
Disabling/Overriding some Javascript from Webbrowser Control using Inject?

I am trying to access a page that has certain javascript that causes errors and prevents the page from fully rendering. <script language="Javascript"> parent.hidden.vPageState = parent.hidden.NEW_LIST; </script> and <body onload="top.menu.activateCell(3);"> Both of these errors are related to the fact that I am accessing the page ...

How might I call a JavaScript Function in a Page Viewed by a WebBrowser Control from the Application Hosting the WebBrowser Control?

I've created a C# Desktop Application which depends on web crawler idea. I made my application using web browser control to open a website and login progmatically and redirect to the specific page which have a gridview with all user's data that I want to collect... But the issue here username in the gridview click fired by JavaScript ...

Yahoo "White Screen" with WebBrowser object

Using the Microsoft .NET WebBrowser control sometimes leads to a White Screen. Yahoo.com is a great example of a website that does that depending on your IE settings. I have found that by changing the Internet Options in Internet Explorer, those same settings will affect the WebBrowser object as well and make it possible for the WebBro...

How to click a Javascript button that doesn't exist

I am trying to use WebBrowser control to click a button that doesn't have any anchor text or anything I looked at the source and saw this. var _tm7 = new TabMenu( 'TempoTabMenuControl', 'TempoTabMenuControlRow', ['Add Edit'], 0); _tm7.Add(new TabMenuItem('View Menu', '/Edit/NewUI.html?tstudio=45', 'main'), true); _tm7.Ad...

Web browser stealing focus

i have two winforms loaded simultaneously first form with web browser and second form having just controls second form always on top of second form, second form doesn't receive any mouse events while first form loaded, after closing first form, second form receive all mouse events. how do i solve this issue ...

Javascript Window.Opener Object Null on .NET WebBrowser Control New Window

Well I have a Pop up in the WebBroswer control of the .NET Framework that I capture with the NewWindow event handler like so. WebBrowser w = new WebBrowser(); SHDocVw.WebBrowser_V1 web = (SHDocVw.WebBrowser_V1)w.ActiveXInstance; web.NewWindow += new SHDocVw.DWebBrowserEvents_NewWindowEventHandler(web_NewWindow); The new Popup is in a ...

Multiple WebBrower sessions / processes in one window

Hello, I would like to create a .NET application that utilizes multiple instances of the WebBrowser control. The catch is that I'd like each web browser control to be running it's own session. IOW, I have a requirement that the collection of session cookies, javascript global namespace, etc. is separate for each instance and that all ...

Mono and window.external

This will be a Windows Forms application deployed through ClickOnce. The plan is to use the WebBrowser control to expose a web application that makes use of Active-X controls. Using window.external and InvokeScript, the objects will be replaced with references to Reg-Free COM objects (SXS). I know this sounds like a mess, but it's a les...

How to make WPF WebBrowser grow horizontally and vertically?

In WPF, we are using a WebBrowser control to view HTML content. When we place the control on our window, it grows horizontally with the window as it grows/shrinks. However, we have not found a way to make the control grow vertically with the window. We are looking for some sample code that will allow the WebBrowser WPF control to grow...

add custom context menu to hosted web browser control

I am hosting a web browser control, and want to provide my own context menu. Ideally, I want to present my own context menu, that contains the original browser's context menu (with all addins etc.) as a sub menu. If that's not possible / to tricky, I'd be ok with e.g. normally showing my context menu, and showing the original one when ...

handle keyboard events / shortcuts in hosted web browser control

I am hosting a web browser control, and I don't know how to fetch hotkeys such as [F1] when the control has focus. My primary need is displaying custom help when the user presses F1, however, generally being able to provide additionla shortcuts would be nice. (additional information is available at my related question - I hope it was t...

Converting an HtmlElement into an Image?

I'm using a WebBrowser control in VB.Net to load a website. At that point, the WebBrowser.Document.Images property returns a collection of HtmlElement that are considered images. What I'm trying to do at this point, is take a particular HtmlElement that represents an image and turn it into a System.Drawing.Image so that I can manipulat...

Change port number used by .NET WebBrowser Control

How can I change the port number used by WebBrowser control? The standard port number is 80, but I would like to use a different port. ...

wpf: change font size for WebBrowser control

How to do this? ...

How to login to website using webbrowser control

Hi, I need to programmtically key in the username, password for a website using Webbrowser control in Visual Basic 6.0 application (please note it is not .Net application) and also click on Login button. Also I am not trying to hack or spam. The requirement is part of interfacing that I am trying to create between multiple applications...

How do i simulate a click event in a webbrowser control? .NET

So there is a button call next (page). Its href link is site/blah/#. So i know its really running javascript code. After i finish parsing the first page i would like to parse the next page. How do i simulate a mouse click there so i can continue loading and parsing pages? i am using C# .NET ...

multiple webbrowser control, seperate cookies?

I notice when i visit a certain page with the webbrowser-control i am logged in as the same user as i am in IE. I want to visit the same page as and not as the logged in user. How do i do this? I would hate to repeatedly log in and out. -edit- I no longer need this. But i'll leave this question up. ...

Windows Forms WebBrowser Control and AJAX

Right now i am calling my function on webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted. It doesn't run correctly. However when i press button2 and call the very same func it does. It seems like my code needs some time for JavaScript and Ajax to run. When event should i call my code from? i dont want to click a button every time? ...

Iterating through a bunch of pages, webbrowser control

I have a list of urls which i need to parse and dump data from. The pages require ajax and i require the DOM (and not html) to parse correctly. So i am using a webbrowser control. How do i iterator through a list and parse each page? I am writing for(int i=0; i<pageList.Count; i++) { webBrowser1.Navigate(pageList[i]); ...

How to check if webbrowser control is busy/in use?

I am loading a page in a webbrowser control. How can i check when its completely done? i know about DocumentCompleted, but one page may call it 5 or many more times. How do i check when its completely done? ...