Flickr considered to be "in a CDN"? If I create a subdomain within my domain, put directories for files in there, a...

SecurityException when making ajax call from only a certain machine?

When a certain machine tries to access my website, all AJAX calls fail. This happens for all browers on this machine, and no firewall or anything of the sort seems to be enabled. What could be the issue here? Opera tells me that the AJAX calls are returning a SecurityException. What could POSSIBLY be happening to cause this one machine ...

Best Practise of Making notifications for logged in user

Hi. I am making a web-site , which is a social network. There is need of making overall notification block/bar on the website. User should be notified when a) there is new message b) there is new friend request c) there is new photo rating .... As application (php/mysql) should be made with future calculation of minimum 100-1500 us...

Handling a form and its action: one page or two?

When doing web programming there seem to be two different ways of handling a form and its action. Is there a reason to prefer one method over the other? Method 1: One page that displays a form or handles a submitted form. This seems simple, in that there's one form for everything. But it also means the if/else cases can become rather l...

How do online port checkers work?

For example http://www.utorrent.com/testport?port=12345 How does this work? Can the server side script attempt to open a socket? ...

how to set cache for css/js file.

Hi all, I have to use the cache for the css files and js file which i used in the site. my site running in a shared hosting server. nothing can be done with server. so what could be the solution for use cache and compression for js and css files. ...

Generate an image / thumbnail of a webpage using X/Gui-less linux

There exists numerous solutions on generating a thumbnail or an image preview of a webpage. Some of these solutions are webs-based like websnapshots, windows libraries such as PHP's imagegrabscreen (only works on windows), and KDE's wkhtml. Many more do exist. However, I'm looking for a GUI-less solution. Something I can create an API a...

Is there server-side code which is not cross browser compatible?

Was there a case in any server-side language where a code did not work in a browser while it did work in the rest? I am asking this because I can't imagine such a scenario because server-side code runs in the server, not in the browser but I have seen discussions where, as said, there were "server-side browser compatibility issues". I c...