
Creating a WebService C# ASP.Net

The Code Snippet is as follwos namespace RecruiterWebService { /// <summary> /// Summary description for Service1 /// </summary> [WebService(Namespace = "http://tempuri.org/") ] [WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)] [ToolboxItem(false)] public class **Service1** : System.Web.Services...

Proxy exceptions in C#

We have a problem with our project. We make web services with C# and a client for the web services. In our office the client work fine, but in production we have a problem with proxy. Proxy is configured in Windows Internet Properties. The client has to connect to http:\aaa.com and http:\aaa.com is a proxy exception. But the client doesn...

Metro - Missing <wsse:Security> in SOAP Header

I am writing a Java console client app for an existing web service with Metro. The classes are generated with wsimport, and I have a small test program that instantiates a service and a port, executes the following code, and calls the service. ((BindingProvider) port).getRequestContext().put( BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY, "som...

Getting to the query string (GET request array) inside a web service in .NET

I'm looking to find a way to access the .net query string contained in the standard ASP.NET request object inside a web service. In other words if I set a SOAP web service to this url: http://localhost/service.asmx?id=2 Can I access the ID Get variable? ...

java.util.List is an interface, and JAXB can't handle interfaces

Hi. I seemed to get the following exception when trying to deploy my application: Caused by: com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.IllegalAnnotationsException: 2 counts of IllegalAnnotationExceptions java.util.List is an interface, and JAXB can't handle interfaces. this problem is related to the following location: at java.util.List ...

Access Web service from Oracle stored procedure

Is there anybody who has successfully accessed a Web service from an Oracle stored procedure? If so, was it a Java stored procedure? A PL/SQL stored procedure? Is there any reason why I should not be trying to access a WS from a stored proc? Here are a couple refs that I found so far Database Web Services Calling external Web Servi...

Is it really such a bad idea to use webservices to wrap data-access layer?

I am not convinced - I think it might be useful to expose your data to different consumers that can build their front-end apps on top of your webservice. Can someone provide samples of when using web-services to wrap data-access layer is a bad idea? ...

Managing web service views/templates for several clients

I have a server-side web service that serves to multiple clients. Clients include web browsers, iPhone, BlackBerry, Android etc. My question is, I need to be able to generate dynamic content for views to these clients. Be it a full blown HTML template, an HTML snippet, JSON, XML, etc. Depending on the user-agent of the requesting client,...

Web Service or DLL?

I'm creating an app that needs to be accessed by both a web front end hosted on an internal network and also run as a scheduled task. Nothing will need to be accessed outside of our internal systems and once the app is up and running we don't envisage anything changing for some time. My initial thought is to create a DLL encapsulating t...

DbNull.Value Stored Procedure Parameter?

I have a web service which has a generic function that returns a dataset from results of stored procedures... Some of the stored procedures have optional parameters where the value can be null but not all the time. Anyhow I am trying to pass in a parameter which has a value of DBNull.Value and I get this There was an error generating t...

Developing Web services applications from existing WSDL files

Hello, I have done this on Websphere (re: title of this topic) using wsdl2java for generating wsdl to java mapping xml file. My endpoint is a generic stateless EJB. The code in EJB is generated by traversing the each wsdl and getting the wsdl operation and stuck it in the generated remote EJB interface. Each EJB method impl is generic an...

Tips for implementing a 'Please wait' control for a Flex application

What would be a clever way to make a 'please wait' control for a Flex application for long running operations like calling a webservice. I am not asking about the graphical portion of it - just the 'controller' part. How should I trigger it and hide it. I am planning to make just a simple canvas with text in. For instance : can I som...

Generating documentation for a RESTful Web Service from Python

I would like to generate documentation for a RESTful web service API that is written in Python. Ideally it would look like Yahoo's RESTful web service docs. Does anyone have any ideas or references? ...

How do you deserialize a collection with child collections?

I have a collection of custom entity objects one property of which is an ArrayList of byte arrays. The custom entity is serializable and the collection property is marked with the following attributes: [XmlArray("Images"), XmlArrayItem("Image",typeof(byte[]))] So I serialize a collection of these custom entities and pass them to a web ...

how to synchronize webservice calls in javascript

I have a control application - using asp.net webservices. I have a timer which does an asynchronous webservice call every 5 seconds to update the screen.There are also user buttons to refresh parts of the screen, also doing async webservice calls. The issue is my screen get messy if a user webservice command is issued before the timer ...

What is the best way to connect to a DotNet web service from java?

We have a dotnet web service that a java using customer wants to connect to. What is the best technology for them to use? Axis or Metro, or something else? ...

WebService - Soap message Handler problem, websphere

**I have two webservice, say A and B. I have created a handler for WS-A, as I want to modify the SOAP msg before it reaches to WS-B. For this, I have created a handler using javax.xml.rpc.handler.GenericHandler and implemented the method public boolean handleRequest(MessageContext arg0){} and configured this handler with proxy applicatio...

Flush cached data from IIS?

I'm being asked to look into a problem that occurs intermittently on a WebServer running my team's application. Essentially, we have a webservice that does a lookup between codes. If you have Code Type A, you can use it to look up the corresponding Code Type B. Periodically, when memory is running low, when this webservice is called, ...

Using spring to get your service layer - good idea?

Suppose I have service layer doing hibernate and DB stuff. Silverlight and windows clients need to get service layer through some kind of remote service. ASP.NET would benefit if could get it directly (on the same machine, same process, class instantiation). Is it a good idea to use spring or other tool to "get" your service layer throu...

Vector or diagram drawing webservice

I have a webapp from which I'd like to insert diagrams and images quickly and easily. I expect there is, somewhere out there, a webservice which will take a URL with a parameter that describes the vector graphics or diagram and returns an image. No unlike what google charts does for graphing data. Any resources or ideas on this? If I...