
Comparison of tools offered by different browsers for web developers?

How do browsers compare in terms of tools offered to web developers? What is the browser of choice for you as a web developer? What features or extensions make it so? ...

silverlight webbrowser control InvokeScript error

I am running OOB silverlight application where I have a WebBrowser control but I am getting this error when I call InvokeScript:- Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation. Is it because it's OOB ? ...

WebBrowser control

Ok, so here's the deal -- I'm running a Windows Forms WebBrowser control from a service. I know thats a no-no, but it seems to work alright. The only thing I'm running into a problem with is trying to wait for the browser's pages to load. In a normal application, I'd just do something like while (browser.readystate != complete) Appli...

How to enable "Caret Browsing" functionality in WebBrowser control in C# or VB.NET

Hi, I have IE 8 installed on my machine; and trying to integrate the "Caret Browsing" (navigation using Keyboard) concept into application which i am planning to develop. My sample application in VB.NET as follows: A Form - Form1 A Text box - TextBox1 A Button - Button1 A WebBrowser control - WebBrowser1 Added following line of cod...

How to find out which javascript or stylesheet file load failed in WebBrowser?

Dear all, I have a WinForm application which display some local html file with the WebBrowser, the html file also have some linked stylesheet file and javascript file and these files should be deployed with the application and html files. But sometimes we miss some javascript or stylesheet file in the deployment package, now I want to lo...

multiple webbrowser control and multiple threads

Hi, My app contains 2 webbrowsers and 2 threads. The browsers run separate on each thread. Both have been added to the Form in a tabcontrol on different tabpages. Also got their own document_complete1 and 2 event. The problem is, only 1 webbrowser has documentText after WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs event fires which is the webb...

WPF WebBrowser not including the hash in the source url ?

I'm currently trying to make a log in for facebook users into my WPF application. It's using .net 4 and it's being developed in VS2010. After following the steps stated in the facebook developers page I cannot get it working. The success url should be followed by a hash (#) and the access_token after the login, but webbrowser.Source.toSt...

Controlling Browser using Python?

Is it possible to control a web browser like Firefox using Python? I would want to do things like launch the browser force clicks on URLs take screenshots etc. ...

How can I programmatically send events to Qt's webkit?

I would like to create a specialized browser that can enter certain information semi-automatically into pages that are browsed. I am using for this Qt Webkit (in particular the python bindings). How can I do this? ...

Website Automation Using C# and WebBrowser

hi, I am building an application which opens a website in WebBrowser control and then puts some text in fields and then clicks submits on few buttons one after another. Have a look at code bellow... var doc = webBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("ddlOnBoro"); doc.SetAttribute("SelectedIndex", "3"); var temp = doc.InvokeMember("change"...

why can't I navigate to a page in the webbrowser control during runtime?

When I do something like this webBrowser1 = new WebBrowser(); webBrowser1.Url = new Uri("http://google.com"); webBrowser1.Navigate("http://google.com"); all I get is a blank window. when I step through this webBrowser1.Url stays = null after the second statement has executed. Why is that? if I set the url property before I co...

Windows Phone 7 clear cookies

Is there any possibility to clear cookies generated by WebBrowser control in Silverlight on Windows Phone 7? ...

How do I edit the url in python and open a new page without having a new window or tab opened?

I am trying to create a python script that opens a single page at a time, however python + mozilla make it so everytime I do this, it opens up a new tab. I want it to keep just a single window open so that it can loop forever without crashing due to too many windows or tabs. It will be going to about 6-7 websites and the current code i...

How to disable caching in the .NET WebBrowser Control?

I have been googling for hours and trying to figure this out, and I just can't. I have 1 webbrowser control on a form, webbrowser1. Once I load a page, say google.com, if I use webbrowser1.refresh() or webbrowser1.navigate("google.com"), it's not reloading the page, it has it cached so it's just reloading the cache. This is terribly appa...

Communicating and Controlling web page from C#

Hi I have already opened a webpage in Firefox which is actually running through the apache web server on the same machine. And I have C# application running on the same machine. Now I want to refresh/inform my already open web page that C# has finished processing. I have seen the threads all over the web and also some similar threads on...

vb6 Capture Entire Web Page

Hey all, I've been trying to find the code that allowed me to capture an entire web page using the webbrowser1 control and i believe also a picturebox or 2.. but i am not able to find the code that i used a couple months ago! I've been goodgling until I'm all googled out! If anyone knows of the code for VB6 then please post a link to it...

How to select a class by GetElementByClass and click on it programmically.

I have been trying to use this code to read the element by class in html/ajax knowing GetElementByClass is not a option in webBrowser.Document. I can't seem to get a return value then invoke the member. Is there a work around for this? References: Getting HTMLElements by Class Name Example: <span class="example">(<a href="http://www.t...

Frame vs WebBrowser

If all I'm trying to do is display the contents of some web page in a WPF app, what are the pro's and cons of using the WebBrowser control versus the Frame control? As I understand it Frame wraps WebBrowser anyway. I have no need to display WPF in my control so that feature of Frame doesn't concern me. Thanks in advance. ...

C# stop webbrowser control from loading images, flash, script, etc

Hi, How can i stop the webbrowser from loading/displaying images, flash, script etc? I found this article that deals with it, but i dont know how to implement that "STDMETHODIMP CAtlBrCon::Invoke" function This is the link:article Can anyone point me into the right direction? ...

C# webBrowser object

Hello, I'm using the webBrowser object to surf to a page that has an Iframe. I'm trying to get the Specific objects in this iframe by using the GetElementByID function. I do something like this: webBrowser1.document.GetelementByID("iframeName").document.GetElementByID("ElementName) It doesn't work. I get Null. Any ideas? TY ...