
webbrowser control and memory problems

My app is using roughly 300mb. I checked all objects i created with new and wrote a using around it if it had a dispose interface. Now with the web browser control i visit rougly 450 pages all which have ads on them and many use ajax request so for sure more then 1k request. Why is the app taking that much memory? i did notice i can cli...

Detecting Port Utilized by Webbrowser

When the webbrowser control issues an HTTP request to a URL, it is assigned a port - which is utilized for the length of that connection. Is there away to find out which port is being utilized for each connection the webbrowser control establishes/issues? ...

How can I successfully implement IDocHostUIHandler in .NET?

I've a webbrowser control and I'm trying implement IDocHostUIHandler in the container. However since I don't have a default IOleClientSite I can't forward all events to a default container. And I couldn't find a way to response all of them, giving wrong responses to some of the events or not doing anything causing application to crash. ...

Can I use window.external in after using SetClientSite?

How can I use window.external after using SetClientSite in Webbrowser Control without implementing IDocHostUIHandler? ...

How to turn off webbrowser Information Bar?

Hi I am using WPF C# WebBrowser control to navigate a local html file which contains js and css file links, so when my application navigates that local file I get an unwanted security warning information bar, can anyone suggest how to turn it off using C#? I know that I can turn it off in IE settings,and can use frame, but I don't want t...

Best Way to Render HTML in WinForms application?

I have a WinForms application, running on .net 3.5. This Application generates HTML on the fly, which includes the complete document, and also an inline-CSS-Stylesheet (inside the head element). I am using the WebBrowser control and setting browser.DocumentText to my generated HTML, but that does not seem to properly apply styles on the...

How to increase spacing between lines in webbrowser control

HiI am using C# webbrowser control in design mode to give users an ability to create templates for their work, Can I somhow decrease and increase line spacing in this control in design view? ...

Displaying an Image in a WebBrowser Control without accessing external Files

I am using the WebBrowser Control in C# in an application to display HTML. All the data comes from a database, so I am generating a full page with Inline-CSS in Memory and sending it to the browser. But now I want to support images, which seems to be a problem because I do not want to store the images on Hard drive, not even in a Temp D...

System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser.Print() displays print dialog

From MSDN: This method prints the current document without requiring further user input. To display the Print dialog box prior to printing, use the ShowPrintDialog method. But when I execute .Print() in my code, I always get the normal Windows printer dialog box. My question is simply: how do I avoid display of the printe...

How to find the IWebBrowser2 pointer for an IE8 window given a PID?

Hi, so far, I've successfully used the following function to retrieve the IWebBrowser2 pointer to a running Internet Explorer instance, given it's PID. static SHDocVw::IWebBrowser2Ptr findBrowserByPID( DWORD pid ) { SHDocVw::IShellWindowsPtr ptr; ptr.CreateInstance(__uuidof(SHDocVw::ShellWindows)); if ( ptr == NULL ) { ...

MultiThreading WebBrowser Control C# STA

Hi. I want to make 3 threads that each run the WebBroswer control. So I would like to use the ThreadPool to make things easy. for(int i = 0;i < 3;i++) { ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(gotoWork), i)); } WaitAll(waitHandles); ....../ void gotoWork(object o) { string url = String.Empty; int num = (int)o; ...

MS WebBrowser + Embedded HTML Resource + res:// Protocol

Hi, I have an embedded HTML resource (helloworld.htm) inside my Visual Studio project. (Ie, I've added an HTML file to the project and set its properties to "Embedded Resource". Within the same application I have a WebBrowser control. I'd like to direct the WebBrowser control to display the HTML resource using the res:// protocol. Bu...

How does the Mac Web Dash board app work?

Would like to understand how to build a tool like the mac os dash board widget (web clip). Am looking at trying to build it with webkit but not sure if thats the right way to go. Some thoughts were to using webkit and some DOM to display only the viewport that a user requests. While this works so well on mac os, am trying to build it...

Disable Image loading on WebBrowser-Control C# .Net 2.0+

I am using vs2008 and I would like to disable image loading on my webbrowser control but I dont see any solution except for the WebBrowserEX which doesn't seem outside of .net 1.1. Anyone know how to do this? Thanks! ...

Clickable links in WebBrowser control in edit mode

I'm using the Windows.Forms WebBrowser control in edit mode to enable html editing in our application (.net 3.5 C# windows forms). The problem is that in edit mode, the links in the html are not clickable (i.e. hovering over them does not show the hand mouse cursor, and click them just inserts the cursor at that spot, rather than navigat...

Get selected text from PDF in web browser control in windows form

I need to know if I can get the selected text from a pdf that has been loaded into a web browser control that is in a windows form. I am using C# and Visual Studio 2008 with .net 3.5 and down. I have the pdf showing in the control but I can not figure out how to get access to the selected text within that document. The mshtml document is...

Caching and the WebBrowser control in .Net

Hi I'm using the WebBrowser control in .Net to execute some 3rd party affiliate marketing conversions. I have a queue table in a database with all the scripts/images to execute. I loop through all these in a WinForms app with the WebBrowser control. After I've executed a script/image I Dispose the WebBrowser control, set it to null, an...

What does an MVC Delphi with WebBroser and HTML application look like?

I was confused when I first read Christer Fahlgren's comment on an answer on this question, where he states you would benifit from using 'MVC style design' when starting an application that uses both Delphi and a WebBrowser component on a form, and HTML with CSS and JavaScript to create a fancy mix of flexible UI and dynamically updating...

WPF WebBrowser Cookies to be used in WebRequest

I try to construct WebRequest to a web page after successful logging in to secured web portal via WPF WebBrowser control, but stuck with the problem of reusing WebBrowser cookies in WebRequest. Unlike WinForms, in WPF WebBrowser control there is no way to extract CookieCollection via WebBrowser.Document.Cookies because Document object ...

webbrowser printing

HiI am using C# WPF webbrowser control to show html file in my local machine, I added a print feature to my application by executing print command of webbrowser control, but default behavior of Internet Explorer is to print file url in the bottom of the screen , can I turn header and footer printing for my control? Have WebBrowser contro...