
What opensource CMS: generates clean xhtml, is skinable with css, and has a lightweight markup content editor?

See title. By lightweight markup I mean something like markdown or wikitext. ...

Web designer for simple reports

Users of my web app need to edit and "save as" their reports and then execute and export them to PDF or Excel files. I need to know if there is a designer (web) for simple reports (open source would be better). Reports are not complex: just data fields, master-detail, labels, simple formulas, lines, static images... Is there any? (too m...

What is the most stable, least intrusive way to track web traffic between two sites?

I need to track traffic between a specific set of web sites. I would then store the number of clicks in a database table with the fields fromSite, toSite, day, noOfClicks. The complete urls are unimportant - only web site identity is needed. I've ruled out redirects since I don't want my server to be a single point of failure. I want th...

What is your single favorite book or online resource for getting started with unit testing?

I am looking for a book or online resource that gives a good overview of the subject, and is also practical for implementing unit testing. The book should be useful for users of different programming languages. ...

Should a novice programmer spend time learning to write "desktop" applications these days, or is the web where it's at?

As a novice, I've spent time learning a smattering of C and a fair bit of PHP. I've looked at writing desktop applications for Windows, but there seems to be a fair barrier to entry due to complexity of APIs. Is it worth learning this, or will native applications become less common in the future? The way I see it, the only desktop appli...

How do I pop up an image in a separate div on the mouseover of a div using only CSS?

I have a small gallery of thumbnails. When I place my mouse pointer over a thumbnail image I'd like to have a full size image pop up in a div in the top right of the screen. I've seen this done using just CSS and I'd like to go down that route rather than use javascript if possible. ...

What is the difference between "lang" and "type" attributes in a script tag?

For <script> HTML tags, what is the technical difference between "lang=Javascript" and "type=text/javascript"? I usually use both, because I've always assumed that older browsers need one or the other. ...

Displaying code in blog posts

What libraries and/or packages have you used to create blog posts with code blocks? Having a javascript library that would support line numbers and indentation is ideal. ...

Free supportticket software

I am searching for a better alternative to osTicket. Can you give any advise? [Update] I would want it not to be overfilled with features, since I want to be able to use it without having to get into it alot ...

How can the error 'Client found response content type of 'text/html'.. be interpreted.

I'm using C# and connecting to a WebService via an auto-generated C# proxy object. The method I'm calling can be long running, and sometimes times out. I get different errors back, sometimes I get a System.Net.WebException or a System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException. These exceptions have properties I can interrogate to find the spe...

Is there a way to clear a user's brower of my page, or say not to use cache?

Is there a command in classic ASP I can use to tell the browser not to pull the page from it's cache, or, to not cache, or clear the cache of my page? ...

Which format for small website images? GIF or PNG?

When doing small icons, header graphics and the like for websites, is it better to use GIFs or PNGs? Obviously if transparency effects are required, then PNGs are definitely the way to go, and for larger, more photographic images I'd use JPEGs - but for normal web "furniture", which would you recommend and why? It may just be the tools...

What is the best way to embed LaTeX in a webpage?

I'm not asking about converting a LaTeX document to html. What I'd like to be able to do is have some way to use LaTeX math commands in an html document, and have it appear correctly in a browser. This could be done server or client side. ...

What Event to Trigger Javascript Form Field Validation and Formatting?

Let me first say, we validate every field on the server side, so this a question about client-side usability. What is the conventional wisdom on exactly when to validate and format html form input fields using javascript? As an example, we have a phone number field. We allow numbers, spaces, parentheses, and hyphens. We want the fiel...

What is the semantic web, and why would I want to use it?

Just like it reads. ...

Debug/Monitor middleware for python wsgi applications

I'm searching a wsgi middleware which I can warp around a wsgi applications and which lets me monitor incoming and outgoing http requests and header fields. Something like firefox live headers, but for the server side. ...

How do you design a website to make the best use of ads?

Is anyone aware of general UI design guidelines for increasing ad revenue from web ads? Obviously many SO users use adblock, and probably find this type of question reprehensible, but I believe that it is possible to integrate advertising (and other revenue streams) into sites so that they are visually appealing, on-target, and functiona...

How would you organize a timezone dropdown?

I'm trying to present the (web) user with a useful subset of Olson timezones, though with a friendlier naming convention. Any recommendations for how to sort and label them for maximum usefulness? By country? Continent? GMT offset? I'm not very concerned about inaccuracy for past dates, so some of the timezones that are only histori...

Image icon beside the site URL

I would like to have information about the icons which are displayed alongside the site URLs on a web browser. Is this some browser specific feature? Where do we specify the icon source, ie, is it in some tag on the web page itself ? ...

How to work around the [1] IE bug while saving an excel file from a Web server ?

I've noticed that Internet Explorer adds a number in square brackets to files downloaded from the internet (usually [1]). This creates a big problem with downloading Excel spreadsheets as square brackets are not a valid filename character inside Excel worksheet name. That problem is IE specific, others browsers are keeping same file name...